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Your Job & Your Dream Job


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Currently officially unemployed, but I work for my mother part time.


I'm going to read civil engineering at university, and so I'd either like to go into the army with it, as possibly a combat engineer, or possibly civilian water management - either urban or coastal/river defences. Or maybe just communication (rail/road).


Yeah, I'm indecisive.

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Currently I don't have a job, have to wait a few more months before I can get one when I turn 16.


Dream job, I'm not entirely sure. I hope to go to Uni to study Computing Science and from there move into the games industry somewhere, probably as a programmer / designer or what not.

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My dream job: A job =P


I really would quite like a job now but I do get EMA being at college so im not too bothered for one, would just be nice for the experience and some extra money. My dream job would probably be a journalist/writer or a well paid lawyer. Wouldn't mind trying teaching either. These are backup plans in case I don't end up as a professional bass player of course =D

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Current job: I work Saturday mornings and sometimes Sunday evenings, sitting behind a boring old computer (no internet! D: ) and typing in data or orders and stuff. Boring, but it's only a couple of hours per weekend and it brings in some extra pocket money (about 150-200 euro per month).


Dream job: become an illustrator for children's books and earn enough from that to be able to live a decent life. Going to be hard and I'll probably have to take on another job as well if I want to earn enough money, but it's really what I want to do most right now. =D

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I'm currently living off a student loan and designing websites for extra cash. I'm aiming to be a writer or a teacher of some sorts, or maybe take up a design course after uni to improve my skills.


Dream job... hmm... pilot? Rock star? Actor? The usual...

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Currently, I'm studying Political Science at a university while being a contracted Cadet for Army ROTC. My dream job will come in about three and a half years, being a officer in the U.S. Army. I'll probably do Intelligence or Field Artillery. I'm not too sure yet, it depends on a number of factors.

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I'm a statistician. I work for a market research company that does work for pharmaceutical companies. We do market research on lots of different disease areas and then the drug companies buy our info. (Latest bit of work was on drug combinations that bipolar patients are prescribed from pre-diagnosis to current therapy.)


I don't really have a dream job that is realistic. Rock star, but then that becomes less practical with a family.


Really, I've discovered over time that the work you do is less important than the atmosphere at the workplace and the colleagues that you have. At my current workplace there is a great atmosphere and I have a good group of friends. If the pay was increased and I had flexitime I'd be getting close to ideal with my current job.

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Just to be contrary, my ideal job would be not having to have one. And I'm not talking about being a bum.


I'd like to be able to spend my time doing lots of things that make realy things or fix things that people can use. More like a farming life I guess... I'd feel much more comfortable in a society where people exchange favours and goods rather than money. At present I feel like people place very little value on things (well, in the right way).

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Guest Stefkov

I work behind a bar. I stock up the shelves and serve nearly every weekend.


Dream Job would be anything that's well payed/better payed than this job.

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