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You knew this thread was coming...didn't you?


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Saw ReZ's post in the how was your day thread and it got me thinking (Shocking, I know).


Hypothetical situation - I'm sitting down watching tv and I suddenly sense my mums friend is about to call. 3 minutes later the phone rings and low and behold it's my mums friend.




I was sat down reading the forums on thursday evening, and I thought I'd gotten an email from a mate. I checked the email, but there was nothing. 10 minutes later and email arrived from my mate.



Anyone else ever get freaky crap like this? I know it's all coincidence etc...but you can't help but think otherwise can you?


Does anyone else ever get that? It's so wierd! Is it pure coincidence, or is that whole we only use 10% of our brain thing true and we actually have some wierd pyschic powers somehwere in there screaming to be used?

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You knew this thread was coming...didn't you?


Yes, because Im 100% psychic sometimes.


Saw ReZ's post in the how was your day thread and it got me thinking (Shocking, I know).


Are you implying Im a thought provoking and startlingly complex and intelligent individual?

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I officially have a psychic rapport with Paj.


It first made itself clear a couple of year ago when we were walking back to his house from school. Out of the blue I started singing "Ride A White Horse" by Goldfrapp. Up to this point, I had not heard this song for a couple of months - it was genuinely out of the blue. Then Paj's mobile ran, and that same song was the ringtone.


It turned out he had changed his ringtone the night before after putting that song on his phone.


The whole event was slightly scarey at the time.



You can tell that was just probability having it's sick twisted way, but the rapport goes further than that.



On MSN, in one point of a conversation either I or Paj ALWAYS finish off the other's sentence, or write the same thing at the same time.


Example of a msn conversation we had today (summary, since I can't be arsed looking at the logbook)


Paj said: I can't be bothered

Fuck it. Just fuck it. Fuck it. OK?


I said: lol. Could be Madonna's next single.


In the same split second Paj said: A deleted track from American Life



How on earth "Fuck it" invoked the thought of Madonna in both our mind's at the exact same time I'll never know.



There are so many other times where our rapport has been evident, but I can't remember them right now :p

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I officially have a psychic rapport with Paj.


It first made itself clear a couple of year ago when we were walking back to his house from school. Out of the blue I started singing "Ride A White Horse" by Goldfrapp. Up to this point, I had not heard this song for a couple of months - it was genuinely out of the blue. Then Paj's mobile ran, and that same song was the ringtone.


It turned out he had changed his ringtone the night before after putting that song on his phone.


The whole event was slightly scarey at the time.



You can tell that was just probability having it's sick twisted way, but the rapport goes further than that.



On MSN, in one point of a conversation either I or Paj ALWAYS finish off the other's sentence, or write the same thing at the same time.


Example of a msn conversation we had today (summary, since I can't be arsed looking at the logbook)


Paj said: I can't be bothered

Fuck it. Just fuck it. Fuck it. OK?


I said: lol. Could be Madonna's next single.


In the same split second Paj said: A deleted track from American Life



How on earth "Fuck it" invoked the thought of Madonna in both our mind's at the exact same time I'll never know.



There are so many other times where our rapport has been evident, but I can't remember them right now :p


Special White Power - Eccentric Rapport

When Pashmina is within 10 squares of Chairdriver, Chairdriver gains outwit and perplex, and the Outsiders team ability.

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I sometimes have ostensibly prophetic dreams. However, they only foretell the mundane, such as inconsequential conversations days before I have them. Just bad cases of déjà vu, I guess.


I'm smart enough to understand how little I know, so I don't rule out the possible existence of ESP or energies and forces we have no understanding of. However, I think a lot of 'psychic behaviour' is really just a case of focus: we cling to the time we guessed correctly, conveniently forgetting all the instances where we've been utterly wrong.


I like to think that there is something out there, though. Many animals have seemingly precognitive or extrasensory abilities, and lots of people rely on their instinct or feelings in their gut to great effect. It could all be coincidence, but... well, that's a bit too boring for my tastes.

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Guest bluey

i can tell my mobile is going to ring a couple of seconds before it does O___o


...saying that it's set to "vibrate then ring"... :indeed:

a friend of mine from uni insisted he was psychic... kept telling me "i knew that was going to happen!" ...got quite annoying. although once he made me a cup of tea without asking whether i wanted it or not - and i did!!! but again, that's quite an easy guess....

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Special White Power - Eccentric Rapport

When Pashmina is within 10 squares of Chairdriver, Chairdriver gains outwit and perplex, and the Outsiders team ability.


Where's the rep button when you want it?


You can tell that having the Outsiders TA is a joke in itself. Being best friends with Rita Farr.

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Yes, because Im 100% psychic sometimes.


Are you implying Im a thought provoking and startlingly complex and intelligent individual?


I am, you are. :p I was implying how it was shocking I was putting what little brains I have to use. :D




Woo, other people get this too. I was a little worried. It's so wierd/yet awesome.

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Something that freaks me out loads is when you have long periods of Deja Vu... when something is happening, giving you that crazy buzzing Deja Vu feeling... and you think, "I remember this happening... because next *Event X* happens..." And then... low and behold, *Event X* happens.


That's when you want to put a screwdriver through your own skull.

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Something that freaks me out loads is when you have long periods of Deja Vu... when something is happening, giving you that crazy buzzing Deja Vu feeling... and you think, "I remember this happening... because next *Event X* happens..." And then... low and behold, *Event X* happens.


That's when you want to put a screwdriver through your own skull.


That happened to me once... Its a mind melter!

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Yesterday I had a power cut at my house, so with no PC, TV, Xbox or Wii decided to go out for a walk. It was cold and wet, so I didn't have much feeling in my legs, and I had my earphones in so I couldn't hear anything. But randomly, after like an hour outside, I thought "wonder if anyone's texted me?" Took my phone out, slid it open and nothing. Half way through sliding it back down, it started vibrating, and I got a text message. Thought it was pretty cool. Also happened about three times after that aswell, but that was because I was expecting a reply.

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I officially have a psychic rapport with Paj.


It first made itself clear a couple of year ago when we were walking back to his house from school. Out of the blue I started singing "Ride A White Horse" by Goldfrapp. Up to this point, I had not heard this song for a couple of months - it was genuinely out of the blue. Then Paj's mobile ran, and that same song was the ringtone.


It turned out he had changed his ringtone the night before after putting that song on his phone.


The whole event was slightly scarey at the time.



You can tell that was just probability having it's sick twisted way, but the rapport goes further than that.



On MSN, in one point of a conversation either I or Paj ALWAYS finish off the other's sentence, or write the same thing at the same time.


Example of a msn conversation we had today (summary, since I can't be arsed looking at the logbook)


Paj said: I can't be bothered

Fuck it. Just fuck it. Fuck it. OK?


I said: lol. Could be Madonna's next single.


In the same split second Paj said: A deleted track from American Life



How on earth "Fuck it" invoked the thought of Madonna in both our mind's at the exact same time I'll never know.



There are so many other times where our rapport has been evident, but I can't remember them right now :p


I know.


It's a bit silly at times how psychic we are.


It's like that scene in the X-Men cartoon.


Wolvey; Don't worry, Cyke, we'll get Jean back.

Cyclops; Thanks Wo- Agh! My Head! It's as if Jean were...re-entering Earth's atmosphere from outer space at light speed?! That's impossible!


*Jean is re-entering Earth's atmosphere from outer space at high speed*


Bagsy i'm Dark Phoenix.

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A couple of weeks ago in work, I dropped a receipt on the floor.


I hadn't seen Scrubs in a good few months, but as I bent down to pick up the receipt, for whatever reason I thought of the episode where the Janitor told JD to eat some 'peppered' turkey off the floor that he had just cleaned with something that was a diarrhoetic..


To my amazement, that very evening I was watching TV downstairs in the living room (which has freeview, unlike my room where I can't seem to get it :hmm:) and I was going through the channels. As I got to E4 I saw Scrubs was on.. and the moment I put it on E4, JD was picking up the 'peppered floor turkey'..


It felt weird.. but this stuff happens a lot of the time!


What I find particularly annoying is if you see an episode of a programme one time, but miss a whole load of the other episodes, is that as unlikely as it seems, when you sit down to watch an episode a few months down the line you'll somehow catch the exact same episode you saw the first time instead of one of the other ones you hadn't seen..


Maybe it just happens to me : peace:

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Guest Stefkov
Something that freaks me out loads is when you have long periods of Deja Vu... when something is happening, giving you that crazy buzzing Deja Vu feeling... and you think, "I remember this happening... because next *Event X* happens..." And then... low and behold, *Event X* happens.


That's when you want to put a screwdriver through your own skull.

I love those moments of deja vu. Of the times I remember I'm just a spectator watching it all, then it hits me that I've seen this all before and then when the deja vu comes to an end I'm just eagerly waiting to see what is gonna happen next. In that amount of time it takes to go from seeing it all to wondering what happens, i'm just thinking now, that is a time where you can think 'whatever I do or whatever happens now, something can happen that will be totally different than what would happen if that certain something that happened was different'. It's like you can affect your future from that moment. Then in hindsight you could look back on it and wonder what would have happened/is happening in another time line if you did another thing.

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These events get closer and closer to each other when a personal tragedy or some kind of disaster is about to happen.


A friend and I were performing in a concert and I said to her over my shoulder "I've got the strangest feeling Simon is going to fall over." A minute later, Simon tripped over his cello.


Then she said to me "I bet you any money that when the conductor stands up he drops his baton." About 30 seconds after that, baton goes down.


I said to her: "Your mum's going to phone you." Within ten seconds her phone went off, it was her mum and I just had this awful sinking feeling.


Her parents were divorcing and his dad had just tried to stab her mum.

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I have one particular mate and we have odd occurences all the time, they've inherited the name "Bob Monkhouse Exerience" - i'll explain the name in a mo...


The first time something odd happened is years ago. We were waiting at traffic lights, when we both turned and quoted the exact same line from the Exorcist ("Do you know what she does, your c**ting daughter") - nothing on the radio to inspire that, no trigger, just out of the blue, at the exact same time... hmmm.


Another example (where the occurence gets its name from). I sent a random text to him, suggesting he was with Bob Monkhouse. He'd actually just put a DVD on - which had an introduction by non other than Mr M!


Two of many strange Bobs!

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All I get is Dejá Vus. It's weird.


I remember the first time when I was a kid.

I was waiting for my parents to arrive and a few younger kids were playing ball next to me. Eventually, the ball comes rolling my way, near my left foot, before one of the kids came pick it up.

A few moments later, the ball comes rolling the exact same way, and the kid comes pick it up the exactly the same way. Afterwards, they only remember having to pick it up next to me once, while I remember it twice.


Yeah, it was pretty creepy at the time, and it still keeps happening. Nowadays, I'm just trying to figure out exactly when I saw the events before.

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I think Aimless has made the best point, you only flag the coincidences as memorable, its probably the case that these things only occur in 1/100 or even 1/1000 conversations, the rest is just regular conversation.


For example, I went through a period of finding that every week, I would mention a movie, and then it would be on TV during the next week. But if I thought about it better, I probably mention dozens of movies which aren't on next week.

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