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Rate the last game you played

Chris the great

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How long have you played it for? The first 20 hours I was kinda playing in a really frustrated way... You know, you can lower the difficulty at any point (at the cost of getting less EXP, but you'll find you reach MAX level before the end of the game anyway) without missing out on any achievements... I ended up playing over 80 hours. It's a brilliant game, you're just doing it wrong.


I haven't played it for that long. I've just gone out into the world and I'm in a school where 5 enemies all attack me at once and I blatantly shoot one of them in the head seven times and he's still living yet when I throw a punch or someone punches me, I die or half their life is taken away. WTF is that all about? lol. I'm gonna play it a little more today, see what I think.


But yeah, my mates said the achievements for the game is fun to do so I'm gonna try and get those.

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Damage depends on the quality of the weapon, if your doing little damage you need to repair your gun or get a better one.


Or maybe you have your stats are allocated in a way that melee is doing more for you.


I found out about that today, had no idea about half of the game, lmao. I've never played an RPG like this before, it's more interesting now. I like it more than I did yesterday now I understand it alot better than I did. It should have been a lot more clearer on how to do stuff. It's still not fantastic but it's gone from good to very good verging on great in my books.


So I'm gonna give it 7/10. Knowing me, I'm gonna get hooked by this. I heard Oblivion is supposed to be a lot better...I was thinking about getting that but I'll get that after playing this.

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I heard Oblivion is supposed to be a lot better...I was thinking about getting that but I'll get that after playing this.


I think the general opinion is that Fallout 3 is better.


Personally, I hated Oblivion and loved Fallout 3.

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Seeing as I just got a wheel for the 360, I thought I'd go back and play some old racing games. I've rated them with and without the wheel. Some games are just crap with the wheel.




Ok if you're in a grippy car, crap in a slidy car. Just can't turn the wheel fast enough to control the car, plus the handbrake is on the A button, which is pretty much out of reach. I looked to see if there was a way to set it to one of the gear shift paddles, but there isn't.

With wheel: 6/10

With pad: 8/10

Outrun Arcade

Awesome. Just like in the arcade. The simple controls work really well with the wheel. There is no control setup to get the paddles to shift gear though, which is a fucking travesty, especially since the face buttons are awkward to press whilst driving. It's also worth noting that there is no force feedback in Outrun, the wheel just does the standard routine of resetting to the central position.

With wheel: 9/10

With pad: 9/10


Need For Speed Shift

Really emphasises the crazy franticness of the game. Also makes it harder. Didn't play it much as it was a bit to frantic.

With wheel: 8/10

With pad: 9/10

Forza 3 Demo

Superb. The force feedback was pretty good, although really offputting at first. Will definately be picking up the full game soon. The wheel really does well with games like this. I even used manual for most races, which I never do.

With wheel: 9/10

With pad:7/10




Also bought Borderlands

Pretty awesome. Single player is a bit average, but multiplayer is total boss. Something that gets on my nerves is that I get into a routine of holding the pick up button when I pick up ammo so that it pick up all other nearby ammo, but then I hold the button to pick up other things as well, which equips it. So I end up equipping a different, crappier weapon/shield when I didn't want to. Plus the southpaw control scheme swaps the triggers too so that left trigger fires and right trigger aims. Not a massive problem, but it took some getting used to.


Single player: 7/10

Multi player: 8.5/10

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Professor Layton and the Curious Village


Absolutely, without a doubt, one of the best DS games I've played. I need to get the sequel!






Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure


This game NEEDS a sequel!



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Seeing as I just got a wheel for the 360, I thought I'd go back and play some old racing games. I've rated them with and without the wheel. Some games are just crap with the wheel.




Ok if you're in a grippy car, crap in a slidy car. Just can't turn the wheel fast enough to control the car, plus the handbrake is on the A button, which is pretty much out of reach. I looked to see if there was a way to set it to one of the gear shift paddles, but there isn't.

With wheel: 6/10

With pad: 8/10

Outrun Arcade

Awesome. Just like in the arcade. The simple controls work really well with the wheel. There is no control setup to get the paddles to shift gear though, which is a fucking travesty, especially since the face buttons are awkward to press whilst driving. It's also worth noting that there is no force feedback in Outrun, the wheel just does the standard routine of resetting to the central position.

With wheel: 9/10

With pad: 9/10


Need For Speed Shift

Really emphasises the crazy franticness of the game. Also makes it harder. Didn't play it much as it was a bit to frantic.

With wheel: 8/10

With pad: 9/10

Forza 3 Demo

Superb. The force feedback was pretty good, although really offputting at first. Will definately be picking up the full game soon. The wheel really does well with games like this. I even used manual for most races, which I never do.

With wheel: 9/10

With pad:7/10




Also bought Borderlands

Pretty awesome. Single player is a bit average, but multiplayer is total boss. Something that gets on my nerves is that I get into a routine of holding the pick up button when I pick up ammo so that it pick up all other nearby ammo, but then I hold the button to pick up other things as well, which equips it. So I end up equipping a different, crappier weapon/shield when I didn't want to. Plus the southpaw control scheme swaps the triggers too so that left trigger fires and right trigger aims. Not a massive problem, but it took some getting used to.


Single player: 7/10

Multi player: 8.5/10



How come you didn't try Borderlands with a wheel?

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I got inspires to start trying these old FMV games after watching numerous internet critics slack on them.

Seeing as this era of gaming is like the Disco era, something most people try to forget and for people such as myself who did not experience it, something to look at and laugh.


The game is cut down to 7 parts (also 7 CD´s) and part 1 - 5 is just boring hammy acting and does not reallt have any puzzles, just walking around fetching stuff.

After chapter five, this game gets brutal, mix in the acting and you get a masterpiece.


For example:



That´s not the worst!


Overall this was very boring, only made worth it by the end part and that´s only for the shock and humour of some of the scenes.

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terminator salvation or yes, im a trophy whore


ok, so the game might be seen as an easy platinum, but i was also genuinly curious to see how it was. i was supprised.


i was expecting it to be very poor, and the first level met my expectations with gusto, yet as i played on, the game did actualy begin to pick up. dont get me wrong, it was never ground breaking, but it was a fairly solid title. though i guess pointing a machine gun at a robot and holding fire till it dies (abour 15 seconds later) isnt exactly the most exciting thing ever.


i was supprised how tactical it made me, i found myself keeping the shot gun handy for flying enemys, rather then blast em with a machine gun, and flanking some of the larger enemys was genuinly exciting.


unfortunatly, every enemy is outragiously stupid, and your team mates are rather unwilling to cover you. the on rails shooting sections were pretty poor, but all in all, the game isnt bad. its not good, but its not the worst game ever.


5.5/10, average, but still fills in a rainy weekend.

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GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony


Despite showing it's age a little, GTA is back on top form baby! The characters are hilarious, missions are fun an varied and the soundtrack is awesome.


Also dancing with chicks in clubs in order to bone them in the toilets puts a smile on my face.



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Demon's Souls


Right off the bat ill just say i havent beat this game. In fact ive only found and defeated 3 of the dozen or so epic bosses in 30 hours. The game will be probably remain in and out of my PS3 for months to come. Im addicted and determined to finish it. A jewel in the PS3's crown really...



Uncharted 2


For a concept based on exploration and discovery, this game is shockingly linear. But no matter, its a gorgeous thrill ride from start to finish and Drake is every bit as likeable and playable as Mario himself.

Probably the shiniest jewel in the crown....

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Demon's Souls


Right off the bat ill just say i havent beat this game. In fact ive only found and defeated 3 of the dozen or so epic bosses in 30 hours. The game will be probably remain in and out of my PS3 for months to come. Im addicted and determined to finish it. A jewel in the PS3's crown really...



ive got it on the way from canada. look forward to finaly playing it!

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Been playing this most nights including last night: Borderlands is a big 9.5/10 game for me.


I only bought it for the co-op stuff, and it really hasn't disappointed. I haven't even played the single player mode, and probably never will. It has so many things that make it a great co-op game, and if you stick with the same co-op partner all the way through rather than PUG'ing or single playering, it's great to level up and watch someone else level up too, to share interests in their awesome new abilities (Nami just recently unlocked the ability to cover herself in a firey phoenix which sets enemies nearby on fire, which is nice because it lights up targets for my sniper crit headshots).


It's just pure awesome. So many 360/PS3 games neglect the sofa-based co-op these days, and many that do include it, do it badly (Halo 3/ODST, Resi 5). This is the best co-op I've played since GoW or Castle Crashers.

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ISS Pro Evolution 2 (PS1)


Having played some FIFA 10 in recent weeks with my brother on the PlayStation 3, it could have come as little surprise for this to feel very out of date and difficult to play..


In all honestly, however, ISS Pro Evolution 2 still has that magic that it held back in 2001 and to this day is an extremely enjoyable game :hehe: Playing it for any length of time reveals, somewhat tragically, just how little the Pro Evolution series has really evolved in the last decade. FIFA, in contrast, has been in constant change and all the better for it.


As for this game in particular, though, I still absolutely adore it :bouncy:



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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


Love it. The graphics are just immense, the storyline is great and the gameplay is very smooth. Spec Ops is also entertaining to play but better when you're playing with someone else. It would have been a perfect 10 but Veteran mode is seriously too easy.





Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


I like it, not love it but I like it. The gameplay is easy-going and the graphics are great but Veteran mode on this is easier than it is on Modern Warfare 2. Both Veteran modes need to be more like World at War, near enough impossible but still possible to do it. People are going to hate me for saying this but I prefer World at War to Modern Warfare, at least World at War is more of a challenge. However, loving the story.



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Mirror's Edge Both one of the best games and worst games I have ever played. In same ways its brilliant when you get your flow on and are majestically jumping around or frantically escaping. However when it slows things down mostly indoors it becomes such a slog! Also has some janky storytelling, using 3 different methods to tell the story (comic book style cutscenes, 1st person in game, 3rd person using game engine) all of which rather than complement each other make you feel like the developer really didn't know the best way to tell the story (which is largely rubbish)



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dragon age origin or lord of the rings 2: this time, its sexy


yeah, pretty good. liked making a difference in the world, but i wasnt a fan of having to slog away for hours at the same quest, and alot of features felt rather pointless, not once did i have to bother laying the traps i made.


the character interaction was pretty good, i liked how my decisions changed how people felt, and i did like the fact that my character fell in love with anotuher, and the story actualy reflected this. im not sure why every one seems to think you can shag anything, i mean, i had two chances, and one was story based, hardly liek i was knobbing my way through town.


7.5/10 a rich world to explore but not always a lot to do, outher then watch the battles fight themselves.

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