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I know one of those guys and darn I hate playing guitar hero against him it´s like he has 7 fingers or something but no offense


Can´t sai I agree or disagree, not played the game and all

(And not owning a Wii )


  Vicar said:
I know one of those guys and darn I hate playing guitar hero against him it´s like he has 7 fingers or something but no offense


Hey... how you doing :wink:

  Solo said:
Oh you've played Brawl? Is it good?


lol, touche. I'm just judging it on Melee, as they sound pretty darn similar


Still, i could be proven wrong, we shall see in... however months Nintendo takes to release it over here...


He's totally right about that guy. No matter what GC multiplayer game I play with other people, I find myself holding back, mainly because they never played it before. Even if it is the very basic Mario Party 4.


But he DOES know he can unlock things on multiplayer alone, right?



Still, his trademark is nitpicking and complaining. I never take anything he says too seriously.

  Letty said:
I hate to say, but I am that guy when it comes to gh3 here : /


*weeps, alone in the dark*


Erm...hello. Bloke who completed Through The Fire And Flames on Expert difficulty here! *waves*

  The Villan said:
Erm...hello. Bloke who completed Through The Fire And Flames on Expert difficulty here! *waves*


I meant here as in, where I live :p

  Letty said:
I meant here as in, where I live :p


You should have said so in your first post, then. Save some confusion. :heh:


Still, when it does come to GH3 HERE - as in N-Europe - I am that guy. :smile:


My (gaming) friends are all that guy for GH3... they laugh at people who fail to get 70% or better on expert mode.


Note: I have played the game once, on easy, and didn't manage to complete the song. :heh:


Just watched the smash bros one, and I have to say, that guys a cock. I don't even care for smash bros, don't even have a Wii, but he is a class one knob!

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