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Sonic and the Black Knight


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Well the previews so far suggest it is the main flaw, as you'd expect I guess. Apparently using the sword is a bit unresponsive which can cause problems when you're supposed to be attacking when moving. Also there's the fact that it's just waggling in any manner to slash randomly, like with Zelda, so it's a tad pointless.


I feel like the game looks good other than that though.

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Did you expect any less from the Sonic Team?


I dunno, the fact the screens and previous trailers haven't shown a deluge of them lead me to believe they might not play a big role. (They still might not?)


I just don't know the newer characters like Blaze and Silver, so don't feel empathy toward them.

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Guest Captain Falcon

I just don't know the newer characters like Blaze and Silver, so don't feel empathy toward them.


Knowing Silver wouldn't actually help you in that regard :heh:


And another nice looking trailer - thanks Retro.

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VideoGamer's Sonic and the Black Knight Interview


The Sonic the Hedgehog series is generally split into two distinct eras. There's the brilliant 16-bit era, where Sonic dazzled gamers with his insane speed, thrilling platform gameplay and great visuals, and then there's the games released post Sonic Adventure. It's fair to say that the recent games haven't really impressed, and with this in mind we caught up with Sonic and the Black Knight director Tetsu Katano, armed with all the important questions - not just "Why can't Sonic swim?".


VideoGamer.com: Why did you want to make Sonic and the Black Knight on the Wii? This game is aimed at quite a young audience - is that Sonic's home now?


Tetsu Katano: The reason we made it on the Wii was because it's a direct descendant of Sonic and the Secret Rings and we wanted to make the most of internal resources in the dev team. In terms of the audience, you're pretty much correct to say that children will be the core Sonic gamers. You have the animated Sonic series that is intended for younger kids, and I personally like to look at those kids as our most important audience. That said, we're trying to make games which appeal to all generations.


VG: Sonic has been around for a long time now. Do you think he as a character has changed since, and if so how?


TK: Well, fundamentally Sonic hasn't changed as a character, in my opinion. There's always the speed, and in terms of his character he's a man of silence. He doesn't talk loud and he doesn't express much. These core elements haven't changed. (What!)


VG: What is the hardest thing about designing a Sonic game in 3D?


TK:That's kind of hard to say, because there isn't just one 3D game. If you look at Sonic Adventure and Sonic and the Secret Rings, they are quite different. Secret Rings was more of a racing game, whereas Adventure was more of an action adventure game. So it's really hard to talk about 3D Sonic as a single game. With this one there's a lot of sword action, so the challenge is bringing that to Sonic.


VG: As you said earlier, Sonic is all about speed. A lot of people didn't like the Werehog in Unleashed, partly due to the fact that he was so slow. Do you think that character was a mistake, or should people be more open-minded?


TK:In principle, I think that the users are always right. They're the ones paying the money and playing the games. If they don't enjoy it, they're not going to buy it. I don't think that producing the Werehog was a mistake per se, but there were a lot of things we could have done better if we had more time and resources.


VG: What kind of things would you have done differently? Will we see the Werehog again?



TK:For the improvements, I can't think of anything right now off the top of my head. If I think of any ideas then Sonic Unleashed 2 will be the time for that, so I don't really have an answer for that. But you will see the Werehog again. I like Secret Rings very much, but when it came to making this title [sonic and the Black Knight] we chose to do something different. All the good things about Secret Rings belong to that specific game. So in the same way, unless we're going to make Sonic Unleashed 2 you might not see him again. But if we are going to make it, you might see him again. It's a possibility.

VG: A lot of people think that the Wii has changed gaming in the West by opening it up to a wider audience. Do you agree?


TK:I definitely agree that the Wii has changed the gaming industry. As a game creator myself, I'm not really in a position to make a comfortable critique of the whole situation. But in my personal opinion Nintendo has a really good attitude to always try to do something new. That attitude was what went into making the Wii such a phenomenon throughout the world. I think very highly of them.


Sonic and the Black Knight is due for release exclusively on Wii in March.

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Guest Captain Falcon

VG: What kind of things would you have done differently? Will we see the Werehog again?



TK:For the improvements, I can't think of anything right now off the top of my head. If I think of any ideas then Sonic Unleashed 2 will be the time for that, so I don't really have an answer for that. But you will see the Werehog again. I like Secret Rings very much, but when it came to making this title [sonic and the Black Knight] we chose to do something different. All the good things about Secret Rings belong to that specific game. So in the same way, unless we're going to make Sonic Unleashed 2 you might not see him again. But if we are going to make it, you might see him again. It's a possibility.


So we will see the werehog again, but not necessarily in SU2 which may or may not be development, but if they don't make it then we won't see him again and if they do make it, then it's only a possibility of it being in anyway.


Did I get that right?

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VG: What kind of things would you have done differently? Will we see the Werehog again?


TK:For the improvements, I can't think of anything right now off the top of my head. If I think of any ideas then Sonic Unleashed 2 will be the time for that, so I don't really have an answer for that. But you will see the Werehog again. I like Secret Rings very much, but when it came to making this title [sonic and the Black Knight] we chose to do something different. All the good things about Secret Rings belong to that specific game. So in the same way, unless we're going to make Sonic Unleashed 2 you might not see him again. But if we are going to make it, you might see him again. It's a possibility.



The fact that every review and every bit of feedback has said the Werehog is TERRIBLE, yet they would still bring it back? What a bunch of idiots. Almost as sad as Sonic's ever growing family of forgettable sidekicks/enemies.

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storybook series is ruined.


IGN's review score 3.9


8.5 Presentation

Slick interface, crisp cut-scenes, online trading system and leader boards. In-game graphics look good. Dialog is too campy.

8.5 Graphics

Really pretty. Varied level designs come to life with good art and great effects.

7.5 Sound

There's a lot of voice work and music and a good chunk of it is over-the-top campy.

3.0 Gameplay

Possibly designed by monkeys. Everything you've ever liked about Sonic games -- speed, great level designs -- is gone. Instead, you will crawl through stages and fight enemy after enemy, with waggle.

3.0 Lasting Appeal

You can beat the primary single-player mode in a few hours and then you'll unlock some extra playable characters. But there's no point in going back unless you like torturing yourself.



(out of 10 / not an average)

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you mean the arcade game? holy god no!




does this happen every single time a sonic game is released or what ...


why oh why do we never learn.. sonic games are always going to be mediocre.. seriously unleashed wasnt that great and that was the best on wii thus far.. secret rings stands with super monkey ball wii has the biggest overly-rated titles on wii.. in my opinion


I am no sonic hater but i'm just warning you this game looks set to fall in every trap AGAIN


music: annoying

characters: more humans so probably not on mobius again..

gimmick this time?: a sword


and this is just from the trailer.. I also think this is practically a sequel to SATSR which personally I didnt like but some of you did.


the only thing this seems to do right is that sonic didnt say a word but you know he will :)


you're just better off being pesimistic with these games.. for every 10 sonic games released 6 are going to be god awful and the rest average .


I trying not to be a bitch about this but seriously it's out again. YET AGAIN people hyped themselves up for this.. WHY do you do this to yourselves? there are plenty of examples on the previous pages of people getting excited over a trailer and a few pictures.. I mean how?


This has never been truer.

This is very much exclusive to sonic games I can think of no other series that gets so much attention after 10 years of horribleness.. I mean people don't give a shit about crash bandicoot games anymore or tomb raider games and mario lost a lot of street cred for sunshine..


I'm a massive sonic fan but of the old stuff.. the good stuff.


I'm open minded about just about any new game but NOT sonic games I refuse to believe another one will be good until I play it in my hands and so should you. Be aware.

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Only for people who hate 3D Sonic game, like you.



I still think this game will be a lot of fun. IGN say that it's almost as good as the 360 version of Sonic Unleashed, which was awesome.


Edit: Also, Tomb Raider Legend and Underworld are the best games in the Tomb Raider franchise.

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Oh dear - not a massive surprise here really, the Secret Rings was broken but showed amazing promise, what should Sonic Team do?


Oh yeah - take out the bits that showed promise, slow it down, do ZERO work on the bits that let it down and give Sonic a new gimmick, a sword will do nicely!

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This is actually pretty annoying. I enjoyed Secret Rings quite a lot honestly, it wasn't so much that the controls were flat out broken as it was that it took a while to really familiarise yourself with them and get the upgrades that improved them, then it was a case of understanding what the gameplay was really about, strategically choosing upgrades to handle different levels according to what stats and abilities would benefit you most in them.


I figured this game would have the good traits of Secret Rings, more refined control and that the waggle would at least be passable and just a slight annoyance you can get around like most other Wii games. Seems it downright ruins the experience as it's CONSTANT, it's the most prominent feature of the gameplay from the sound of it. It has looked dodgy in all the actual gameplay footage (not trailers) I've seen so it's not too surprising, I just didn't expect it to be THAT bad.


I was planning on buying this even if there were like 6/10 scores and what not based on the fact I liked Rings despite the criticism. The fact the swordplay is both a huge component and seemingly downright broken is hugely offputting now though. Unless IGN's review is the one off awful score it gets I'll be giving it a miss now.


I bet this game would've benefited hugely is motion plus was out and implimented, for more responsive and accurate slashing.

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IGN's scoring of this is a bit off. How they can give it 3.9 is beyond me. It looks as though they've basically taken the Gameplay and lasting appeal scores into consideration and given a score close to those. If you're giving a game a score overall, based off of a set of scores for various features, then it should be averaged and in this case that would work out as 6.1 which ties in with Famitsu's 26/40. Regardless though, I think everyone was skeptical about a new sonic game and while I'm still a bit skeptical over this, I'm going to pick it up at some point.

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