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Biggest Let Down Ever!


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Goldeneye, ten years after it's release.


I hate to be the controversial prick here, but that game has not aged well at all.


Agree x 100


Dual analogue and Wii first person shooters FTW. Goldeneye and Perfect Dark feel clunky now.


As for SSBM, I dunno - I just heard some great things about it but found it to be massively overrated. Watch Zero Punctuation review of Brawl and you'll see how I feel about it

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The question is: Can you walk round your house as if it were a small planet? Can you do this in other games? :heh:


Now seriously, I haven't played Mario Galaxy, but that is a very weak argument. You certainly didn't convince me that what you said is a flaw.

When they said you could bum planets all the way around I was expecting something large, not shit the size of my house. I'm not sure how more clear to make this.


See, just as you think WW is crap, some people also think TP is crap.

No shit.

Opinions, you know? :wink:

You make it sound as if I'm saying they are wrong, you know? The lovely responses such as "GTFO" etc. I know they are opinions, and you've done a delightful job of rounding the general consensus, but I'm asking them for their personal opinion, not some smartass telling me it's their opinion.

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I can list a few.


DK 64 is probably the biggest I can think of. From the heady heights of the DKC's to this rot?? How did they do it? Well, they used Banjo Kazooie as the template basically, which ruined it all. For the record, I didn't love B-K before DK 64, but I've come to loathe it since.


Others are Forsaken on the N64, all Metroid games except Fusion... and maybe Prime 3 but my expectations of it were so low it probably could do nothing but be better than I anticipated.


There was something else, but I can't think of it now. I'll leave you with news that Kid Icarus is overrated. :)

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Biggest let down ever?


Probably the just ended day of Fish's and Domjcg's Game =[ Didn't give us a chance :p


Anyway, I don't know any games that I find incredibly atrocious since I haven't played that many old games but if my most recent memory of being let down was probably Pokemon Revolution. That game was shocking :(

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Don't know if anyone has said it...but F-Zero GX I frankly found pretty dull. I know it was incredibly fast, and I read several reviews giving it 90%+...And I loved the idea when I was reading about it (and seeing it on Smash Brothers...) but I just didn't get it at all. What was the appeal of it? I tried so hard to get into it, but I found that basically all it included was holding down A and trying desperately to avoid falling off the edge. There seemed to be no excitement in the game until you crossed the line, and only then was it to see if you had managed to boost past people. The whole race was just dullness leading to three seconds of excitement.


And not only that but nobody else that I know can play it and stay on the track. Even friends who play more games than me find the whole thing incredibly hard. I wanted a game that would give me lasting appeal and then when it started to get dull would keep me amused in multiplayer. Sadly it did neither. Once you get past the fact that the game is really fast and very pretty, there just isn't much else going on.

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I can't do a lot of things I do in video games, doesn't mean I want to. The whole gravity mechanic isn't a flaw, it's just not that amazing.


Fair enough.


If you look at the earlier screenshots and video and read early previews you can see that with the delay they actually took stuff out. That isn't an opinion, that's fact


I'm not talking about stuff they took out (Enemies, rooms, etc.), I'm talking how they didn't seem to have time to properly beta-test the game.


Those great new items, like the Chain Ball and the Spinner, they're used for one dungeon, and barely anything more. It's like it was the last thing they added.


The excess of rupees. Your wallet is small as hell, and there's so few things you can actually spend them on. I can't believe they didn't notice this huge imbalance.


Plus, those last dungeons were horrible. And don't tell me it's because they took out some rooms. If they really took a few rooms out of those dungeons, then they were bad to begin with.


No shit.


You make it sound as if I'm saying they are wrong, you know? The lovely responses such as "GTFO" etc. I know they are opinions, and you've done a delightful job of rounding the general consensus, but I'm asking them for their personal opinion, not some smartass telling me it's their opinion.


Well, you looked surprised at that post. I just thought you hadn't noticed the TP hate (seriously :heh:). I misunderstood.

I actually skipped the posts with GTFO. They really were despicable.

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I'm not talking about stuff they took out (Enemies, rooms, etc.), I'm talking how they didn't seem to have time to properly beta-test the game.


Those great new items, like the Chain Ball and the Spinner, they're used for one dungeon, and barely anything more. It's like it was the last thing they added.


The excess of rupees. Your wallet is small as hell, and there's so few things you can actually spend them on. I can't believe they didn't notice this huge imbalance.


Plus, those last dungeons were horrible. And don't tell me it's because they took out some rooms. If they really took a few rooms out of those dungeons, then they were bad to begin with.



I'm really suspicious about TP. They had loads of stuff planned like a fully realised forest, the ability to talk to animals and such. The game we got was a pail imitation of what was shown and promised. They delayed it, took stuff out and I think that is what ruined the structure.


The game feels like potential good bits of a game really awfully put together.


I don't believe it was the testing that went wrong. Nintendo's testers are very good at their job. This is the first major Nintendo title I can remember that has fallen so flat.


What with Zelda:TP and SMG hate?


Are people not allowed to dislike them? I'd think hate is a bit strong.

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What with Zelda:TP and SMG hate?
I'm sure almost anyone can appreciate that Zelda:TP did very little for the series. The only way it really detached from teh previous titles was graphically. I know my biggest annoyance with the game was that the world didn't feel real. You were out in some unrealistic field that apparently nobody else used, there were no carts or travellers, nobody moved into Kakariko village or anything, there was only one little town in the whole 'Kingdom'. Frankly it was just too small and there was too little going on.


The gameplay itself was great fun to play, like any Zelda, I just needed it to do a little more.


As for SMG, I have no clue, I thought that game was inspired and brilliant :) it was basically what Zelda:TP was not, in terms of innovation.

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I know my biggest annoyance with the game was that the world didn't feel real. You were out in some unrealistic field that apparently nobody else used, there were no carts or travellers, nobody moved into Kakariko village or anything, there was only one little town in the whole 'Kingdom'.


Do you not remember Hyrule field from OOT?? There was absolutely no one in that field either. And it was lush.

I didn't like the TP field either, but that particular complaint is just off.

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Guest Maase

Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 Corruption


Super Mario Galaxy felt bad to me, too easy, too boring.


About Metroid Prime 3, the game is pretty good, but FPA simply doesn't work with me.


I've felt dissapointed with many games for my Wii, but i will not give up, there are good games arriving, and some i will buy for the Wii that are already out and seem pretty good :)

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Do you not remember Hyrule field from OOT?? There was absolutely no one in that field either. And it was lush.

I didn't like the TP field either, but that particular complaint is just off.


But it wasn't really that big. I think the layout was a lot better, with the ranch in the middle.


In TP it is virtually useless. It's function is almost to just be space.


Also, OOT was an N64 game, TP is one of the last games to be released on the GC. I'm not sure there is much more they could have done on OOT.

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i dont think tp could ever win, it gets slated for not moving the serise on, but had it tried somthing new people would have moaned it forgot its roots.


People always moan, Nintendo know not to listen. They didn't with WW when it was first shown and look how that turned out.

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Guest Jordan

The only way for them to best the Zelda series is to scrap it and do a do-over... but Nintendo would never do that.


Get rid of the Triforce story, ditch Zelda, ditch Ganon. Give it a stupid twisted story line and don't make it a third person collect items and go onwards-'em up. Make it something down right stupid.


But this is Nintendo. If a cheap buck can be found, they'll do it. Just like they'll bleed Pokémon to death.


Then again, I've adored every Zelda... So what can i say? My favourite is most peoples least though. Wind Waker is fucking lovely to play, even if it is as easy as a $2 whore.

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The only way for them to best the Zelda series is to scrap it and do a do-over... but Nintendo would never do that.


Get rid of the Triforce story, ditch Zelda, ditch Ganon. Give it a stupid twisted story line and don't make it a third person collect items and go onwards-'em up. Make it something down right stupid.


Like the CDi games, but without Zelda and Ganon?

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Guest Jordan
Like the CDi games, but without Zelda and Ganon?


No... because those were utter tripe.


Thats right, lets give Philips... a company with NO development history two of our biggest franchises. What the CHRIST were Nintendo thinking? :D

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Like Majora's Mask? Which was awesome.


Do you not remember Hyrule field from OOT?? There was absolutely no one in that field either. And it was lush.

I didn't like the TP field either, but that particular complaint is just off.

OoT was a lot older... that's what I mean by advancement. TP should've vastly improved on OoT's Hyrule field.

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