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Drinking to get Drunk


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OK water went on nothing but the floor. I sort of thought it would be funny to throw cups of water at Nikki. And then she thought it would be funny to turn the shower on and point it at me. And then I fell into the door. The hinges needed a bit of retightening and now it's all ok. Except the lock, which I broke. But hey, I fit it and paid for it in the first place, so it's my loss, and I can get a new one. Serves me right for being cheap and buying the aluminium one that bends.


...don't know why I'm sharing this story with everyone.

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I've done so many stupid things whilst being drunk.


Isn't that the point though? I mean, if I'm drinking I intend to get all silly and so things I wouldn't do normally. It's so much fun realising all that was said and done the morning after.

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OK water went on nothing but the floor. I sort of thought it would be funny to throw cups of water at Nikki. And then she thought it would be funny to turn the shower on and point it at me. And then I fell into the door. The hinges needed a bit of retightening and now it's all ok. Except the lock, which I broke. But hey, I fit it and paid for it in the first place, so it's my loss, and I can get a new one. Serves me right for being cheap and buying the aluminium one that bends.


...don't know why I'm sharing this story with everyone.


roffles :P Trainspotting poster ok? Apart from being ripped and upsidedown, I mean...

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Oh holy christ, my head is pounding.


Sorry about last night guys. Went out for a staff dinner. And someone kept ordering bottles of wine with the meal so I was on that at first. Then after dinner went down the pub and onto my regular drink. Jack Daniels.


Think I learned mixing wine and whiskey = bad things.


Came home and spotted I left the laptop on and I think ye know the rest.

Tried to play Brawl online too last night (me drunk=bad Brawl player.....well worse than my normal badness anyway)


I don't think I did too much damage... could have posted more but many of the threads I opened I remember thinking "too many words don't know what this thread is about" and left it :heh:


Once again.... my bad :(

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Oh holy christ, my head is pounding.


Sorry about last night guys. Went out for a staff dinner. And someone kept ordering bottles of wine with the meal so I was on that at first. Then after dinner went down the pub and onto my regular drink. Jack Daniels.


Think I learned mixing wine and whiskey = bad things.


Came home and spotted I left the laptop on and I think ye know the rest.

Tried to play Brawl online too last night (me drunk=bad Brawl player.....well worse than my normal badness anyway)


I don't think I did too much damage... could have posted more but many of the threads I opened I remember thinking "too many words don't know what this thread is about" and left it :heh:


Once again.... my bad :(


Well, it DID fit quite well in with the topic at hand. :p

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£5 can mean 8 cans of beer/cider, or four litres of cider :D Plenty! But then, I'm a bigger fan of drinking at home with mates and tv/movies/games/cards. Far cheaper, and you control the atmosphere and don't get random drunkards. Ok, that's probably a down-side :(


Cheap ale is dirty man, i dont know how people can drink it :/

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I have a personal belief that everyone who posts on the internet like this:


"Lol urg uys urm y im noT drunk but. IMG what is up with that gaysg think on teh news i waar. SHUT UP"


is just bullshitting, exaggerating and trying to impress everyone. And it's really, really stupid.


Just wanted to say that.

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I have a personal belief that everyone who posts on the internet like this:


"Lol urg uys urm y im noT drunk but. IMG what is up with that gaysg think on teh news i waar. SHUT UP"


is just bullshitting, exaggerating and trying to impress everyone. And it's really, really stupid.


Just wanted to say that.


im not trying to exadurate, i just cant spell :(

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I have a personal belief that everyone who posts on the internet like this:


"Lol urg uys urm y im noT drunk but. IMG what is up with that gaysg think on teh news i waar. SHUT UP"


is just bullshitting, exaggerating and trying to impress everyone. And it's really, really stupid.


Just wanted to say that.


pfft ewhedt do yo knoe?!

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worst effect of booze is making you want more booze. Many a time I've just hit the bar too many times and then only realised that I'm about 15 mins less drunk that I will be, and when I finally catch up with my intake, I'm going to be utterly hammered.

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Real Ale is awesome. Lager is the foul stuff, even if you think that price determines quality. If I wanted fizzy piss, I'd take a whizz in cup and add 4 parts water.


As for drinking to get drunk, I don't aim to get drunk but I do find a few pints can help you relax a bit and have fun. I have a couple of friends who, despite claiming they're champions of handling their drink, usually seem to end up stumbling all over the place, and moreover, let the testosterone take over and try acting big and tough (one guy in particular likes to pick fights, starts "jokingly" shoving people around and dishes out poor insults - only for him to then get angry and storm off when someone quite easily shows him up).


At the dear age of 21, and having had 3 years of University life so far, I'm not afraid to say that on many an evening I've thought it wise to have the odd coke inbetween drinks just to freshen myself up and enjoy the evening more. Anyone who tells you it's "lame" or "it's for pussies" or otherwise is quite simply a twat.


And needless to say, we all get very drunk at times and I'm no stranger to that, but providing you don't ruin anyone's night (or even your own) then it's all okay I suppose! I just worry about violence really, nothing worse than going to some of my locals in Reading and having tanked-up lager lads thinking they need to prove a point to me. They don't need to start a fight for me to think they're an idiot as it is.

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I may see the fun in getting drunk.

But I don't see the fun in getting a hangover.


Maybe I lost the way somewhere? Because you have fun whilst you are drunk and that means you suffer later.


Why not just have a few drinks, have fun and not suffer in the morning? Or am I just being boring again?

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