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Lost Series 5


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I'm sorry, but the show itself isn't to blame for the fanatical crypticists that have attached themselves to it; if someone creates a platform from which a mass of people can extrapolate bonkers theories and mad-cap explanations, then surely that's to the credit of the creators/writers! It would be a dream come true if I, or you, could create something that so gripped and neutered the general public enough to spawn the wacky hypotheses that you find online.


Lost cannot be primarily labelled as a sci-fi vehicle when the mystery is what drives the fans to act as crazy as you say. Just because 'they' have said that the entire premise will be explained scientifically does not mean we have to assume that the whole focus is on the scientific aspect of the show.


People are people; they will look like fools regardless of what show they are pandering. To work around the expectations of such pedantic 'idiots' is no easy criterion, and surely your hassle is with the audience and not the writers themselves?


Personally, I think any writer/author that is convinced sticking with one mode or genre is a fewl, for there is much to explore (in our postmodern world) in teh combining and amalgamation of mediums that is interesting. Lost is one of the best things on TV currently, and if anything I would congratulate the maniacal audience, for it is they whom provide network with ample reason to fund the show -- to provide the creators with enough money to do anything and go anywhere with their creative minds.



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I don't see why people thought this was a better ep than e03 but hey! One thing not mentioned so far; when Faraday says to tha asian ghostwhisperer guy "you sure you've never been here before?" I thought "hmm! Maybe asian ghostwhisperer guy is the son of that doctor guy who does the initiation video thingums!"


I don't think the nosebleeds are the sickness that killed everyone, but the jin/rousseau thing is indeed interesting - she's met him (16 years later) so it's a conundrum. Thing is, surely Jin is also going to be experiencing the island time flux, so I doubt he'll be with them for too long. The indian airline water bottle is another perplexing element - the suggestion that they landed on the island relatively soon after the oceanic crew left/started jumping around in time. I think that might be crucial - we ought to hear more about that flight as the show develops; perhaps the oceanic 6 (plus Ben) will be on that flight? Was Ben just trying to get Aaron in order to convince kate to return with them to the island? And what of Sun? Is it windmore that sent her the pictures and the gun? Hum!


Nice idea about the "asian ghostwhisperer." I think its been hinted at though that Faraday himself has been to the Island before- Charlotte too?


I think that yeah, Sun is working for Widmore at this point. Looks like she's set to throw a spanner in the works and take off with Aaron and delay their return to the Island for the time being.

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Right I ended up missing yesterdays episode on Sky 1, anyone know where i can stream it for free? Does Sky have a way of doing it on their site cos i know ABC to do for the americans. I'm going out now but if any of you know a link for me to watch it that'd be great so i can watch it when i come back!

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Right I ended up missing yesterdays episode on Sky 1, anyone know where i can stream it for free? Does Sky have a way of doing it on their site cos i know ABC to do for the americans. I'm going out now but if any of you know a link for me to watch it that'd be great so i can watch it when i come back!



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Right I ended up missing yesterdays episode on Sky 1, anyone know where i can stream it for free? Does Sky have a way of doing it on their site cos i know ABC to do for the americans. I'm going out now but if any of you know a link for me to watch it that'd be great so i can watch it when i come back!

Its being repeated tonight on Sky2 at 10

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Danielle? She's crazy french chick who lived alone in the woods, she lead Jack and the crew to the ship on the middle of the island filled with dynamite.


What a perfectly normal sentence.


OMFG ofc! Totally forgot about her. I was thinking that Jin was in the future (well the present...i mean like, straight after the freighter blew up) but obviously he was affected by the time shift crap.

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I bloody knew Jin wasn't dead. If it doesn't show someone literally being splattered to pieces or blatantly dying then they're usually still alive.


VERY true!


Also, this episode made me realise how much i LOVE Ben. here's a good example as to why:


Kate: It was YOU wasn't it ben?!

jack: No Kate it wasn't.

Ben: Erm actually jack it was. My bad.


haha what a character.

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I'm bloody glad Jin ain't dead, just wish they could have done the same with Charlie... I still say he could have easily fit through the broken window/porthole and swam to the surface


But Charlie would have died another way. Desmond saving him over and over again showed that. IIRC Desmond told Charlie that Claire and Aaron would get off the island if Charlie drowned so Charlie knew what he had to do to save who was most important to him. (The fact that Claire didn't get off the island is just another puzzle). I loved Charlie but he was meant to die.

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charlie dying sucked, yeah. he was one of the best characters. thats reason enough to kill him. it makes a death much more meaningfull if it isnt just some random survivor, who every time they speak seal a deal with death, or some one who pops in from time to time. he was a favorite and a real loss. hence his death was hard to bear.

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He was only 'meant' to die because the stupid story writers made it so. It was such a daft thing to do as he was one of the best characters.


Honestly, I never really saw anything interesting about Charlie. Plus, in my head I always link him dying with the show suddenly getting better. :heh: Seasons 2 and 3 were kinda lame...

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I dunno, maybe us brits like Charlie because he's an English person in an american hit tv show who isnt a massive evil person. It's unheard of :p


But on the flipside, there's Charles Widmore :p Oh look he's English, what a shock :p (yes I know Alan Dale is from New Zealand)

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