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What is your worst fear?


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So then, what's your worst fear?


My worst fear is somehow loosing the use of my hands, either trough being paralysed of chopped off. Gaming, writing, a whole load of things I love dearly in life would be lost or else become much more difficult for me if I lost my hands. Feet, I can do without, but not my hands.

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Having spiders lay eggs in my eyes and then a couple weeks later having a hoard of baby spiders explode out of my eye ball all over my face.


Just one of the many things I would consider a worst fear.


Mcoy nailed it otherwise.

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Wasn't there a thread just like this made a week ago?


My worst fear that would have long term effects is either becoming blind deaf or losing the use of my hands

My worst immediate fear was already posted by Beer Monkey.


There was, I made it. But meh, threads like this are great. I love reading all these weird fears.

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Guest Stefkov

I think my worst fear would be snorkling and someone covering the end of the snorkel/breathing thing and also holding me underwater. I tried snorkling in America, just in a small pool aread where you could look at fish and I couldn't breath. It was like subconsciously I didn't want to go in. When I put my head under the water I started breathing heavily and my heart beating faster.

So being forced into that circumstance up above is my fear.

Also it's a pathetic way to die. 3/4 inches from the surface and you drown. I want to die in style.

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