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You are the worst Nintendo fan in the world. :heh:


Lol yep I know.


I think sometimes that its because I missed the SNES when it was originally out as I had a Mega Drive. I think the SNES is where they had their best catalogue so anything I played on later consoles just meant a little bit less to me.


Dont worry though, I have a SNES now and its all set up and connected to my TV for me to catch up on all those games I missed.

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The N64 was great. Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time were great, and quite famous, but the console wasn't just that (or Goldeneye, for that matter).


N64 was when Mario Party and Kart were still fresh (and fast, in the case of the former). It had F-Zero X, Banjo Kazooie, Conker, and even Pokémon Stadium was good for its time.


Then there were lesser known games, such as Excitebike 64, Tetrisphere, Mystical Ninja, Pokémon Snap, among others (Blast Corps and Mischief Makers were good, I hear). Later in its life, it even saw great games like Majora's Mask and Paper Mario.

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Lol yep I know.


I think sometimes that its because I missed the SNES when it was originally out as I had a Mega Drive. I think the SNES is where they had their best catalogue so anything I played on later consoles just meant a little bit less to me.


Dont worry though, I have a SNES now and its all set up and connected to my TV for me to catch up on all those games I missed.


I did a similar-ish thing. I was given a SNES for Christmas and initially loved it, but then also received a MegaDrive further down the line and spent loads of time on that. I grew up with the MegaDrive and then only went back to the SNES years later, and only really properly got into it after playing the N64.


I grew up with Super Mario AllStars and Starwing. But, I owned loads more MegaDrive games. The N64 was the first Nintendo console I well and truly loved. Lylat Wars and then Goldeneye were my two earliest experiences. Words can describe how gutted and disappointed I am that Nintendo hasn't made a good Starfox title in years. Can't believe the Wii got nothing.

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I did a similar-ish thing. I was given a SNES for Christmas and initially loved it, but then also received a MegaDrive further down the line and spent loads of time on that. I grew up with the MegaDrive and then only went back to the SNES years later, and only really properly got into it after playing the N64.


I grew up with Super Mario AllStars and Starwing. But, I owned loads more MegaDrive games. The N64 was the first Nintendo console I well and truly loved. Lylat Wars and then Goldeneye were my two earliest experiences. Words can describe how gutted and disappointed I am that Nintendo hasn't made a good Starfox title in years. Can't believe the Wii got nothing.


Its weird but around here not one of my friends had a SNES, everyone had a Mega Drive. I know Europe was supposed to be a bit more pro Sega but it always seems weird looking back that I basically had no exposure at all to the SNES while it was out.

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Its weird but around here not one of my friends had a SNES, everyone had a Mega Drive. I know Europe was supposed to be a bit more pro Sega but it always seems weird looking back that I basically had no exposure at all to the SNES while it was out.


Pretty weird, in my neighbourhood it was Super Nintendo all the way. Still a few Mega Drives there as well, so we played stuff on both consoles really. Those were the days, going from house to house playing whatever was new...

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With me, it was all Mega Drive. Knew nobody with an SNES. Portugal was always particularly pro-Sega, though. Oddly enough, a friend of mine actually owned an NES.


However, the Game Boy was always more popular than everything else. I got into Pokémon and Zelda from there, and that prompted me to get an N64 (though late in its life). The Gamecube (and Melee) really just cemented everything into place.


I still have a soft spot for Sega, though. A lot of gamers I knew were still loyal to Sega's franchises years after bankruptcy, too.

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With me, it was all Mega Drive. Knew nobody with an SNES. Portugal was always particularly pro-Sega, though. Oddly enough, a friend of mine actually owned an NES.


However, the Game Boy was always more popular than everything else. I got into Pokémon and Zelda from there, and that prompted me to get an N64 (though late in its life). The Gamecube (and Melee) really just cemented everything into place.


I still have a soft spot for Sega, though. A lot of gamers I knew were still loyal to Sega's franchises years after bankruptcy, too.


Ive got to say if Sega announced the Dreamcast 2 tomorrow I would turn into such a Sega fanboy, despite knowing that they are a very different company now to when I loved them lol


Handhelds I had both for some reason, Gameboy/colour and a Game Gear. Loved my Gameboy Colour for Pokemon Blue but my Game Gear did have the novelty of the TV tuner. Plus whoever my parents bought it off gave them about 30 games so it kept me busy.

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Where I live, everyone seemed to have a Mega Drive.. then a PS1.. and then a PS2 :hmm: I was basically the only one with a SNES, N64 and GC ::shrug:


When I grew up, it was like 75% Nintendo, 25% Sega, up until the PS1 and later XBox. Nowadays it's like 50% XBox 360, 40% PS3 and 10% Wii(U).


The Netherlands was never pro Sega I think...?

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I'm going off the current topic, but back on topic: I've just started House of the Dead 2 and 3. I've got Overkill as well, but I'm building up to it.


I love 3, although the unintentionally diabolical voice acting in 2 makes it brilliant. Ahaha. My first ever time playing these games.

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I spent most of my childhood playing the good old Sega Megadrive, but then I got a GameBoy, went back and bought a NES plus a SNES, got an N64 for Christmas the year when it went down to £99.98 with Goldeneye and I have never looked back ever since. :D

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It was a pretty even split between SNES and Mega Drive in my area. I would say Mega Drive caused more excitement early on (because it was first), then you had those who waited for the SNES (and were incredibly keen to point out it could display more colours). Still, pretty even, and the big games were respected by all - Sonic the Hedgehog, A Link to the Past... Later on I would say all the excitement was about Donkey Kong Country and the upcoming N64 more than Mega Drive releases like Sonic 3. Shame all that excitement disappeared, because Nintendo had a huge potential audience there.


Even so, the N64 is still a classic to many, many people I know in real life. I would have to agree, though, with those who think the games were more impressive at the time. Mario 64 was an amazing experience, but is it that good to go back and play? To me, no. I have it on Virtual Console and didn't finish it, although I still like the N64 Zeldas.


Ive got to say if Sega announced the Dreamcast 2 tomorrow I would turn into such a Sega fanboy, despite knowing that they are a very different company now to when I loved them lol


I think I am actually a Sega fanboy. Nintendo is the company I "jumped ship" to, but when I play something that captures the feel of Sega, I remember my true colours. Recent example: Mighty Switch Force 2. It may not be for everyone, with its mixture of puzzles and platforming, but when I completed the final level I thought to myself "This is just cool. This is what Sega would be making - the real Sega - if they were still around". I'm not saying Nintendo is "kiddie", but there's a certain "cool" that Sega did better.

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For me it was pretty much 10% Nintendo, 90% something else, all the time. Especially in primary school, it was SEGA or PlayStation. I remember me and this girl were racing each other on the playground one day and she said something along the lines of "my racing name should be Pipsy"...I was like "Well, my racing name is gonna be TipTup..."


We gave each other this look, and then she excitedly said "do you have an N64?!". It was like coming out.


But yeah, then in secondary school I don't think I knew anyone with a GameCube, not anyone I spoke to anyway. The only time that I really felt a Nintendo presence was at the start of the Wii era.

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I'm not saying Nintendo is "kiddie", but there's a certain "cool" that Sega did better.


Stuff like the original Sonic games and Streets of Rage on Mega Drive are certainly cool but Sega, particularly with a lot of their Dreamcast releases, ooze cheese.. sometimes in a good way, sometimes not :heh:

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Their cheese is what I love most! If anything I just thought they seemed completely crazy in the Dreamcsst era with the likes of Space Channel 5, Jet Set Radio and that weird pet simulator type thing with the man fish. I loved their crazy days.

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Just moved the Wii upstairs into my room and now the sensor doesnt seem to be working with the Wiimote. I can press A to get to the dash and the home button but that seems to be it. Any ideas on how to sort this? Preferably without having to spend money!


EDIT: I've tried everything I can including re-syncing, new batteries, hitting the wiimote bottomside up, checking the sensorbar with a camera and putting 2 candles infront of the TV with no luck so I can only assume the sensor in the Wiimote itself has gone.

Edited by Happenstance
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Just moved the Wii upstairs into my room and now the sensor doesnt seem to be working with the Wiimote. I can press A to get to the dash and the home button but that seems to be it. Any ideas on how to sort this? Preferably without having to spend money!


EDIT: I've tried everything I can including re-syncing, new batteries, hitting the wiimote bottomside up, checking the sensorbar with a camera and putting 2 candles infront of the TV with no luck so I can only assume the sensor in the Wiimote itself has gone.


I was going to ask if you had checked your batteries, but you've already done that. How close are you to the sensor bar? Maybe try moving further back? Do you have a second Wiimote to try this out with?

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Aah that's good then! I was thinking it could be your Wiimote. I have a Wii Remote that doesn't sense any movement now and only the pointer works. I gave it to my parents for the Wii in the front room as they only use it for Netflix and Love Film - 6 months and they still haven't noticed :p




I saw a Wii Mini in PC World with Super Paper Mario for £79. I was so tempted as it could be a future rare item! Saying that... I'm pretty sure it's the same stack of Wii Mini's they had from Christmas because that's the only thing in their gaming section.


So I'm gonna wait and see if they go down in price :p

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I lost my two flaps a very long time ago, mainly cos I took them off/they came off and I got fed up trying to put them back/save them constantly that I took them off and put them in a 'safe place'. Very safe. No idea where they are! I think maybe they shoulda designed them flapping the other way maybe buuuuuuuut....I digress.


Long story short - aren't they super easy to replace? Ie literally get some, clip them in? Or are yours broken in a different kinda way?

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