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N-Europe Summer Meetup, innit - Hyde Park, Saturday 18th July. No penguins allowed.


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Ah true, very true! The boys of N-E will have to be vair vair nice to me. To be fair aimless has offered me a muffin for my late birthday and Pooki a cookie?




It's more than just a cookie, in fact, it's many cookies! I wanted it to sound better than Aimless' muffin...of course if you take my cookies I'll happy accept his second rate muffin! ;)


Aimless: It's on boy!!!

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Actually the original promise was for a (piece of) cake, but as muffins are more readily available one was posited as a backup. M&S might have also have been name-dropped, so I hope those cookies are of a high standard; Maryland won't cut it.


Hmm...you play a tough bake friend...perhaps I shall delve into my culinary past and create the finest cookies, so fine that not even Zeus could eat them for they are too delicious, therefore causing the heavens to part, which in turn causes the lightning bolt of the infamous God to strike the earth with great might, creating in the process, none other than:


El Pookiablo - Baker of Awesome

"He's so good, he just takes the biscuit"

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ghar har har


In all seriousness, judging from previous N-E encounters, you don't have anything to worry about. Jokes are thrown around on here like wildfire but, with any luck, most of us are civilised humans :heh:


Dude - you can't go promising civility. She has actually met me and Dan you know...



'Nuff said? :heh:

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I'm painting my toenails, so I can't come.


Nah, think me and the wifey will be coming, although we've got nothing sorted in place yet. Although, this is like...forever away. So, we can leave it to the last minute and panic then. :D





Ahem, anyway, so far our plan is to come, but I can't check Eurostar prices yet until next month or something. Planning might start then. =P

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Ahem, anyway, so far our plan is to come, but I can't check Eurostar prices yet until next month or something. Planning might start then. =P


Hahaha, WifeyMcKnifey! :D


Nooo, are we gonna see a return of the list?! For the love of God, don't look for a GoogleMap, again! *remembers the trek for a hotel, which they're thinking of making into a Hollywood Trilogy*

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Eenuh: I'm planning a trip over to mainland Europe in early June and prices booking now for the Eurostar are £25 each way, so I can't see you having to spend much more than £50 - £60 if you come over in July.


For some reason, going from Belgium to London is more expensive than the other way around. And July might be more expensive as it's holiday period.

To take the Eurostar this week for example, I paid €93, so I guess it'll be something like that in July as well (except if I order months in advance it might be a bit cheaper).


Plus of course hotel costs to stay in London for a day or two. =)

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For some reason, going from Belgium to London is more expensive than the other way around. And July might be more expensive as it's holiday period.

To take the Eurostar this week for example, I paid €93, so I guess it'll be something like that in July as well (except if I order months in advance it might be a bit cheaper).


Plus of course hotel costs to stay in London for a day or two. =)


Don't worry, with the way the economy's going you'll be richer than any of us with your big european euros, damn you! But yeah, you should come! Everyone should come! Everyone should stop being pervy! Or at least just do it in your heads! Everyone should come!! It's gonna be cool, and of everyone I have met on the forums, at least 95% of them are cool, and probably more, ReZ is more strange than not cool, really. I fear I'm not selling things here...but it'll be good, honest!


Hostels and stuff though, afraid I'm still gonna have to leave you guys to arrange that amongst yourselves. Just pointing it out with boldness because if none of you take a step towards it, it won't happen by itself. Let's try to leave all the poor ladies alone, too(if Jordan and Letty'll have you nightwolf, that seems a sound/safe/furthest from Moogle sort of plan). :D

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