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  Jamba said:
Well my sister runs this place: http://veritasse.co.uk/Meller-gallery.html


So there are potentials out there but you miiiight need to get off Shetland first ;)




But yes, Im leaving Ye Olde Shetlande next year for good :D - at the ripe old age of 17.


It would probably be in England if I were to actually do this.

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  Raining_again said:
My dads work takes on degree students. (fujitsu siemens)


They pay less than 15k for entry level jobs. A lot less.


And that's if you can even get a job after uni. Depends where you live, and if there is a need for those jobs in that area.


There's a difference between a degree and a good degree.


2 of my best friends are going into medicine for example. In 10 years they'll be 28 and on about £50k a year...5 years on it i'll be double that.

Even if I take something like Biochem at Uni which only requires like BBB at some Uni's, I should easily be able to get into a career by I'm 30 where i'm earning £35k+...some jobs in that department pay WAY more aswell, but it depends on how flexible they are.


My cousin got a degree in engineering. Took him 3 years to get a job but he's got one in cambridge now. The starting salary is pretty low (£25,000) but he was told that he's got to be there for a minimum of 5 years, and once he's finished some training thing his pay goes up by 20% each year. Getting a good degree is def worth it.

  Letty said:


But yes, Im leaving Ye Olde Shetlande next year for good :D - at the ripe old age of 17.


It would probably be in England if I were to actually do this.


I didn't know that you were so young! How old is your letcherous boyfriends then? :p Is he going mainland too?


It depends really, getting a degree is only a good idea if you need it to do a specific job. If you don't have a specific job in mind then you aren't really achieving much by going to University.


The jobs market is saturated with graduates at the moment. If you haven't got the specific degree that your chosen career needs, or relevant job experience then you are pretty much screwed for a good job.


The programming and IT markets are pretty good examples of this. There's way too many people coming through with Computer Science and similar degrees, the graduate unemployment rate is rising quickly. At the moment the only students getting particularly good jobs are those with either high grades, very specific degrees or work experience (and i don't mean the year in industry that everyone does).


  Jamba said:
I didn't know that you were so young! How old is your letcherous boyfriends then? Is he going mainland too?


The fun king is 20


For those thinking about university, be very sure about what you want to do. There's a new law coming into effect this year, which is being kept very quiet, that says anyone doing a second degree wont get any funding. At all. That means you will have to fund yourself £8,000 a year to do it.


Bottom line. Get it right the first time.


Shit, is that true? I was hoping to do a Physics degree once I'm done with my academic pursuits in Film, but this would bugger my plans right up.


Oh well, I guess I'll have to get a real job once I'm done with this, gone are the days when we can spend all of our lives in education, with two fingers firmly raised to the rest of the adult community.


My dream job would be to write for Hollyoaks. It would be easy and fun, coming up with endless amounts of terrible dialogue and shiteating plots. It would just be a bitch to get into, like all work in TV and Film.

  Jav_NE said:
For those thinking about university, be very sure about what you want to do. There's a new law coming into effect this year, which is being kept very quiet, that says anyone doing a second degree wont get any funding. At all. That means you will have to fund yourself £8,000 a year to do it.


Bottom line. Get it right the first time.


Oh great... they're making it worse.


I'm doing a second degree atm and I dont get any student loan at all (even though I didn't on the first one). I have to pay the full £3000 anyway but £8000 is insane, like completely. That's getting on for international fee amounts.


I think he's including living costs, due to most students living away from home whilst studying. I don't think there are any plans to raise the tuition costs about £3000. If they do we have the right to be super pissed, especially if it goes as high as £8000.

  killthenet said:
I think he's including living costs, due to most students living away from home whilst studying. I don't think there are any plans to raise the tuition costs about £3000. If they do we have the right to be super pissed, especially if it goes as high as £8000.


But technically they can. The difference between the international student price and the British price is subsidised by the the Government (illedgidly). All they will be doing is taking away all or a fraction of that subsidy. Problem is, is that Uni very rarely see much of that subsidy.

  Jav_NE said:
For those thinking about university, be very sure about what you want to do. There's a new law coming into effect this year, which is being kept very quiet, that says anyone doing a second degree wont get any funding. At all. That means you will have to fund yourself £8,000 a year to do it.


Bottom line. Get it right the first time.


Wow that´s a pretty steep fee.

The films school I´m thinking about going to costs about that much each semester and is about 2 year long study.


Bottom line. I need cash


Currently I'm a Video Games Analyst which to be fair is actually a lot of fun. Lots of different things to do, trips to great places and working in a field I really enjoy.


Realistic dream job would to be working for myself still doing something in the games industry, I'm working on it but these things take time. Totally unrealistic dream job however is:


  Tom said:
racing driver!

What exactly does being a Video Games Analyst involve? It a fancy term for games tester, if so that is strange. I thought it was called a Quality Assurance Technician.


Haha no its nothing at all to do with testing games. Its looking at market trends, sales, hardware install bases/demographs and trying to work out where the market is going, how well various games in development will sell and advising people as to what will or won't work.

  killthenet said:
I think he's including living costs, due to most students living away from home whilst studying. I don't think there are any plans to raise the tuition costs about £3000. If they do we have the right to be super pissed, especially if it goes as high as £8000.


Nope, not including living costs. University has always cost £8000 a year, we just never realised it because the government paid the other half, and we paid our half with a loan.


Technically what it says is no equal or less degree will be funded, so masters degrees or anything above are exempt.


I know all this as my girlfriend was told by the council here to be weary of quitting a job or anything in preparation for uni, as it's very likely the law will pass (they said 99% of the time they are warned of something by the government it will happen).


It's fucked up all her plans.


I'm currently in a tedious market research job just about scrapping by for rent and living costs. This afternoon I got a call about a possible badass graduate position for a geologist so I can finally get some work experience and progress. :grin: :grin: :grin:


I'm so happy about it, it's only about £19,000 a year, but that's about £7,000 more than I'm currently getting and I get a company van. Also with that experience under my belt I should easily be able to get into a higher paid job or a masters couse. All I've got to do is pass my second attempt at a driving test on the 28th, no pressure or anything.

  weeyellowbloke said:
I'm currently in a tedious market research job just about scrapping by for rent and living costs. This afternoon I got a call about a possible badass graduate position for a geologist so I can finally get some work experience and progress. :grin: :grin: :grin:


I'm so happy about it, it's only about £19,000 a year, but that's about £7,000 more than I'm currently getting and I get a company van. Also with that experience under my belt I should easily be able to get into a higher paid job or a masters couse. All I've got to do is pass my second attempt at a driving test on the 28th, no pressure or anything.


Ah good luck WYB! What kind of Geology job is it?


Graduate landfill CQA engineer in Oxfordshire. So basically driving around visiting sites, taking measurements, making sure there aren't any problems and everthing is up to standard as far as I understand.

  Jamba said:
I didn't know that you were so young! How old is your letcherous boyfriends then? :p Is he going mainland too?


letcherous boyfriends! :o

  Goron_3 said:
My dream job would be to be a doctor, but unless i get AAA this year i won't even think about applying. I really love physics atm so might consider applying for that at Uni, but chemistry/biochemistry sounds just as tempting.


You can get in on AAB no? Sometimes you'll be lucky and be let in on ABB if they haven't reached their quota that year. Just apply anyway, worth a shot...


Oh, if anyone wants any advice how to get into medicine, I'm no expert but might be able t give you a few tips or whatnot.


  MoogleViper said:
One of my friends wants to be a vet and she was going to go to a vetenary school/college before going to university. (Don't know where it was but it may have been in Nottingham) But then her idiotic friends convinced her to stay here. So now she's stook in our shithole of a school. That's some great friendship, ruin somebody's future just so you can see them for an extra two years. If I was in her shoes I would have just given them a (not so) polite "fuck you".



Yeah deffo don't be afraid to leave your friends behind. At the end of the day, I speak to only a few of my friends from college now, and have made loads here at uni. University affects your life, don't be afraid to leave things behind for the short term.


  Goron_3 said:
There's a difference between a degree and a good degree.


Yeah that's pretty true too. Unless you're doing a vocational degree (i.e. Medicine, Vet, dentistry) you'll struggle to get a good job if you have a degree from a less prestigious university. Think about what you want to do before going to university "just for the sake of it"


  Jav_NE said:
For those thinking about university, be very sure about what you want to do. There's a new law coming into effect this year, which is being kept very quiet, that says anyone doing a second degree wont get any funding. At all. That means you will have to fund yourself £8,000 a year to do it.


Bottom line. Get it right the first time.


I thought grads had to pay their way anyway? The fees will still be 3k surely, if there's any increase they have to tell people a year in advance at least..


  Jamba said:
But technically they can. The difference between the international student price and the British price is subsidised by the the Government (illedgidly). All they will be doing is taking away all or a fraction of that subsidy. Problem is, is that Uni very rarely see much of that subsidy.


The Govt. subsidise loads off a degree - that's why they had to put tuition fees in the first place due to the massive volumes of students entering higher education and using the money. I get subsidised by 47k a year! woo!

  Letty said:
My current job is working in a coffee shop/cafe, which is generally quite fun. I get on with my work mateys.



My dream job would to own a little shop place, which sold art materials, with a small cafe and gallery on it.


Heh, that's the idea me and some friends had too (exact same, with gallery to sell our own work and a café with yummy hot chocolate). =P


My dream job = children's book illustrator.

Studying to reach that goal. In my second year out of four (though doubting if I should do my Masters or not).

But I realize that I'll never be able to make a living with only that job, so I'm not sure yet what to do about it...


Current job = work a couple of hours on Saturdays and Sundays putting numbers/orders in a computer and filing documents. =P

  Jav_NE said:
For those thinking about university, be very sure about what you want to do. There's a new law coming into effect this year, which is being kept very quiet, that says anyone doing a second degree wont get any funding. At all. That means you will have to fund yourself £8,000 a year to do it.


Bottom line. Get it right the first time.


Son of a B****!


Why do Labour insist on making things hard for students? With one hand they're trying to encourage more people to stay in enducation and with the other they're fucking them over :mad:

  Eenuh said:
Heh, that's the idea me and some friends had too (exact same, with gallery to sell our own work and a café with yummy hot chocolate). =P


My dream job = children's book illustrator.

Studying to reach that goal. In my second year out of four (though doubting if I should do my Masters or not).

But I realize that I'll never be able to make a living with only that job, so I'm not sure yet what to do about it...


Current job = work a couple of hours on Saturdays and Sundays putting numbers/orders in a computer and filing documents. =P


I met Bluey through my best friend. He's a pro illustrator (not that he needs anymore of an ego massage!) but he works full time for Apple. He likes it that way though because free-lancing is VERY hard but its leaving him a bit out of kilter atm cos he's just out of practice.


Look for something with a bit more of a career in it to support your art. I think that you'd do very well though, your style is fantastic. When I have kids, I'm so comissioning you to make a book for them :D

  Jamba said:
I met Bluey through my best friend. He's a pro illustrator (not that he needs anymore of an ego massage!) but he works full time for Apple. He likes it that way though because free-lancing is VERY hard but its leaving him a bit out of kilter atm cos he's just out of practice.


Look for something with a bit more of a career in it to support your art. I think that you'd do very well though, your style is fantastic. When I have kids, I'm so comissioning you to make a book for them :D


Well sadly the only thing that seems to have more career options going for it is something in Graphic Design, which to be honest is the thing I hate most. I'm not good at it either and I really don't like doing any of it. =/


Part of my course next year will focus a bit more on Interactive Media (if I decide to go for that option that is), which will include web design. I'm hoping maybe I can do something with that in the future as well, but even then... Might not be easy to combine the two, plus free lance is indeed difficult. >.<;


Guess I'll just have to find myself a man with money. D:

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