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I thought it was Saddam who did it.. Because he was the only villain I knew about at that age - apart from Hitler... who I did consider briefly but then decided that him and his monster race aren't back... yet.


Yea. The whole Osama bin Laden thing has made most people forget who did the 11/9 attacks and that he got away. He's probably working in Wal-Mart somewhere in New York now.

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Guest bluey
Holy shit, you saw Titanic? You poor girl :(

*sniff* i... i know... it was a very dark day for me so i'd prefer it if you didnt make "horribly obvious and not-really-that-funny-to-begin-with-but-who-cares -this-is-only-the-internet" jokes about it... if you wouldnt m..mind *snifff* :cry:

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I thought it was Saddam who did it.. Because he was the only villain I knew about at that age - apart from Hitler... who I did consider briefly but then decided that him and his monster race aren't back... yet.


I was pretty convinced it was bin ladden from the beginning as the Canadian network were all pointing a finger at him as soon as the second plane hit. On an unrelated note, I've always found it weird that Saddam looks alot like hitler.


Yea. The whole Osama bin Laden thing has made most people forget who did the 11/9 attacks and that he got away. He's probably working in Wal-Mart somewhere in New York now.


A comedy show we have in Canada used to have a segment called bin laden watch where they used to say he was sighted working at Wal-Mart or McDonalds or something like that. It was pretty funny at the time. I imagine he's either dead or has fled the country though.

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When I came home from school and switched on the movie box, I thought it was my beloved Canary Whalf that had smoke billowing out of it. From my house we can see the Whalf but I saw no smoke. Still pretty grim to know what happened.


But to be fair, 9/11 probably gets sentimentalized disproportionately when we know tragedies worst than this on frequent occasions are happening all over the world. I call 'potential retardedness' to anyone who find 9/11 emotionally destressing yet back this 'war on terror' or turn a blind eye to the atrocities it has caused.

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Same here. C'mon, lighten up. It was years ago. Maybe at the time it was a massive shock but having seen how the Americans have abused it i really have no sympathy whatsoever. It's all a massive excuse for their "war on terrirism" which is actually about nicking some oil. Fucking Americans, we shouldn't get dragged in by their patriotic propaganda.


Seriously, they've killed more and done far worse things since it happened. 9/11 was a drop in the pond, but oh no, western people can't die, that's horrible. Let's just fuck over all the eastern world for our own gain and turn a blind eye. And some people act as if America was the victim! Bollocks.


Americans have abused it? You mean a small clique called the neocons who directed foriegn policy.


The way you refer to America as a victim is odd. Its the individual human beings that were actually from lots of different countries that were the victims.

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There is a brilliant philosophy you can follow to prevent this. If everyone were to take it to heart, then terrorists wouldn't be a problem at all; in effect, the mechanism terrorism exploits is herd irrationality.


Not only is that article great, he also has one called "The Zen of Snorlax", and, as such, that has become one of my favourite sites. :heh:

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Thought I would add my two cents.


I was almost 18 when it happened working part time at Halfords. It came on the radio that a plane had crashed into the WTC. I was just finishing my shift and comet was next door so popped in there and saw it on the news.


I drove home and just as I got in the 2nd plane hit.


I watched the news for the rest of the day/night not believing what had happened and am still astonished to this day.


Even when I went to New York in 2005 it was still hard to get my head round it when walking around ground zero.


Yea. The whole Osama bin Laden thing has made most people forget who did the 11/9 attacks and that he got away. He's probably working in Wal-Mart somewhere in New York now.


He is most likely to actually be somewhere in Waziristan which is a very mountainous area of pakistan and borders Afghanistan. The Taliban have a very strong hold of this area and it's where a lot of "extremists" go for their training. If he is alive he will be in there somewhere but it's just impossible for any force to enter due to the taliban and of course the mountains. He'll die eventually the fucker.

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Actually what struck me worse than the twin towers were the London bombings. I was in Spain at the time and no-one quite knew what happened, all I and everyone else heard was that London had been bombed. Quite shocking though obviously we found that it wasn't on the same scale as 9/11

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At the Time 9/11 happened I was only 10. I didn't really have a clue what impact this would have or what this terrible event was unfolding in front of me at the time.


I knew something was wrong but I was more concerned with the fact that it was on every channel and that my cartoons were not on.


I eventually went up stairs and found Aquilla was on BBC 2 and watched that instead.


Like ReZ I've only realised how much worse it was and what big impact it's had on the world a few years later where as at the time I was not so aware of what was going on really.

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I was playing football manager at Uni and my mate came in and said a planes hit the world trade centre and i just went "oh" and carried on playing, he came in a bit later and said another plane has hit and I said "Bloody hell, what are the chances of that?" and carried on playing. It wasn't until that night that I actually realised how bad it actually was!! I then started shitting myself about the repercussion (big war etc)!

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I think now after the comments that it's still distateful, just as I find mum jokes the same,


Can you imagine trying to tell that to someone who's loved one died in 9/11 or the massive earthquake recently, or the tsunami to get over it? I doubt it

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Not only is that article great, he also has one called "The Zen of Snorlax", and, as such, that has become one of my favourite sites. :heh:

'tis indeed a great site. I found out the guy was eerily similar to me - for instance, we both did (or in my case, am doing) the same course at the same university, and both used the obscure Futurama reference "Things of Interest" as a blog title. (mine had like two posts)


Edit: Wait, I lie, he did maths.

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Americans have abused it? You mean a small clique called the neocons who directed foriegn policy.


The way you refer to America as a victim is odd. Its the individual human beings that were actually from lots of different countries that were the victims.


Yes, alot of people died, and thats tragic, i understand that. But what about all the people they have killed in retaliation? Do they not have as much right to life as people in America? Real human beings are over there too y'know, with families, husbands, wives, children, lives. We are just so immune to it that we let it happen without remorse. Like i said, cry me a river, i really couldn't care less about the losses of 9/11 because they dont care about others.

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Mcoy dosen't think it's fair to say the people deserved to die because America killed loads of other innocent families in the aftermath, the people were just living their lives are were just caught up in an unfortunate attack.


Mcoy does think however America just did want to go and get revenge on anyone they thought that was involved without really taking and precautions into the effects they may have.

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Mcoy dosen't think it's fair to say the people deserved to die because America killed loads of other innocent families in the aftermath, the people were just living their lives are were just caught up in an unfortunate attack.


Mcoy does think however America just did want to go and get revenge on anyone they thought that was involved without really taking and precautions into the effects they may have.


I didn't say they deserved to die, and i certainly dont think that either.

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Mcoy does think however America just did want to go and get revenge on anyone they thought that was involved without really taking and precautions into the effects they may have.


To be fair that is partially true with america and some other countries (including our own) it's a shame on both ends because in each everybody suffers even if you are entirely innocent. :(

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Whos watched Loose Change then? Certainly makes 9/11 look like the biggest cover up of all time


Surely if any of this "evidence" was credible there would be a big court case about it?


Look at all the 'facts' regarding a conspiracy theory about Princess Diana, the conclusion to that? A tragic accident. 9/11 was a terrorist attack.

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