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Please tell me your not just noticing that now, Dante? Its been nearly 3 years!


I known about the Wii, the Wii stand and the wii strap but didnt know about the rest.

Posted (edited)

Just a heads up, a Wii message was just sent out, there's a new update that updates the Wii Shop Channel for the 'Connection Ambassador Promotion'


Connection Ambassador Promotion:


Do you know anyone who has not yet connected their Wii console to the internet? By taking part in the new Connection Ambassador Promotion, you and anyone you help connect can each receive 500 Wii points at no Extra cost! All you need to do is register each other's Wii Numbers and complete a short Survey.


In addition to receiving 500 Wii points each time you help somone connect, there are special bonuses availible for helping many people


-Help 10 people connect online and be awarded the Wii Connection Master Gold Status. You will be able to download all Nintendo Published NES titles from the Virtual Console at no extra cost.


- Help 20 people conect and you will be awarded Wii Connection Master Platinum status. You will then be able to download all NES, Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64 titles by all publishers at no extra cost!


For more details, select CONNECTION AMBASSADOR PROMOTION from the setings/other Menu of the Wii shop Channel.


Also, if you brought the Wii internet channel before it was made free, you should have 500 Wii points given back to you.

Edited by Helmsly
Just a heads up, a Wii message was just sent out, there's a new update that updates the Wii Shop Channel for the 'Connection Ambassador Promotion'


So thats why my Wii lit up at 3:30am. I just plugged it out and went back to sleep!


I wish it was a big redesign of the shop channel. I mean, imagine if the Wii Shop Channel had a similar slick interface as the new Nintendo Channel.


Speaking of which when are the PAL territories getting the updated Ninty Channel?

Posted (edited)

The American Nintendo Channel has something to announce on the 26th October and i'm sure it's this game which was rumoured to be announced earlier this week! It must be one which needs alot of publicity to sell in my opinion, therefore Nintendo taking another approach for it to be seen! We'll have to wait and see next week!


and this as well from NintendoDpad:

"Rumor: An apparent IGN employee has been claiming he knows what the new Nintendo game is that is to be announced soon. Going by the name GodIsSatan on the IGN Boards he states that it is not a new Mario game referred to by Charles Martinet. This new game is rumored to be from an established franchise and not a new IP."


hmmmm..could it be Kirby, Pilotwings or Star Fox then...or has Kid Icarus finally come to light?

Edited by Owen

He also had this to add..


Apparently the announcement "shocked the hell"out of him because he "certainly didn't expect it". He went on to say "trust me at this point when I say there won?t be too many people out there who will be blown away when this one gets revealed."When asked how cool this game is compared to PokePark Wii: Pikachu?s Great Adventure, he said "I?d say less cool in concept, but most likely a better game when it?s all said and done. There is one interesting aspect to the title that hasn?t been fully revealed yet. The ultimate quality of this title may hinge on how well this aspect is executed."


"I don?t think anyone will be able to guess what this game is. I never would have expected this title to be in the works."He also later said "I was actually excited about it when I first heard what it was, but after more details made it my way, it no longer seemed nearly as appealing. It?s still a cool idea, just not one that anyone asked for or expected."

"Rumor: An apparent IGN employee has been claiming he knows what the new Nintendo game is that is to be announced soon. Going by the name GodIsSatan on the IGN Boards he states that it is not a new Mario game referred to by Charles Martinet.

But I'm much more intrigued by the mysterious Mario game, especially after putting these two tweets together ;):


Oct 18, 2009:

Awesome new Mario Game! And it's not NSMB Wii, and it's not Galaxy 2, but it's going to be crazy fun!


Oct 21, 2009:

I woke up and played Mario Kart... It sure wakes a person up!
Could it be? :love:

I know it's always been one MK game per system in the past, (excluding the Arcade) but MK Wii has been a HUGE success for Nintendo (currently the 15th best selling game of all time!) so I don't think a sequel would be out of the question...


Plus, I can always take more Mario Kart. :grin:


*Waits to be disappointed by the announcement of Mario Party 9* :heh:


Wild stab in the dark here and say Stage Debut has resurfaced. That would certainly fit the bill as being something that has initial appeal but dwindling appeal the more you're exposed to it/heard about it.


I doubt it's that or anything too big, most likely another extensive of Nintendo's 'Wii-Whatever' games.


Well, whatever they are, the fact that we've got a new Mario and a new IP game announcement to look forward to (and presumably quite soon) is good enough for me. :grin:


Even more so when you consider Nintendo's recent strategy of revealing titles as close to launch as possible. ;)


Wild stab in the dark here and say Stage Debut has resurfaced.
I'd be happy with that. :hehe:

It would certainly make for a good use of DSi-Wii connectivity, using the DSi camera to create your character.

I reckon a big part of why it was cancelled on the GameCube was down to the clumsiness of GBA connectivity.

I'd be happy with that. :hehe:

It would certainly make for a good use of DSi-Wii connectivity, using the DSi camera to create your character.

I reckon a big part of why it was cancelled on the GameCube was down to the clumsiness of GBA connectivity.


DS-Wii connectivity is criminally underused already, I doubt anyone would consider DSi-link up.


If we were to receive such a game though, a new Four Swords would be nice. But who are we kidding? It's Mario Party 9.

DS-Wii connectivity is criminally underused already, I doubt anyone would consider DSi-link up.


If we were to receive such a game though, a new Four Swords would be nice. But who are we kidding? It's Mario Party 9.


This! Motherfucking this!


Little King's Story is the best new IP to hit the wii from a 3rd party!

Trust me, it's one of those games that shows games can be a work of art.

Great story telling, Great music, brilliant characters.


I highly encourage people in considering buying this if there will ever be another drought of NINTENDO games.

DS-Wii connectivity is criminally underused already
Tell me about it.

Now that we have a much better system in place (compared to GBA-GCN), backlit screens, wireless connection... No one takes advantage of it, not even Nintendo! ::shrug:


In fact, what games have used it? All I can think of is Pokémon. :hmm: Oh- and transferring data with AC:Wild World I guess, but that was pretty much one-way traffic. :zzz:


It should have been utilised in AC like the GCN version, downloadable pattern maker software, tropical island, NES games, etc...


Mario Kart Wii and DS could have hooked up too, sending over custom decals from the portable game to use on Wii.


Mario & Sonic (or any game released on both platforms) is another no brainer for DS-Wii connection.


At least we can use the feature to download DS demos from the Nintendo Channel, but it really should be getting a lot more use for gameplay.


But who are we kidding? It's Mario Party 9.
And you're usually right with these kind of predictions...

Damn. :heh:

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