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Chris the great

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Zelda spirit tracks:


It's fun a little bit easy, but what can you do. I'm not a massive fan of a lot of the handheld zelda games bar link's awakening which at times rivalled the great Link to the past. Jump power was awesome :)


The train bits are pretty slow. I find controlling zelda kinda annoying sometimes. Ah I could go on and on but it's pretty fun. It's better than phantom hourglass anwway.



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Castlevania: Circle Of The Moon

my favourite castlevania game, possibly because it was the first one i ever played. a lot of people say its hard but i really dont understand what they are talking about.





Castlevania: Harmony Of Dissonance

another solid castlevania game, but seems to take a few steps back from COTM. incredibly easy to not know where to go / what to do, which can suck, but still a sweet game.




im going through aria now.

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The Adventures of Alundra


Old ps1 game that obiviously takes inspiration from the Zelda games. I love it really i cant find much fault in it i even like the story the bad thing about is it takes a while to really get started. The best thing is probally the interaction you can talk to everybody, you can go in every house eventually and its not free roaming but if you want a break from the main quest then you can wonder about looking for treasure chests



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Only been playing it a day, but it's pretty good so far. I do wonder if the PS3 version was ever playtested though. So far I've noticed that some of the cutscenes are jerky, the character hasn't spoken a line of speech 3 or 4 times (I've turned on subtitles do I don't miss anything) and one of my swords was solid grey since the texture hadn't loaded. And this is in one days worth of light playing.


They haven't ruined the game though, it's still very enjoyable.


First Impressions: 8/10

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Demon's Souls


Finally! After 70-plus hours i finally beat this bastard of a game. Its loaded with brilliance, both intentional and maybe not so intentional. Its not perfect but its virtues completely eclipse its flaws.

I dove into the game knowing next to nothing about it and i feel thats how it should be played so i wont spoil anything here.


The inspired yet totally optional online component comes highly recommended


9/10 and not a 10 due to rare occasions where the framerate goes berzerk, and the glaring flaw of being able to accidentally kill crucial NPC's if your not careful. Put those giant swords away while your in the Nexus.

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Metroid Prime Trilogy: Metroid Prime.


Arrgh. What a schizophrenic game! Corruption blows it out of the water like a stick of dynamite. Every good section is moderated by these frustratingly dull and pointless areas which totally detract from the rest of the experience.


Take for example the sections with the pirate lab - they're atmospheric, fun, exciting and unique. You get such a feeling of claustrophobia when those lights go out, when the enemies pounce suddenly it's as frightening as any Resident Evil game. And all you're doing is facing off against weaker opponents in circumstances far more favourable to yourself!


Then you get back to the large swathes of the Phendrana Drifts filled with camouflaged semi-platforms, Baby Sheegoths that respawn every time you shut a door, ultrasonic bats half the size of your hand that somehow have the power to knock you off a ledge it took you ten minutes to reach and ruined houses that really don't seem to do anything other than serve as a place for you to get cornered in.


The good parts are fabulous, but the bad parts are atrocious.



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Only been playing it a day, but it's pretty good so far. I do wonder if the PS3 version was ever playtested though. So far I've noticed that some of the cutscenes are jerky, the character hasn't spoken a line of speech 3 or 4 times (I've turned on subtitles do I don't miss anything) and one of my swords was solid grey since the texture hadn't loaded. And this is in one days worth of light playing.


They haven't ruined the game though, it's still very enjoyable.


First Impressions: 8/10


yeah, it does that from time to time, id say maybe once every 5 or so hours it happened to me. hardly game ruining but it can spoil the atmosphear

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Metroid Prime Trilogy: Metroid Prime.


Arrgh. What a schizophrenic game! Corruption blows it out of the water like a stick of dynamite. Every good section is moderated by these frustratingly dull and pointless areas which totally detract from the rest of the experience.


Take for example the sections with the pirate lab - they're atmospheric, fun, exciting and unique. You get such a feeling of claustrophobia when those lights go out, when the enemies pounce suddenly it's as frightening as any Resident Evil game. And all you're doing is facing off against weaker opponents in circumstances far more favourable to yourself!


Then you get back to the large swathes of the Phendrana Drifts filled with camouflaged semi-platforms, Baby Sheegoths that respawn every time you shut a door, ultrasonic bats half the size of your hand that somehow have the power to knock you off a ledge it took you ten minutes to reach and ruined houses that really don't seem to do anything other than serve as a place for you to get cornered in.


The good parts are fabulous, but the bad parts are atrocious.



The worst post I've ever seen. 'Corruption blows it out of the water'?! My eyes almost imploded when I realised your post continued to back that atrocity of a comment.


Man I think I need to lie down.


If you didn't like the Prime series then fair enough, but to have enjoyed them all and then claim the Corruption is the best is just utterly wrong.

Edited by dwarf
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Great fun if a little dated already. I'm really looking forward to getting through it and hopefully getting the second one for Christmas. I know what's coming up, I've been warned, so maybe I won't find it as silly and out of place as everyone else did. Not sure how far through it I am but I still have a hell of a lot of treasures to find! Uncharted shows what Tomb Raider could be if it put some effort in.



Didn't think I'd like this as much as I do! Even the challenge modes I find really fun (mainly because it only takes about 3 tries to get Gold, which is nice). A great rent. If I knew it would be this enjoyable I might not have rented and instead waited to pick it up cheap. Sure it's flawed and a bit ugly but it's a good mindless arcade-style game.

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I did my annual playthrough of DKC 3 on Sunday and Monday evening of this week. Before beginning I input the HARDR code to remove all DK and midpoint barrels from the levels, which gave me the opportunity to achieve 105% upon total completion of the game. (How's that for hardcore gaming on the Wii!)


I was aiming to get it all done and dusted with a time of around 4 hours on the clock, but due to my memory being a bit hazy in places when it came to finding some bonus barrels, as well as some of the later levels taking me more goes than they should have, I didn't quite make it in my target time.


I also had the MERRY code in which makes the game a joy to play at this time of year. Until such times as I sit down and give it all some proper thought, DKC 3 is still my favourite time of all time. :love:


10/10 :santa:



(There's a thread dedicated to the DKC series down in the Wii Channels board where I've talked about my latest antics and we've all been spouting some top DKC trivia, come venture out of General Chit Chat and join in!)

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I finally finished it! Had this game since late August (got it for my birthday) and have only just got round to finishing it. The detail of the game is truly mind blowing - every crevice of the game has something to reveal and there is so much to explore. The graphics look lovely, all the weapons feel individual and are fun to use, the vehicles handle not realistically, but how you think a car might handle. The game is so immensely playable and everything it tries to do from a gameplay aspect, it succeeds. The few gripes I have is that it is slightly too long and the story, while fairly interesting and not without good moments, feels a little overstretched. The missions can also get a little repetitive and as a more personal irritation of the game, Niko's voice is incredibly annoying. The thing I love most about the game though is the satire that is laced throughout it and the dark comedy that infects every aspect of Liberty City. The Radio stations, the TV, the billboards, the pedestrians; all have had so much thought put into them. The scale of it all truly is remarkable.



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but how you think a car might handle


IMO, that's a problem. It's not realistic and it's not fun. It's somewhere in between - right in the "annoying" zone for me.


Then again, I played this after Burnout Paradise. No driving game has felt the same since - Paradise's handling seemed to be perfectly tailored to me.

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A lot of fun. Never played it before. Just completed it today. Overall...






Freaking awesome! Just started after I finished the first one and so far it is beyond epic. First time in a long time I've found a game hard to put down. It looks spectacular. I don't know how much is up to the updated HD-ness.



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Freaking awesome! Just started after I finished the first one and so far it is beyond epic. First time in a long time I've found a game hard to put down. It looks spectacular. I don't know how much is up to the updated HD-ness.




God of War II is just totally awesome! I love it too, it's hard not to tbh.


I got four games for twenty pounds in Blockbusters (yes, they're preowned). I tried to get four of the hardest games to get achievements for as I love a good challenge. Luckily enough, they're four of the earlier 360 games I've been dying to play so I'm very happy. I've only played about 10 minutes of it so I'm judging by first appearances...



Mirror's Edge


I've been wanting to play this game ever since I first had the 360 six months ago but had no idea where I could find it cheap enough. I saw that this was the only copy so I took it quick. I played the first level and I'm in love with it. The graphics is stunning and the controls are easy. I hope it's like it through the entire game.





Def Jam: Icon


Been wanting this game for a while because I was a massive fan of the Def Jam series though I thought Vendetta easily was the best. Icon isn't bad, definitely better than Fight for NY in some ways but in others it's worse. Still, love the graphics and the controls and fight moves. There's one big flaw and plus: by attempting to make it real life, they removed the health bars but at the same time, I have no idea when they're about to die. Still, can't wait to play.





Devil May Cry 4


Love the series and I love this at the moment, I think it's quite awesome. I also hear there's like four/five different difficulties to finish the game so I can't wait to try that out.





Ninja Gaiden II


I haven't played this properly at all. To be honest, I haven't played it so I've yet to review it so I'll give it a




Need these games NOW! Roll on Friday! :santa:

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IMO, that's a problem. It's not realistic and it's not fun. It's somewhere in between - right in the "annoying" zone for me.


Then again, I played this after Burnout Paradise. No driving game has felt the same since - Paradise's handling seemed to be perfectly tailored to me.


Bah I really didn't like Paradise's handling, or any other aspect of it for that matter :heh:

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IMO, that's a problem. It's not realistic and it's not fun. It's somewhere in between - right in the "annoying" zone for me.


Then again, I played this after Burnout Paradise. No driving game has felt the same since - Paradise's handling seemed to be perfectly tailored to me.


Personally I like the GTA handling. It's kind of modeled on the French Connection era car chase feel, which works really well. satisfying heft to the cars is what nails it for me.


Course, Paradise is arcade perfection but in terms of what fits in to Liberty City, it would feel nasty in GTAIV.




Desiega DS


Holy. Fuck.


This game is awesome. I'd heard good things about the ps2 version but it really is something else. Vast in scope, tactically fathomless and darkly funny as hell it's turning in to the best RPG/TBST I've played....uh, ever. Yep. And I've barely scratched the surface. Lawd.

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[PROTOTYPE] or one man apocolypse


ok, im not finnished thew game yet so this is merly my current impression. s'alrite.


the controles are ok, combat is satisfying enough, going on rampages gta style is very easy though ultimatly hollow.


my main gripe with the game is that its hard to really relate, or become emersed in the game. within minutes of starting id acidently killed dozens of people, its litteraly impossible not to. i mean, these are normal people, running around aimlessly and im accidently bisecting them, all the while, trying to fight the very things that are threatening them. usualy in games when given the choice, i play the good guy, i protect the people and feel the hero, here, i accidently slaughter them and theres no reprocussion. it dosent help that the people have all the self presovation instincts of a heard of lemmings (i realise lemmings are not actualy suicidal). its very hard to like a character who has merclessly slauthered thousands of innocents, and i mean thousands, post mission statitics recorded well over a thousand civilian casualties in a short mission, when i wasnt aiming to kill a single one.


enemy AI is also appauling. the millitary are on high allert looking for me, yet i can stand infront of a soilder, sprint verticaly up a sky scraper and yet the soilder dosent bat an eye lid? come on. also, how the hell can you lose some one in a tank chase, while he plows nochelauntly thought traffic and people?


belivability issues asside, the game is fun, in the short lived god mode sort of way. the games main problem, is making me care. i just dont. alex mercer is dull, his interactions, dull, his story, dull. the web of intrege mechanic seems to be ironicaly named, as it tellls a very dull and cliche story peice by boring peice, though then again, when your on a rampaige, story and character dont seem to matter much at all.


the big comparison going at the games release was against infamouse, a game i would comfortably call the better of the two.


Current impressions

fun, but lacking long term appeal. like infamouse before it, the game lack pollish.

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The worst post I've ever seen. 'Corruption blows it out of the water'?! My eyes almost imploded when I realised your post continued to back that atrocity of a comment.


Man I think I need to lie down.


If you didn't like the Prime series then fair enough, but to have enjoyed them all and then claim the Corruption is the best is just utterly wrong.


it's simply because it's easier and nothing else. Same reason people prefer f zero x over f zero gx when gx is blatantly better. :)

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They lobbed out a lot of what made Prime great in Corruption. I loved scanning stuff, even if it was a cardboard box it was still nice to know that the designers wrote an interesting essay about it. The list is in fact endless and I almost fell into the trap of explaining each point again.

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I don't get this 'scanning stuff for pointless information' thing some people love. I find it so boring and dont read half of it. Its one of the reasons why i stopped playing Prime. I gave Corruption a chance too, but, it just annoys me how the game can't decide whether to be a platformer or a shooter. I found myself bored in the 'platform' parts, and like Iun said, there were too many annoying parts where you can get stuck or knocked off a high ledge stupidly. Highly frustrating and very bad game design.


So yeah, Prime trilogy wasn't my thing. Don't get the obsession, but, each to his own.

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Mirror's Edge


I've been wanting to play this game ever since I first had the 360 six months ago but had no idea where I could find it cheap enough. I saw that this was the only copy so I took it quick. I played the first level and I'm in love with it. The graphics is stunning and the controls are easy. I hope it's like it through the entire game.




I just can't bring myself to tell him, it's like telling a child that Christmas is cancelled...

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