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Himalaya with Michael Palin - Episode 1


Quite crazy indeed! This episode saw Michael visiting Pakistan. He went to a village where everybody seemed to be either making guns or test firing them in the street.


It is amazing how he got to visit this region, but some of the cut scenes from this episode showed a lot of security accidentally getting into view of the camera.. I doubt that hiding them from view was a good idea when it could have given viewers the impression that Pakistan was a safe place to visit.

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Entourage - Scared Straight


I know in TV (and film) corners are cut compared to real-life but there's no way (particularly in a cesspit like LA) would someone get STD rest results back the same day. Although it amazes me how many men don't seem to know what the test entails.


Anywho, nice set up for next week. Seems a showdown between Lloyd and Ari is brewing. The drawing of a vagina was amazingly childish and crude, yet funny. Adrian Grenier has had the easiest job in Hollywood this season. He's in about 4 scenes an episode; the set up group scene, a scene in the middle, a scene at the end and then at some point having sex with skinny girls in their early 20's.


Desperate Housewives - 6.01


No surprise in the most obvious cliffhanger being answered. Still, the rest of the episode teetered on quite normally until the end which was quite surprising.

Edited by Ashley
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Entourage - Scared Straight


I know in TV (and film) corners are cut compared to real-life but there's no way (particularly in a cesspit like LA) would someone get STD rest results back the same day. Although it amazes me how many men don't seem to know what the test entails.


Anywho, nice set up for next week. Seems a showdown between Lloyd and Ari is brewing. The drawing of a vagina was amazingly childish and crude, yet funny. Adrian Grenier has had the easiest job in Hollywood this season. He's in about 4 scenes an episode; the set up group scene, a scene in the middle, a scene at the end and then at some point having sex with skinny girls in their early 20's.


Yes yes, nice to know someone on this forum watches this amazing programme! Currently in the process of "acquiring" this episode....will watch as soon as its available to me! :D

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Curb: Season 7, Episode 2 Awesome! as usual


Glad to see the back of Loretta and co so swiftly. BUT OVERJOYED that it appears Leon is staying for the lulz. Doesn't really make much sense plotwise that he'd stay and doesn't know why Loretta left but who gives a shit - he's awesome. The whole blowjobs in the car thing is great. During my time at school, I was actually driving in front of one of my younger teachers once and her head kept disappearing into her boyfriends lap. Bring on the Seinfeld reunion!


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Entourage - Scared Straight


I know in TV (and film) corners are cut compared to real-life but there's no way (particularly in a cesspit like LA) would someone get STD rest results back the same day. Although it amazes me how many men don't seem to know what the test entails.


Anywho, nice set up for next week. Seems a showdown between Lloyd and Ari is brewing. The drawing of a vagina was amazingly childish and crude, yet funny. Adrian Grenier has had the easiest job in Hollywood this season. He's in about 4 scenes an episode; the set up group scene, a scene in the middle, a scene at the end and then at some point having sex with skinny girls in their early 20's.


Just watched this....average/good episode.


Gonna watch the new House episode in a bit....

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Glee Episodes 1-3


Pretty enjoyable. Kinda hate how the music/songs aren't totally in sync with what you see on screen, yet are meant to be. There'll be random clapping that none of the group are making, or obviously more voices in the group than are present etc. But I'm just picking apart the illusion.


Some funny dialogue though, especially from Mr. Schu (Shoe?)'s wife.


"This is where our daughter or gay son will sleep..."




- "We can't afford this..you'll to choose between having the sun nook or the grand foyer, honey."

- " It's my very own Sophie's Choice..."


I was cringing/loll'ing when they changed the routine for the assembly, as well.

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Dexter Season 4 Episode 1


Right back where I promised I'd never be: Hooked like a bitch.


Seriously it should be illegal to have such a cliffhanger. Wonderfully disturbing performance from John Lithgow as well, gave me quite the bad dream.

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How I Met Your Mother - Double Date


It was alright. It's definitely showing the signs of a tv show coming back from the break working its way back to top gear. The whole idea of a blind date turning out to be the same person you went on one with 7 years earlier was interesting and perhaps they should have played more into the comedic value of neither knowing it until a considerable time into the date.


The doppelganger idea is great though. Moustache Marshall is the best of the bunch so far and would be awesome to see some more of him in later episodes or even any of the other doppelgangers. Older Ted told us we'd find out who the other two by the next summer so at least that'll fuel the start of season 6 if they go that way.



As always, looking forward to seeing more of the series as I love HIMYM. The similarities between in show character Ted and myself are becoming alarmingly shocking.



Gossip Girl - 3x03


Again, this was alright. Nothing spectacular. The Dan/Georgina thing isn't over by a long shot by the looks of it which should make things slightly more interesting as the season progresses, especially with her now going to Boston to clearly out Scott. The Serena storyline.... yeh it's not really that great. They seem kind of unsure what to do with her at the moment or how to bring her into the story now that everyone else has moved on. Again, like HIMYM, it's still clearly working its way back into high gear so I'm sure there's more interesting stuff to come from the stories further down the line.


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Desperate Housewives - Nice Is Different To Good


The cliffhanger left at the end of season five wasn't particularly an interesting one considering how obvious it was. Susan and Mike are just the Ross and Rachel of Friends, so it was bound to be her.


The new family seem interesting, especially with the rather shocking cliffhanger left at the end of the episode, which came totally unexpectedly. Though, the I found myself constantly wanting Gabby and co on screen. I love her s much. This little scene made the entire episode. The "S-NAAAAP" comment made me giggle like a complete bitch.





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Gossip Girl - The Lost Boy


Things happened but mostly they used a bad cover of 'Ready for the Floor' and The CW seem to be trying to win the Emmy for Outstanding Performance by Breasts award for Blake Lively.




How I Met Your Mother - Double Dates


Everyone loves a good doppleganger, especially when your wife buys you private time with her stripper doppleganger. Ted's double blind date thing was interesting in its own way, and for a while I thought she was going to stick around. At least he decided that his perfect woman should love him for him, lame jokes and everything.


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Awesome, definitely one of my new shows to watch, it's like Third Watch but on Speed. The effects in the Pilot were nothing short of breath taking, quite easily motion picture standard. It wasn't all crash-bang-wallop either, it's a got a small core of main cast members, who are all quite unique. The challenge will be to maintain the intensity in on a TV show budget, but I have faith in Peter Berg - he is awesome.

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Jane Lynch wins in Glee. I've been laughing at everything she says. She reminds me of an amalgam of some of my friends.


"I'm tired of hearing people say "I'M riddled with this disease or I was in THAT tsunami. To them I say, "SHAKE IT UP A BIT! Get out of your box!'

I'll often shout at homeless people "Hey! How's that homelessness working out for you?! Try giving NOT being homeless a try for once!""

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Jane Lynch is amazing. Although I hate Fox for now allowing her to do season two of Party Down :( Bastards.


And Slaggis, I remembered earlier my favourite line from the DH premiere.


Orson: "I can be patient you know? I went for three years without sex in prison."

Bree: "Well thanks for clearing up a question I wasn't sure how to ask."





Big Bang Theory - 3.02


Things happened. Comic books referenced. Sheldon is confused by humans. Average, but in a good way.

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Great starting episode. It was odd listening to Bamber's natural voice. Can't wait for the next one.


Family Guy/Cleaveland Show


Not bad, not great.


Castle Season 2, Episode 2


Lots of great moments - all the grammar corrections were great, plus the cases were quite interesting. Plus "Bam Said The Lady" made an appearance.

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Great starting episode. It was odd listening to Bamber's natural voice. Can't wait for the next one.


I'm pretty sure he doesn't have that posh an accent. Think it's more "normal"/"common" dunno.


I got almost to the end of the episode, then it exploded and I haven't been able to watch it since. I got to the stunning trying-to-open-desk-with-letter-opner scene.

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Sounds pretty much the same in



Heroes - Ink

Bloody pain.


Episode plodded along. It felt more like a bit of a story, rather than an episode. Sylar makes a more interesting annoying voice in someone's head than he does villain. I've never found him sinister/scary but rather a pain in the arse, which is what he's become. Also what the hell is Claire thinking. Gretchen is clearly a sociopath.


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