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Need help with a talk about Violence and Videogames.


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So, because I fail at life I got a D in English at GCSE, so I'm currently retaking it.


As most of you know this requires a 2 minute oral presentation, which i'm doing on the claim that violent videogames cause kids to shoot schools up etc.


I'm not entirely sure what to say, i'm definitely gonna take the standpoint against it as it is ridiculous and I think most of the class aren't too stupid to think they do.



I'm also going to mention the fact that yes it could be a very small contributory factor, but they're definitely going to have some pre-existing mental condition. I mean, just because I play Forza doesn't make me some super racing driver or something. (I wish)


So, what I wouldn't mind is some points I can bring up in my talk, I'm at a loss for what to say (I did the same topic back in 2006, don't think I did too well :p)


All in all it's only something stupid like 6% of the final grade, but I guess it all counts >_<


Ninja Edit: Als, if you could give ideas for things to 'engage the listeners' like videos or pictures or something. Would be awesome.

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Wow gcse's have changed quickly, when I did mine only two years ago I didn't have to do a oral presentation.


Just say what the connection is, then your opinion on it, probably best not saying ''its shite'' ^.^


If all else fails get a presentation, with graphs to show the accelertation of violence and how that might collerate to how many video games are sold.

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Guest Stefkov

Playing Ghost Recon every night religously.

Neglecting kids to play in an arcade all day long.

Killing your brother over who gets to play the machine.

You need to look at the parents. What kind of childhood they had, no-one really just gets ahold of a game and thinks 'Oh shit I'm gonna kill anyone who messes with me, Pacman is the shit eating those pills and murdering those ghosts'.

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Playing Ghost Recon every night religously.

Neglecting kids to play in an arcade all day long.

Killing your brother over who gets to play the machine.

You need to look at the parents. What kind of childhood they had, no-one really just gets ahold of a game and thinks 'Oh shit I'm gonna kill anyone who messes with me, Pacman is the shit eating those pills and murdering those ghosts'.


Well, I didn't understand a word of that. But I will try to get the link of pacman and Pills in there :)

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I did a presentation on Family Guy last Year! :) I got an A for it even though all it was was about 10 minutes of me showing the class family guy clips :D


I showed them most of the 2nd chicken fight scene but ran out of time :heh:


I'm confused? :wtf:


are you saying they are the cause of violence or aren't the cause of violence?


Show clips of Manhunt 2 anyway! :heh:

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yeh you basically need to point out that its a kids upbringing that's really the crucial factor in what a kid turns out like. If parents are stupid enough to buy their 5yr old Timmy a copy of Manhunt or GTA then it certainly isn't going to help their young mind but there is a reason for an 18 certificate, and also surely films are much more graphic and real yet the media doesn't seem to pick up on these factors as much as they seem to think that video games are still a thing which young people play, which ofcourse they do but isn't the majority of video game users in their 20's now? Im not sure.

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Guest Stefkov

That wasn't very nice was it? Jeez. Some people.


On this subject. Seriously though, if anyone does go crazy their upbringing needs to be looked at. For them to play a game and think it's the messiah they messed up man. Messed up.

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Heh, you're lucky Twozzok, you only have to do 2 minutes. I have to do a minimum of 10 minutes, in a language I've yet to perfect (Spanish).


Okay, back to subject now, I recommend you bring up various videogame-related crimes (Like the Columbine massacre), and bring up people who are against videogames (Jack Thompson), and state your opinion why you feel their opinions are wrong, blablabla....

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I blagged mine big style. Couldn't be bothered revising anything so I talked about my skin condition. (It was a good ice breaker for people that didn't know about it, so worked out in my favour in the end)


Do some research on news websites, statements people have made. Argue (for or against) those and talk about your opinion.

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Two minutes is nothing - no time to get into the subject with any depth so I'd just focus on one part (but explain that it is just one part).

If it was me I'd give a monologue about watching different films and then afterwards trying to do the stuff on there. Like really seriously - explain spiderman 3, then talk about failed attempts to wallcrawl. Talk about terminator, then explain how you cut yourself up with a razor but turns out you're not a machine and it just really hurt. X-Men/Heroes; but no matter what you do you can't figure out your mutant power (give examples of failed attempts - maybe you did a Silar to your best mate, guess he doesn't have powers either because it was just mush in there, nothing to read at all). Etc, ...

Those stories are ridiculous and so is violence because of videogames.

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Mine wasn't to the whole class...just to 2 teachers. I just passed my oral, but in the end I got an A* for English Literature and an A* for English Language.


I jumped for joy at the result. :)


It's not so much the content, it's the presentation. If you're confident, and don't say "erm", "like" etc it's fine.

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/from 80's child/ You know they are saying that video games influence children. Haha! If we were influenced by video games when we were younger, we would've spent ours in a dark room, munching pills and listening to repetitve music....wait.....

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/from 80's child/ You know they are saying that video games influence children. Haha! If we were influenced by video games when we were younger, we would've spent ours in a dark room, munching pills and listening to repetitve music....wait.....


I love that quote

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