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Weight Loss 2009


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OMG, my pet peeve right there... :p


When people say that I always go into some kind of "tell me about that" mode...

For example, why say that statement before some information unless you have preconceived issues about what is coming next? Or maybe the person is trying to please someone or be tentative about something. I just find that a really interesting statement.

I can't understand it that's all..it's not something I ever say. Maybe I should try it so someone can try to analyse me...




This will probably sound stupid...but you've just learnt a little more about me.


See what I mean? : peace:


That doesn't make sense. You can use anything out of context and it won't make sense. It's used for when you are going to say something that others may consider stupid but you yourself don't. And it doesn't have to be stupid. It could be many things.


This will probably sound weird, but I like to shave my ballsack.

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That doesn't make sense. You can use anything out of context and it won't make sense. It's used for when you are going to say something that others may consider stupid but you yourself don't. And it doesn't have to be stupid. It could be many things.


This will probably sound weird, but I like to shave my ballsack.


Yeah but it's still a presumptuous opening line to any conversation, even if the presumption is on the individual or the other person.

Thus it being a pet peeve of mine.

I guess it's open to interpretation though. Language tends to be.

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So i've started my cutting down. Never been terribly overweight but I was a skinny oink in primary school and suddenly ballooned when I when into Academy. My routine is very simple. I stop eating all shite like chocolate and crisps. Substitute Coke/beer for water. Then i basically live on Toast, Shreddies and soup. I also do about a 2/3 mile run every night. Which sounds like a lot, but they say you walk a mile in 15 mins, so about 20 mins jogging/running is near enough.

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I'm actually pretty happy with my weight, even though I could probably stand to lose about two or three more kilos or whatever, heh.

But since October I already lost quite a bit, and my clothing size actually went down, yay! ^____^


Now I just need to find a way to get some more muscles, tone up a bit. Anyone know of an easy and good working routine so I can tone up my stomach and upper legs/thighs? I know of some exercises but yeah... Any tips are welcome! =D

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I'm actually pretty happy with my weight, even though I could probably stand to lose about two or three more kilos or whatever, heh.

But since October I already lost quite a bit, and my clothing size actually went down, yay! ^____^


Now I just need to find a way to get some more muscles, tone up a bit. Anyone know of an easy and good working routine so I can tone up my stomach and upper legs/thighs? I know of some exercises but yeah... Any tips are welcome! =D


I'm glad you're happy with it, because you look great. :)


I've lost a little bit of weight, I think. Just need to eat a bit better and more exercise (weights, sit-ups and press-ups. Crunch, baby, crunch).

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I'm glad you're happy with it, because you look great. :)


I've lost a little bit of weight, I think. Just need to eat a bit better and more exercise (weights, sit-ups and press-ups. Crunch, baby, crunch).


Well I actually was happier a month ago or so, before the Christmas stuff and seeing you... because I looked a bit better then. You let me eat too much unhealthy stufffff! X3

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Haha, you make it sound like it was all my idea to make the unhealthy stuff.




You made me eat pizza twice in like, three days or something! =O

And yeah the lasagne and brownies were my idea, but at least the lasagne had lots of vegetables. You were the one force feeding me all those chocolates and doritos and donuts and stuff. >.>;


i have some fat around my waist that i don't like but I'm already 18.6 in BMI

Does this mean i need to loose a bit more weight or that i need to gain more muscle?


Gain more muscle I think! =D

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You made me eat pizza twice in like, three days or something! =O

And yeah the lasagne and brownies were my idea, but at least the lasagne had lots of vegetables. You were the one force feeding me all those chocolates and doritos and donuts and stuff. >.>;


Daaamn. Evidence: My Downfall.


Aw well, it's all in the paaast now. Quit living in the past, Marge! ;)


Maybe we should change N-E to Health-Europe. HEEEEE.

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I dont especially need to lose weight other than maybe getting rid of a little pot belly so perhaps this is the wrong thread to post in but I cant be arsed to start a Gym/Fitness thread.


I actually sweated so hard today after a go on the rowing machine at the gym, anyone else find they need to push harder and go faster if there are people around you? My mum reckons it's a competitive bloke thing but I actually worked so hard on it today. Must have sweated out half of my bodyweight, could see my face looking bright red by the end :D

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I actually sweated so hard today after a go on the rowing machine at the gym, anyone else find they need to push harder and go faster if there are people around you? My mum reckons it's a competitive bloke thing but I actually worked so hard on it today. Must have sweated out half of my bodyweight, could see my face looking bright red by the end :D


Do you have that fish game on the rowing machines at your gym? I did it this morning, bloody knackering but a good way of getting you to row at varied paces.


Not sure what weight I'm currently at but I'm trying to eat a bit more healthily and get weight training in more frequently. I feel pretty good lately, albeit a bit sore!

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