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Which forumites would you take in to a zombie apocalypse?


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Coolness - If I'm going to die, I want to be surrounded by postive people. I need Coolness.


Raining - Would manage to cheer me up, whatever the situation...in this case being masses of Zombies. Fun times. Plus, because of her awesome coloured hair the zombies would see her brains first and therefore that would give me chance to run. :p


Daft - Because you've just got to have Daft there, right? How can you not.

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I only need one companion: Supergrunch


Why, you ask? Let me ask you this: Have you ever seen (or rather, heard) zombies make anything but primitive moaning sounds? No? So we can assume that if something possesses the ability to speak, it is not a zombie. Supergrunch, having super linguistic powers, could teach the zombies to speak. Based on the conslusion that zombies can't speak, the zombies cease to be zombies, and thus the threat is averted. Quod erat demonstrandum.






That point is valid enough to win ANY case in court.

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Bard and McPhee - they both have supperior running up stairs abilities, which would be handy for out-running the zombies.


King V - he would protect us with his taekwondo ass kicking skills, aswell as keeping us all calm with his suavity.


Jordan - With FPS skills like his, how could anything go wrong!!




(...right) :heh::)

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I like the idea of taking three jaysevens, with the hope that they would join together and form... something that would be all powerful against the zombie hordes. Failing that, Fish's team sounds good.


Note: is also a hardcore agnostic, despite being an evolutionist.

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I think i would go for:


Supergrunch: Because he's clever and could seek out a cure 'I am Legend' style. I know you could do it.


EEVILMURRAY: As he seems like he could cope well with the impending being eaten by a zombie death and maybe even throw in a few Arnie quotes.


Rokhed: Could take a fair few zombies out, so i'd have him as 'a heavy', at the same time the rest of us could make our escape.

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Darksnowman - He'd scare them away with his Irish accent


Oi irish accents aren't scary :heh:


nando (boyfriend)

raining_again (friend)

sprout (online msn buddddday)


yayy! Me and buttons would kick some zombie ass. :awesome: Oh yes.


@ Haggis - I don't have a brain to be eaten :heh:4


I think it would be:


Flinky, we could sing Band Aid and Arnie quotes til the sun went down.

Either Ashley or Dyson, But Ashley is taller I think so would make a cracking human shield.

Raining_again, we'd have repopulate the earth.


Fucking right. We definitely would turn our m00sh into muscle.


Oh god I'd have to listen to arnie quotes.... SPARE ME!!!!! :P

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jayseven - he's read a lot about zombies. and he claims that he will not last long, which means I can push him in harms way a few times and he won't take it too personally

Hero of Time - Has 920 achievement points on Dead Rising

Mr_Odwin - the voice of reason, and a little bit computer-geeky-haxor

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Note: is also a hardcore agnostic, despite being an evolutionist.


I am, technically, also an agnostic, as I accept there is a possibility (albeit one slightly smaller than George Bush's brain in cubic picometers) of a deity.



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And before you ask, I wouldn't take bluey. Why would I take my girl INTO the apocalypse? Plus, bless her, her skills are more in tea making and the creations of "Go Get 'Em!" style pep-rally banners than as a combat buddy. I mean cmon... she finds bits of Zelda too scary sometimes.


I can just imagine her on the sidelines doing a peppy routine with a banner that says "Go Get 'Em!" with a Japanese translation underneath and doing this: : peace:

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Daft - Because you've just got to have Daft there, right? How can you not.


Why thank you!! :D


In return, if it came to it, I'd distract the zombies with my witty banter while you escaped. Still, I'm hoping the result of that encounter would be more akin to Thriller in that the zombies would make me their Zombie King of Funk. I would moonwalk across the world looking for brains to chow down on.



....I'm loving that idea way too much. :heh:

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Not to be picky, but OP says you must pick three :heh:


Hehe, I know...






I don't think any of us would be good at fending off the Zombies but we'd have a god laugh before we die. :grin:


Ok my 3 would be:




Awesome in everyway! I would probably just hide somewhere and talk the usual random stuff with her idly passing the time by hoping it will end soon.


Also she would be able to provide some tasty Chocolate, specculas and seedless watermelons. (oh and applecake) :p




I'd like to be with the man I love if I'm about to die. :heart:




Maybe he could distract them with a high school musical dance? :heh:


I know I'd join in......

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EEVILMURRAY: As he seems like he could cope well with the impending being eaten by a zombie death and maybe even throw in a few Arnie quotes.


This is beautiful, I've gone from saying Shabba alot to being one of the forums forefront authorities on Arnie quotes.

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