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Heathly Lifestyle / Losing Weight! - Share your tips!


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Yes, because they're famously full of sugar, those sugar-free drinks...


My sister is a dental nurse, and she says that sugar free coke will rot your teeth, maybe not as much as the sugary version... But rots it all the same.


A hell of a lot of cigarettes.


Cigarettes make you crave rubbish less. XD


I stop smoking and I put on a hideous amount on weight :blank:


I found being on a lot of medication made me so sick i couldnt eat a lot. =(

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I also funnily enough started my diet this week. Im doing what I did last time, which was one meal a day (dinner) and some exercise.


thats proper bad for you, itll slow your metabolism right down, you'll quickly use up your muscle for energy, and generally make your body worse off than before.


You'll hold on to that weight a lot more than if you were to eat 2000 cal a day and do some excercise.


starvin yaself aint a solution!

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Cut down on beer. IIRC a pint contains 200 calories. So if you have 15 pints on a friday that's 3000 calories, and if you're like me then there'll be at least one large pizza added on to that. I'm ok though. I can stay a great weight without doing exercise or watching what I eat (11 stone at 6') but my fitness still drops so I still exercise.


I run around everywhere and walk fast. And I'm sonstantly moving. Even when sat down. It's not much but every little helps.


And don't live in a bungalow. The lack of stairs will make you fat. :D

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On top of that I lost a lot of weight around the stomach area doing crunches. Not sit-ups, crunches. Lying on your back, using your abdominal muscles to lift up your shoulders, hold it for 1mississippi-2mississippi and down again.


Just done 60 of those.... Ow. Going to do another 60 tomorrow, and 60 the day after etc. I used to do 50 press-ups then 50 sit-ups morning and night but after moving to Uni I stopped. Slowly built up until I could do 50 of each no bother. Doubt I'll be able to do that at the moment, sit-ups maybe, but definitely not 50 press-ups with no break.

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instead will just turn the fat into muscle and make you look more toned.


You should eat 3 proper meals a day, eat your fill during all of them and don't snack in between meal times.


That's a bad thing to do. You should not have three big meals a day. If you get hungry, you should have a banana or something. Staying hungry until lunch time ain't a good idea as you will eat loads in one go.

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Losing a large amount of weight really fast isn't difficult ReZ... but doing it that way is really unhealthy. You shouldn't just shock your body like that, it can make you really weak. The best way to eat is 4 or 5 small meals a day.

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Everyone says this but it worked for me before. I lost a ridiculous amount in between 2-4 weeks.


It works for a couple of weeks... I admit I kinda dieted like that, was really into it for the first few weeks, lost nearly a stone in about 3 weeks. But it grinds to a complete stop after that. Lost nothing on week 3 and 1 pound on week 4.


Losing a large amount of weight really fast isn't difficult ReZ... but doing it that way is really unhealthy. You shouldn't just shock your body like that, it can make you really weak. The best way to eat is 4 or 5 small meals a day.




And not to starve yourself and eat your recommended fat/cals :)


Oh yes also, losing a lot of weight in one go = stretch marks XD

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My sister is a dental nurse, and she says that sugar free coke will rot your teeth, maybe not as much as the sugary version... But rots it all the same.


Doesn't all food rot your teeth if you don't brush them?

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Everyone says this but it worked for me before. I lost a ridiculous amount in between 2-4 weeks.


Yeah, and why do you think you're in the position where you need to lose weight again? As soon as you start eating more again the body starts thwacking it straight back on. To sustain a stable weight you need to have a stable diet that isn't going to change every few months.


Of course, this is coming from a guy who eats one meal every couple of days. The way I lost loads of weight a couple of years ago was to walk everywhere (40 minute walks at least twice a day). I sustained a regular diet (i.e. a medium lunch and medium dinner) for over a year and it worked wonders.


I think where you live is a contributing factor to how much you're willing to exercise. Back in brighton I had the seafront to go for a jog on whenever I wanted, but here in sheffield there's a park 40 mins away. 40 min walk plus 20 min jog (hey, I'm unfit!) plus 40 min walk back would be a very good exercise regime, but I don't have the time to do that four times a week. Yet!

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Keep plenty hydrated as well people. It is key in metabolising fat and keeping your water level stable will stop you seeing false results as the way you look will fluctaute as adapose tissue is can retain water.

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My sister is a dental nurse, and she says that sugar free coke will rot your teeth, maybe not as much as the sugary version... But rots it all the same.

That'd be the carbonic acid. None of that in flat diet coke, if you want to drink that. :heh: But yeah, something like apple juice is probably worse if anything in terms of tooth rotting. (but better in terms of everything else apart from calories)

Doesn't all food rot your teeth if you don't brush them?

Quite a lot does, but not all. You can actually counteract the effect of acidic drinks by eating cheese immediately afterwards.

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I've never had to suffer from being fat. I run for about 20 minutes every morning, drink lots of milk and eat lots of nuts. I sometimes do sit ups, but I havent done any in a while and it hasnt made any difference. I really do need to start doing them again though, but I never exercise on an empty stomach and im often hungry.:heh: Just get lots of protein and have plenty of fruit for snacks instead of fatty foods. Im a vegetarian and its hard to gain weight when eating is often such an awful experience.

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What I do:


(Though bare in mind I'm an athlete)


- Gym 3 times a week with the aim to lose about 1000 calories per session. Thats: 2x 20 min treadmill sessions (600cal), 15 min rowing machine (170cal), 10 min Cross-trainer (200cal), and finish every session with stamina work on the cycle which basically means normal pace for one minute then rave pace for one minute then back to normal, so on so forth. I use ankle and wrist weights whilst doing these. I haven't done weights in the gym for about a month and have lost about 4kgs!


- Free weights at home for about 30-45 mins. Light weights doing basic stuff. I do it on the days I'm not gyming.


- Taekwondo practice three times a week. Burns an outrageous amount of calories on sparring days. T-shirts always drenched.


- Walk at a strong pace which most often creates a bit of sweat.


- Breakfast is my largest meal of the day and I don't eat after 9pm (when I'm not using much energy). I highly recommend this.

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  • 2 months later...

thread from the dead!


I've started on a diet and am hoping to lose quite a lot of weight. I've replaced snacks with fruit and drinks with water and/or innocent and I've drastically reduced my portions. Is there a reason to dump subway I don't know about? A good portion of their subs have under 400 calories and I can put a load of salad in there, it's quite filling.


I need some ideas on basic meals that are very easy to make or I will lose interest quickly. So far I have tuna omelets which are ultra high in protein. And I can make tomato sauce with pasta, can put some extra vegetables in there for good measure..

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