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  Olympic Gamer said:
You kinda already made this thread here


But Alien Trilogy for Saturn scared the shit out of me..

That scared me too actually.

Olympic, aren't you getting bored of this joke now?

Guest bluey
  Olympic Gamer said:
You kinda already made this thread here


O_G if you werent 6000 miles away i'd hunt you down and kill you for that..... :grin:

that was a particularly annoying rick roll ...

i was streaming a movie ~ i had to force quit firefox @____@




...silent hill 4 the room scared the living crap out of me... so much so that i couldnt even finish the first bit up to the save point... i had to turn it off before it got me O_O


Majora's Mask had a bit that totally freaked me out. At the beginning of one of the dungeons there was a room with platforms and if you fell off you fell into a really dark area with these little black cloud monsters with a pair of orange glowing eyes. Being chased by a hoard of glowing eyes freaked me out.


Also in OOT the shadow hand freaked me out.


And Ravenholm on HL2. When those monsters are slowly crawling up the drain pipe and you can hear the clanking of the metal. Quality headphones required, total darkness and a jumpy friend required.

  bluey said:
O_G if you werent 6000 miles away i'd hunt you down and kill you for that..... :grin:

that was a particularly annoying rick roll ...

i was streaming a movie ~ i had to force quit firefox @____@




Haha, surely after the QR code incident you'd be a bit wary of things im linking to? Heh, but feel free to hunt me down when you can, I will supply biscuits.


The only scary game bits I remember are Metroid Fusion's SA-X parts.


Edit: If you check the link at the bottom of Firefox then you'll have no problems with this 10-year-old habit that's turned into a fad by using links of this singer I've never heard of before.

Guest Jordan

Silent Hill on the PS1, holy shit. I don't think its scary anymore mind, but as kid fucking hell.


Fatal Frame (the original) also scared me shitless and still does.


I just got rickroll'D :(


Eternal Darkness.. I challenge anyone not to be scared at that at some points. Infact, I'm going to re-complete that game this summer.

  Daft said:
Majora's Mask had a bit that totally freaked me out. At the beginning of one of the dungeons there was a room with platforms and if you fell off you fell into a really dark area with these little black cloud monsters with a pair of orange glowing eyes. Being chased by a hoard of glowing eyes freaked me out.


Also in OOT the shadow hand freaked me out.



OoT used to scare me, because I was never allowed to game during the week, so I had to maximise my weekend time, which'd sometimes mean being downstairs until well late in the morning with no lights on(you don't get up to turn the lights on, that takes gaming time!) and going through places like the shadow temple. It has such creepy music too, I remember it to this day. The walls, the invisible things, the motherfucking redeads and gibdos!, and worst of all the shadow crawlers. Those nights, any noise I heard would make me jump, I think I kept playing just so I wouldn't have to bear silence and go to sleep lol. I had a few similar times with MM, though by then I was a bit more sensible, and also taking liberties with not being allowed to play during the week.

Eternal Darkness, as BlackFox just mentioned, I played for the first time last year, and it most certainly succeeded in scaring me numerous times. I never got round to finishing it, or playing it too late at night.


Games don't "scare" me as such, merely make me jump. There is a difference gringos!

  Cube said:
The only scary game bits I remember are Metroid Fusion's SA-X parts.

I hated those parts. Now that portion of the game was shit-inducing scary.

  BlackFox said:
Eternal Darkness.. I challenge anyone not to be scared at that at some points. Infact, I'm going to re-complete that game this summer.

I always loved the bit where you examine the bath.


And you should re-complete that game dammit! I think apart from the Golden Sun games, it's one of the games I've completed the most [seeing as you need to complete it 3 times to get that cracking 20 second cut-scene at the end]


I think I used to get that 'alone in the dark' feeling from Tomb Raider 2. I was... lets see... 10 years old and I used to play it in the spare room where the PC was, after school when nobody else was home. The game was very quiet, enemies moved swiftly and didn't make a lot of noise, they suddenly appeared on you and you knew it would take 500 bullets to bring them down. Add to that the claustrophobic feeling when you're submerged in the clanky, echoey ship wreck of the Maria Doria.


I remember finding the PC demo of F.E.A.R very creepy, but when I recently bought the 360 version, it doesn't have the same effect at all :/ Bioshock is damn creepy on your first few playthroughs, although again, that would've been on the PC before I got the 360 version. The Darkness is pretty disturbing in later levels...


On the whole I don't think I get very scared by console games, but being alone on a creepy PC title in a dark room can be much worse.


I used to be really scared of ever doing anything in Tomb Raider, as often you'd move a few steps into complete silence, then siddenly massive dogs scream and attack you from out of nowhere.


That said, I was like 6.

Guest Stefkov

Starfox Adventures, where you were in the room and being tested. You had to keep the slider in a certain area whilst some ghosts floated around you trying to scare you. I was scared by that for some reason. Not change pants scared.

Also the first creature thing you come across in Bioshock. It was the demo and so I didn't know what to expect. Crapped myself when it charged at me.


Some people need to play Condemned and also the sequel I feel, those are crap scary games. Most people I know can't play the game with the lights off. Also, I'm with Ginger Chris in the fact that AVP2 is scary as hell too; Monolith are genuii at scary people.


Eternal Darkness... I remember walking into that room... with the piano... and I could hear this sound... like a creaking... but where was it coming from?


After walking around the room about three times my eyes were diverted to a particular part of the room as I bumped into something... A guy hanging with a rope around his neck and swinging slightly from side to side (thus causing the creaking noise).


Freaky moment. :(

  Ginger_Chris said:
Alien versus predator 2, the first marine level.


Dude, I think we must be identical hand twins or something, because I was going to post the EXACT same thing. Like, the exact same sentence as well.


That whole level is amazing. Every second of it. The scary thing is that you don't actually see any Aliens until mid-way or to the end of the level. That's the beauty of it, the buildup is fucking amazing.


And, the bit going into the hive and the escape. I kept turning around and there's these aliens after me. My heart was racing, and I was running trying not to look behind and making it to the others.


The bit outside the hive, when you're going into it, I was going behind me and closing all the doors and I just kept seeing Aliens coming at me. Hands down the scariest level I've played in any game.

  bluey said:
O_G if you werent 6000 miles away i'd hunt you down and kill you for that..... :grin:

that was a particularly annoying rick roll ...

i was streaming a movie ~ i had to force quit firefox @____@




...silent hill 4 the room scared the living crap out of me... so much so that i couldnt even finish the first bit up to the save point... i had to turn it off before it got me O_O

I just pressed ctrl+f4 then pressed enter untill it disappeared.

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