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Aw no fucking fair! We don't even have close to a flake of snow here in Bath. I bet my sister is enjoying the time of her life where she is...


In Bristol, on the way to work, there were a few snowflakes flying about but nothing to get excited about. Fingers crossed for more. It's pretty freezing, the least we could have is some snow.

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no workies for bluey and jamba ~ fuck you, london underground :grin:




*Grumble grumble*


On the plus side I did fall over on the way to work in a very comical fashion. Like there was a strip of slippery that I didnt even see and I started skiing forward whilst gradually toppling backwards. It was so gradual it was practically like slow motion.

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my boss is super optimistic.

i called to say i couldnt get in and she was like "meeeeh call back in an hour see if it's better by then...!"



s...snow day...??


EDIT: aww crap. SO optimistic in fact that my boss had the bright idea of getting me to work from home online. ahh well... at least i can work in my dressing gown and drink crazy amounts of tea! :grin:

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It's think down in sotuheast! I've not got work so it's not really a snow day but I do wanna go and hang with my friends and play in the snow but due to the nature of the snow it means that like...all public transport is cancelled! I've got a fucking long walk ahead of me, it seems.

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Ha! work just rang up at 10am earlier and asked if I wanted to work today. There's no way I'm driving 23 miles in snowy like weather to listen to customers moan/complain and ask the same snow related questions over and over.


Think I'II shower then walk the dog instead.

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Yeah, it's snowing. I didn't know because I hadn't looked outside until someone told me it was snowing, so I peered out. Win.


A few years back when it snowed everyone in my house got completely naked at about 3 in the morning and ran around in the dimly lit streets. Apart from me I seem to recall. My cock is small enough without being in the snow

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A few years back when it snowed everyone in my house got completely naked at about 3 in the morning and ran around in the dimly lit streets. Apart from me I seem to recall. My cock is small enough without being in the snow


What the...?

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I feel like I live in a different country to you guys there is so much more snow where I am maybe surrey just has shit saftey people that arent clearing it up lol.


Its still snowing as well im scared I have to go back to work tonight lol!

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*Looks out of window at work*


Ah, there we go, now that's what I call snow, and it looks like it's settling...however I'm at work and not at home where I could be frolicking in the snow and having fun...in fact...if it snows too much I might be stuck at work if they stop the buses...oh dear...am I being too paranoid?

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Lets see, right now all i see is........tarmack. And a few flakes of snow, but it is so windy here it is just blowing away. Darn it.


At least on the bridge on the way into work we have icicles about a meter long. My mate got some pics, he may send them my way later so i can upload them.


If you were living in Germany, the cars in any of the above pics would have to be cleaned 100% of snow or you get fined.

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Starting to melt here in bournemouth :(


Was a nice suprise this morning though, even if it did screw up all the busses. I looked out the window and literally yelled "Snow!!!", woke up my g/f and she too was excited, if just for a second before going back to sleep. Was nice though :p

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