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When You Were Younger...


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A Power Ranger or a Batman villain. Still want to be a Batman Villain.



But I kinda knew I wanted to do something arty for a while.


Oh man, who didn't? Jason was the best.



I've never had an idea about what I wanted to be really, a footballer when I was much younger but apart from that there's nothing. Still don't know what I want to do.

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According to my parents the first time I was asked the usual "What do you want to be when you grow up" question, I answered "Boss", so as you can see I was already pretty smart back then. Then I went for scientist, because the test tubes and coloured distillation tubes looked so cool in cartoons, but as soon as I started chemistry in school I changed my mind to what I study and do today, IT. I also always had (and still have) a thing for astronomy.

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I always wanted to be a train driver. I suppose there were afew reason for this, the first being that i liked Thomas the Tank engine. The second was that we used to go to a pub/restaurant which was smack bang next to a railway line/level crossing in the middle of nowhere. When you heard the noise of the level crossing all the kids (including myself) used to run to the fence and watch the intercity trains go by at a very fast speed. Twas fun. However i do find railway lines at night kind of creepy.

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Oh man, who didn't? Jason was the best.


Liar! Billy the blue ranger was better! His dinozord (sp?) was a triceratops, bitches!




I wanted to be a pilot. I could have been, but my eyes have gone down in quality. Bah!


I wanted to go into space.


I still do. :blank:

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