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You're Awesome, Tell Us How Awesome You Are


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When did 'awesome' rejoin the parlance of the younger generation? I'm betting on a 'radical' revival any minute now.


Anyway, I was listening to Radio 4 during my break and they were talking about boasting, primarily how it's a common facet of American culture that is slowly finding a foothold in the British business arena despite it being the antithesis of the country's taste for self-deprecation. One of the reasons for this is that when it comes to the workplace you have to draw attention to your own achievements if you want them to be recognised, as frankly no one else is paying any attention.


So, with that in mind, why are you awesome? Maybe it's something obvious, perhaps it's something no one else seems to recognise, or it could just be that you're the only one that sees it as a positive. Whatever the case, we want to know.


Oh, and if you suspect someone of being falsely modest in their self-assessment then be sure to call them out by saying, "Gone Fishing!" We won't have anyone casting for compliments in this thread, so if you're challenged you better be prepared to back up your appraisal.


And... go!



Summary for the impatient: Say why you're awesome, beat the falsely modest over the head with an oar. And consider taking things a bit slower; if all you do is rush from place to place then you'll forget to take in the scenery.

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Ashley knows how awesome I am and I know how awesome Ashley is.


Oh, and I'm hardly ever falsely modest. I don't really need to be. Everyone I meet likes me which is indication enough.


I'm not saying I'm the most awesome person I know but I am up there... actually maybe I am the most awesome person I know... It's a close call either way.

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I don't think anyone's awesome, to say so would be blowing their own trumpet.


Sod that, with all the bitchyness and ''what I should look like'' in magazines/tv and even from friends, everyone once in a while, its nice to turn around and go ''yeah I'm good at that'' or ''I look good in this''. Without being too big headed.

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I don't think anyone's awesome, to say so would be blowing their own trumpet.


Pfff, maybe you're not awesome, but I know I am! =P


I am awesome because I am a nerdy girl who loves videogames and has done so for yearssss. I am also awesome because I watch one of the most awesome shows in existence, namely the X-Files.

I am also awesome because I am a pretty nice person, usually friendly to people and strangers and am concerned about their well-being.


I think I am also great because of the beautiful artwork I create and my amazing taste in music.



Yeah, I'm a pretty cool person. =P

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Sod that, with all the bitchyness and ''what I should look like'' in magazines/tv and even from friends, everyone once in a while, its nice to turn around and go ''yeah I'm good at that'' or ''I look good in this''. Without being too big headed.

It just sounds very insincere, using the word "awesome". I mean, there might be something quite good about yourself, but I wouldn't go as far as awesome. I hate hyperbole.

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Pfff, maybe you're not awesome, but I know I am! =P


I am awesome because I am a nerdy girl who loves videogames and has done so for yearssss. I am also awesome because I watch one of the most awesome shows in existence, namely the X-Files.

I am also awesome because I am a pretty nice person, usually friendly to people and strangers and am concerned about their well-being.


I think I am also great because of the beautiful artwork I create and my amazing taste in music.



Yeah, I'm a pretty cool person. =P


I don't know anything about your taste in music, but I think you're awesome for all of those reasons. :smile:


Most users here are awesome. To name them all would take all day.



About me... I'm awesome because I'm likable, altruistic and modest. And I have a good sense of humour. Or not

(There's not much else though...:()


I have a strange power, too. I can blend in many places, and not be noticed. I could make a good undercover agent. Like THAT would ever happen...

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It just sounds very insincere, using the word "awesome". I mean, there might be something quite good about yourself, but I wouldn't go as far as awesome. I hate hyperbole.

This is a fun thread, not a thinky thread. Go and be morose in one my other topics if you must; there are several that will cater for you.


I'm awesome because I pay great attention to detail. I try to entertain people with footnotes and rubbish tangential jokes, and even though no one says so I know the effort is appreciated.

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Aww Jonnas I'm sure you are awesome enough to become a secret agent :heart:


Shino, you are awesome just because of your avatar!


I'm awesome because I'm good to my friends, I'm awesome because I'm a girl gamer and work my ass to the bone to get into uni to do games design.


I'm also awesome today for passing my driving test first time!


I feel rather awesome right now :awesome:

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I'm awesome because I'm aweswome at everything I do.


I'm totally hot, and can make excellent coffee. I can wash dishes at the speed of light, whilst simultaneously preparing veggies and tuna.

I freaking own at guitar hero and DJ Max Portable, and have a great body.

I'm also awesome because I am earning almost £800 a month and i'm only 16.


Man, that felt awesome :D

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I'm awsome for including but not limited to the following reasons:


- I'm a geek and love being geeky. :yay:

- I own at StepMania. Not like those on YouTube, but still enough to amaze my friends.

- I believe in the good in people and love altruism.

- I study the most awsome (and possibly geeky) subjects, Latin and Ancient Greek.

- I do martial arts (when I have the time).

- I'm a freelance (read: wannabe) psychologist and philosopher.

- I do what I want and don't care what other people think of me.

- I'm a die-hard optimist.

- I have a special (read: lame) sense of humour and laugh at most things even remotely funny.


And my primary source of awesomeness:


- I wear glasses.

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