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Right now, I guess I could say that I am on a diet. Not strictly though.


I've just been a bit fed up with my weight. I wasn't obese or anything, just chubby. I would hardly do any exercise, eat what I want etc.


But just as recently as a week ago, I've had some new found determination when I woke up one morning. Been eating really healthily, like having tuna sandwiches for lunch, more fruit and veg and drinking more water. Also been doing MUCH more exercise, going for a jog, been doing some muscular work etc and so far its going really well.


Even my mate at school today noticed that my face looked smaller and that I had lost weight. When he told me that, my whole day was much better. :grin:


I too used to eat a truck load of sugar too. I used to think if I could exersise, I could be a bit leaniant on my diet. That was not true. I cut down a bit a few months ago, and now, I'm sexy.


Anyway, theres a lesson in that.

  Raining_again said:
I love you! :heh: fatkins ftw!!!



Used a spoiler cause it might offend.


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HAHA! that's my favpurite episode on there, just infront of lewd lingerie, Does thithong go too far up my ass? BANG!


I do 5-6 hours constant exercise at work so I eat what the hell I want and don't put on any weight, however because I eat what I want I don't lose any either.


Since June; I've lost just over 3 stone. Feeling happy with myself now, and getting a lot more female attention.


Life is good....all I did was cut out the crap that I didn't need(ie one piece of toast instead of 2 for breakfast; a piece of fruit instead of sweet snack at lunch.....)havent eaten crisps or a choccy bar in just over 20 weeks; and tbh, I have no urge to ever eat one again. I used to eat a lot of greasy food, like chip shop chips and mcdonalds, because I wouldnt have anything for lunch, so before work, I'd pop in at around 5 ish and buy a meal and eat that.


Sunday is my break day, where I allow myself to have a full cooked sunday dinner and a dessert.


I also added some exercise to my routine; I have no real time to go gym on a regular basis(i have to be out the house at 8 for uni, I get back in a 4, I need to leave at 5 for work). So basically I walk the dog morning and night; do 30 minute cycle and I do a bit of walking throughout the day; at least 5 miles.


Last year I didn't give a damn about my diet. Now I've become more health-conscious and cut down on all soda (I used to drink about 2-6 cans a day) and I watch what I eat. I also decided to cut down on the meat, and even though I do a fraction of the excercise I did last year, I lost about 10 pounds without meaning to. I'm pretty lean, but have started doing push-ups and sit-ups and since I have hardly any fat, my muscles are really starting show quite nicely. w0000t!!!


I pretty much eat whatever I want, whenever I want, for as long as I want... and end up being 6ft 4 and as skinny as a rake.


I prefer 'athletically toned' to 'lanky'.


I want to put on weight! I can never get trousers that fit me properly as waist 30 is too loose for me and any sizes smaller than that the leg length is too short.

I play football at least once a week and do press-ups & sit-ups about 3 times a week but I am pretty sure I eat more calories than I burn. I have breakfast, decent lunch, something at tea time, large dinner, midnight snacks, but I still weigh the same as I did 4 years ago (9 stones).

Anyone got any tips to gain weight?

  entropy said:
I want to put on weight! I can never get trousers that fit me properly as waist 30 is too loose for me and any sizes smaller than that the leg length is too short.

I play football at least once a week and do press-ups & sit-ups about 3 times a week but I am pretty sure I eat more calories than I burn. I have breakfast, decent lunch, something at tea time, large dinner, midnight snacks, but I still weigh the same as I did 4 years ago (9 stones).

Anyone got any tips to gain weight?


I can have some surgery and give you some of my fat... No?


I guess if you stop doing all that sports stuff you'll gain weight for sure; but that might not be such a good thing... Seriously, I don't know. I'm just jealous of all of you people who can eat whatever, whenever and then not gain even the slightest bit of weight. =/

  Eenuh said:
I'm just jealous of all of you people who can eat whatever, whenever and then not gain even the slightest bit of weight. =/

Don't worry, when our metabolisms slow down in a few years we'll all be the walking, talking epitome of the geek sterotype. Well we won't do much walking as it's pretty damn strenuous. And to be fair we'll have no one to talk to.



  soag said:
Diets are for the weak minded, eat what you want and be happy with yourself. Thats what I live with and it works. Noone likes a stick insect now.


Yes. Lets all be fat and die of heart disease/bowel cancer/stroke/heart attack.


It's not just about not being fat, its about being healthy.

  Lammie said:
Yes. Lets all be fat and die of heart disease/bowel cancer/stroke/heart attack.


It's not just about not being fat, its about being healthy.


all food is bad for you in one way or another, plus you have to die someday might as well do it in style.



btw im taking the piss :p


  raining_again said:
well we normal people are supposed to eat more than 2k a day


wtf what you mean normal, theres no normal people on these boards ;)


ive just come home from a nutritionist who has put me on a diet, due to health reasons.


no red meat, pork, white bread, white rice, sugar, choc, cheese, mushrooms, orange juice, refined frozen canned and processed food, white vinegar, salt,dairy,coffee,tea,fizzy, potatoes, and hot spices.


Allowed: organic chicken, organic green veg, oily fish, wholegrain bread rice etc, lentils, beans, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, fruit. and 5-6 glasses of water with lemon.


I'm hungry even thinkin about it. :(

  Raining_again said:
ive just come home from a nutritionist who has put me on a diet, due to health reasons.


no red meat, pork, white bread, white rice, sugar, choc, cheese, mushrooms, orange juice, refined frozen canned and processed food, white vinegar, salt,dairy,coffee,tea,fizzy, potatoes, and hot spices.


Allowed: organic chicken, organic green veg, oily fish, wholegrain bread rice etc, lentils, beans, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, fruit. and 5-6 glasses of water with lemon.


I'm hungry even thinkin about it. :(

What's wrong with orange juice and mushrooms?


Yep i did go on a diet and i'm always (kind-of) on it!


I did weigh just over 13 stone, i never really looked fat a such but i wasn't happy!


I'm now 11.5 stone! and i'm pretty tall, i think i'm around 5'9 or something...so i think i'm the correct weight.


I'm much happier now! :D

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