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Abortion as art


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Sounds awesome.


Why do I say this sounds awesome? Its bridging the gap between people who arent offended easily, and those that are, anything controversial will eventually be looked back upon and thought as "Wow, not a big deal". Ofcourse that statement is wrong for many things in history but bollocks to it.

It was done through artificial means anyway, and hey, it doesnt feel anything that young, so no ones harmed except herself really.


Heres to hoping she makes a pinata made of dead baby hides for her next project yeah?

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I think that the only thing that she has done is to illustrate how easy it is to do this kind of thing to yourself. Can you imagine going back in time just 10 years and asking a normal person if they think that they could actually get sperm donars with ease and then abort the pregnancy every month? They'd think that you were mental.


Personally, I think what she is doing is insane. I'm not sure that I'd classify it as art, especially as I'm not in a hurry to see it. But she is greivously hurting herself by doing this and I just find matyrdom art a big pile of cock.


I think that she could explore the subject matter without needing to go to such lengths. To me it just suggests that she's a bit of a shit artist really.

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I think the concept is interesting, and she is challenging the fact that birth is such a big deal for most women, or at least exhausting.


For her originality I applaud her.


However, I do think it's a bit extreme. I mean, i'm pro-abortion, but this is way OTT.


maybe just one baby? I don't know.


I suppose it depends when she has the abortion. If it's really early it's not as bad I guess...


I don't know. The crazed art side of me loves it, but my ethical side is being really shocked.

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I want to see this, art is about expression and although i think this is sick and wrong its intriguing.

Mostly the fact WHY she wants to do it and what she thinks she can gain by constantly damaging herself.


The meaning of "Art" has changed alot and often causes controversy now although most of the time the controversy is just PC retards. This could be quite serious and she may have mental problems.


(I have no idea what a period feels like but i am assured it hurts more than anthing ive ever felt..)


Good luck to her and i hope she learns something from it (Good or bad...)

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Guest bluey
I read an article on those abortion pills and you take one then take a second the day after or something, which then brings on an abortion straight away. Its supposed to be incredibly painful (well i suppose having most of your womb flushed away would be, no?)


Just ew. Abortion isn't something I'm fully against, but it should be for last option, and the lady in question should be given counselling before it happens.


Its not like a friggin' vitamin pill >_>


QFT! nobody in their right minds would do this to themselves for the sake of a university degree... even the so-called "herbal" ones are incredibly harsh on your body.. but if it's any consolation to anybody she probably damaged her body so much in doing this that she wasnt conceiving/aborting anything... i doubt anything would survive "in there" :hmm:


i feel really sorry for this woman.... clearly she's a little nuts! i understand that the main issue here is that she was potentially hurting other people/organisms with her project - but i wonder how everyone would react if it was blood collected from her sitting in her bathtub slashing her wrists... that's potentially the damage she's done to herself from the insides.. :blank:


i;m pro-choice... but as an absolute last resort... and tbh i dont see things like "abortion pills"/"the morning after pill" as *aborting* a child... they fall in that grey area between contraception and abortion; prevention and solution....


as for it being art or not... s'not so much "is it art" ... if you go by some peoples theories, EVERYTHING is art... from a meticulously detailed doodle on the roof of the sistine chapel... to the arrangement of the objects on the desk in front of you.


i think a better question to ask is: "is it any GOOD?"

...has anyone heard of the photographer jill greenberg's series "end times"... a series of HDR photographs of children.... crying because they'd just had a lollipop taken away from them. there was this big outcry that she was abusing children for art, that these kids would suffer lasting damage etc etc... lasting damage? they had a lollipop taken away from them for a few minutes... to the best of my knowledge they got it back. :indeed:


the interesting thing was that the work produced was pretty damn good (imho~) so the potential for "but is it art" argument was a bit LESS one-sided... while everyone's outraged by this - hows about y'all take a look at "end times" and discuss :smile:





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I think its the ultimate statement of a woman's freedom to choose, she's saying that it's her body she can do what she wants with it. I'm not ethically against it in any way, she is the one subjecting her own body to this and I assume (due to the amount of miscarriages she is taking on) that all of the forced miscarriages will land within the legal limit for abortions, so there is nothing illegal going on here.


All she is doing is bringing up the subject of how much freedom a woman should be allowed with her own body, through the medium of art. It is nothing to do with fetishising the act of abortion or putting blood on display as some kind of sick voyeurist schtick. The blood symbolises how much torment a woman is able to put her body through and raises the question of whether or not this is a good or bad thing.


She's simply moving the abortion debate to another forum, how many of you even read the article? She states many times that it was her intention, but instead you just over react simply because the word 'abortion' is brought up.


EDIT: Bluey It does not matter if we enjoy art or not. Art is there to make us think. It doesn't have to be aesthetically pleasing for it to work as art.

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Guest bluey

trust me i know art doesnt have to be any good and it can still be called art... i have a bachelors degree to prove it :heh:


...what i'm saying is that it's easier to say "that's morally wrong... and it looks crap" than it is to say "that's morally wrong... but it looks pretty good" ne?

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but i wonder how everyone would react if it was blood collected from her sitting in her bathtub slashing her wrists... that's potentially the damage she's done to herself from the insides.. :blank:


I would vastly prefer that. At least then she would be harming herself and not somebody else.


Do what you want to yourself. Don't inflict it on other people.


Why didn't she make an "artistic" statement about walking and chop her legs off and arrange them as if they were walking?


Actually that idea sounds quite good. I might do that. But not to myself. God no. There's an 8 year old girl down the road why don't I just use hers? 'Cos it's ok if it's "in the name of art".

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A) I agree with abortion if necessary.


B) This bitch needs to be slaps around the face and stabbed. What a fucking retard. I hate all this "art" bull shit. Its not fucking art. I draw the line at Saatchi gallery type shit for art, and this goes way beyond. What a fucking fucktard.

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EDIT: Bluey It does not matter if we enjoy art or not. Art is there to make us think. It doesn't have to be aesthetically pleasing for it to work as art.


I'd agree, but you seem to think this isn't making us think, I'm pretty sure this woman knows the amount of attention bad or good she'll be getting and I'm pretty sure that's intentional.


I'm pro choice, in shape and form, if I got pregnant it'd be gone, end of story.


But I do not condone her ruining her insides for art, it's not healthy, whether or not its ''sick'', she's hurting herself and that's stupidity.

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I don't think there's anyone on this forum that would agree to that being good :/


I think she is a creative genius:yay:














This is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard off! How anyone could call this art, needs a good seeing to.

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Thousands/millions of other women have trouble conceiving and have suffered tragedies in having lost children, and this bitch is purposely killing her children as a hobby. :blank:


Don't get me started on how wrong that actually is, but this is one sick bitch who thinks it is fun to do this to herself and produce art out of it and make money???. What if she does really want a child, chances of concieving properly now i think are very low.

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