Happenstance Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 Battlestar Galactica - Seasons 1-4 (In UK terms anyway) Now I had already seen all of seasons 1 and 2 then a couple of episodes here and there from 3 and 4 but after watching the final episode I decided to go back and get that cheap boxset as I have really been in the mood for more sci-fi lately. I probably enjoyed it more this time around, not that I didnt like it before, I just thought it was above average. Still wouldnt call it my favourite sci-fi show though, probably wouldnt make top 5, or should I say final 5? *Chortle* My only real problem and this is the same problem I had with Star Trek DS9 which also had Ron Moore working on it is the religious parts. I dont really like that in my science fiction, I like things to actually be explainable and I dont really like watching preachy parts of religion either which season 4 went into even more. Still very enjoyable though, I look forward to the last boxset coming out later this year. 8.5/10 Now onto either 24 Season 4 or ST Voyager Season 6 I think.
Ashley Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 Battlestar Galactica - Seasons 1-4 (In UK terms anyway) My only real problem and this is the same problem I had with Star Trek DS9 which also had Ron Moore working on it is the religious parts. I dont really like that in my science fiction, I like things to actually be explainable and I dont really like watching preachy parts of religion either which season 4 went into even more. (the original BSG was heavily formed on Mormon lore)
Happenstance Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 I have the original BSG all mixed up in my head anyway with Buck Rogers anyway!
Paj! Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 I've yet to see any of Season 4, but I liked the religious bit. I hate religion, but it made for a new take on a sci-fi tale.
Happenstance Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 I've yet to see any of Season 4, but I liked the religious bit. I hate religion, but it made for a new take on a sci-fi tale. I'll be interested to see what you think of religion in series 4 then, I still think it was too prominent
Dyson Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 Newswipe with Charlie Brooker - Episode 2 Yep yep. More typical Brooker humor. Loved it. Celebrity Dumping fo real.
jayseven Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 In Treatment This show features Gabriel Byrne as a therapist. Each episode is about 30 mins long, and as far as I can tell there were/are 5 episodes a week, with each monday dedicated to one character, and each tuesday, and each wednesday, and so on. The show is exclusively dialogue-based. No soundtrack, no flashbacks or parallel story-telling; no external facets of information besides those that are gleamed within the sessions alone. As a viewer, you are thrown between the role of patient and therapist, oft trying to determine the next question that is asked by Byrne's character, Paul, yet at the same time trying to read both him and his patients. This series is hugely minimalist and quite a wonder to just mellow and paddle through, although at 43 episodes a season I can't see many people giving it the chance it deserves. Kings episode 5 I didn't feel it was as strong as the first four episodes, primarily because the head honcho himself is starting to appear to be a bit of an idiot sometimes. Sure, serenity ended so that might explain it for now, but I hope he doesn't brood for the rest of the season. Conflicts are steadily brimming, which gives the show the promise of potential, at the least. Still in the top three tv episodes of the week, and that's saying a lot. Chuck s02e19 was a better episode than usual, primarily due to the cheer-worthy appearance of Chuck's dad (I literally ZOMG'd) and, of all people, chevy chase!! I have a lot of misgivings about the show that have built up over the seasons. The way people who've never seen a 'flash' know that chuck calls it that, the way the show has pretty much refused to delve any deeper into any other character's life (but then, I guess that's why they call it Chuck...), and the way Fulcrum has been the pale excuse for a villain for so dang long. Yet I still tune in every week to keep up with it, I still think it offers promise... It is still only in its second season and, in my experience, the third season is usually where a show begins to really shine. House s05e20 Lol. "Meat Loaf Aday" -- genius. I never knew that was his 'full' name (he's looking old now)... House back in clinic! Hooray! Rest of the show... Woah, I did not see this coming. Props to the lighting and the audio for the episode. Very atmospheric. Does anyone know if this is the last season or not? Anyway; this was a good episode because the patient and the main-character stories were both interesting. I've found s05 generally below par compared to... pretty much every other season so far. I thought they might've spread their net too thinly with s05 but instead they seem to just not... really be trying? But as is generally the case with end-of-season TV, this has picked up enough to keep me watching and begging for another year. General questions to everyone; What shows are you watching on a weekly basis? What shows are are catching up on? What shows are on your list of Things To Watch? For me, weekly, I watch a lot. Kings, Chuck, Supernatural, Smallville, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Dollhouse, Lost, House, Breaking Bad, Southland and Life. Catching up on; In Treatment, Big Love, Summer heights high, the inbetweeners, head case, Dexter, Sopranos, Deadwood. Wanting to watch; West Wing, Party Down, Reaper, Trust Me, Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, The Mentalist, Third Watch (I think?) Every day I pretty much have a new show to watch, or a backlog of TV that I can scounge from.
Jon Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 Put Third Watch and Reaper at the top of those lists Every week I tend to follow One Tree Hill, Grey Anatomy and Smallville. Friday Night Lights when it returns (it will have at least two more seasons!) and ER, though that's now finished Supernatural is another show I like but for some reason I wait for the DVD to come out before watching it all in one sitting. Probably just because I was late to the sale and that's how I watched the first two seasons. There are a number of shows I occasionally watch, but not religiously. Chuck, Prison Break, Gossip Girl, Skins, Bones, Robin Hood and 90210. Anyone looking for some shows i would recommend, Friday Night Lights (duh), Studio 60 on The Sunset Strip, The Black Donnellys and Life as We Know It.
jayseven Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 I forgot to mention 30 Rock for my list of weeklies -- and studio 60 on teh Sunset Strip is on my List too :P Prison Break isn't back up yet, so I didn't consider it - but if FNL really is back for two seasons... then FUCK YAH! I watched Supernatural's first 2 seasons by DVD first (courtesy of Shorty and nightwolf) but after that I couldn't wait anymore.
Jon Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 I forgot to mention 30 Rock for my list of weeklies -- and studio 60 on teh Sunset Strip is on my List too :P Prison Break isn't back up yet, so I didn't consider it - but if FNL really is back for two seasons... then FUCK YAH! I watched Supernatural's first 2 seasons by DVD first (courtesy of Shorty and nightwolf) but after that I couldn't wait anymore. NBC signed a deal for two more 13 episode seasons with DirectTV. Hell Yes.
ReZourceman Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 General questions to everyone; What shows are you watching on a weekly basis? The Office, 24, Heroes (now...just caught up and its good again) Prison Break (starts in two weeks ish) Dexter (starts in three weeks ish) non-American, Who Wants to be a Super Hero (nearly finished) Genius. What shows are are catching up on? Charlie Brookers Newswipe, Dollhouse, East Bound and Down. Wikipediaing Lost if that counts. The Wire when Season 2 starts. What shows are on your list of Things To Watch? BSG when its finished and is available to buy. (had this plan years ago before BSG became cool) For me, weekly, I watch a lot. Kings, Chuck, Supernatural, Smallville, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Dollhouse, Lost, House, Breaking Bad, Southland and Life. Catching up on; In Treatment, Big Love, Summer heights high, the inbetweeners, head case, Dexter, Sopranos, Deadwood. Wanting to watch; West Wing, Party Down, Reaper, Trust Me, Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, The Mentalist, Third Watch (I think?) Every day I pretty much have a new show to watch, or a backlog of TV that I can scounge from. Tenchareer.
Jav_NE Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 (edited) My weekly list is: Lost Heroes Gossip Girl Desperate Housewives Dollhouse WWE Raw and Smackdown Prison Break (when it returns) Mistresses (maybe anyway - going to start watching it) Dexter (whenever season 4 comes around) I'm not catching up on anything as i don't have time. I thought about Terminator but meh, there isn't room in the schedule! Edited April 7, 2009 by Jav_NE
Cube Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 General questions to everyone; What shows are you watching on a weekly basis? Dollhouse, Castle, Chuck, Scrubs, The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Fringe What shows are are catching up on? None at the moment. Unless you count that I'm watching TSSC and Fringe on UK TV. What shows are on your list of Things To Watch? The Wire, How I Met Your Mother, 24, Heroes, Lost, Dexter
Happenstance Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 (edited) I watch: 24 Chuck Heroes Lost Supernatural Smallville Big Bang Theory Prison Break Scrubs South Park The Inbetweeners Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Edited April 7, 2009 by Happenstance
Ashley Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 (edited) What shows are you watching on a weekly basis? Dollhouse, Chuck, Heroes, Pushing Daisies (I still watch at least one episode a week, and its returning next week woo!), 30 Rock, How I Met Your Mother, Gossip Girl, Big Love (when its on), Dexter (when its on), Desperate Housewives, Scrubs, Entourage, Party Down And if we're counting them, I watch a few episodes of Frasier and Arrested Development a week. What shows are are catching up on? TSCC is the only one I fell behind on What shows are on your list of Things To Watch? The Wire, Mad Men, some animes and probably other stuff I've forgotten Chuck versus the Dream Job So Chuck's daddy is Orion, not really a suprise but a nice twist anyway. Toward the end when Ellie got kinda upset was...upsetting. There's something about Sarah Lancaster, one of those people that you just feel bad about if they're upset. Seeing Chuck trying to go spy was amusing, and just as I thought Casey can take a fair few tranqs. Not much Buy More action this week, although where the hell has Anna got to? Edited April 7, 2009 by Ashley
Ganepark32 Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 What shows are you watching on a weekly basis? For me that's Family Guy, American Dad, Heroes, How I Met Your Mother and TSCC. That's it really. Not really catching up on anything as I'm up to date with what I watch. The only thing that could theoretically go here would be Gossip Girl which, after everyone going on about how good it is, I've decided to start watching and have subsequently watched 3 episode of the first season so far. It's not bad, giving me a very OC feel while watching it but while it has been eventful so far, the OC had a much more eventful beginning but it'll probably pick up. There are probably other shows that people have said are good that I should check out but really, beyond what I currently watch I don't know if I want to further my time spent in front of the laptop catching up on shows I've missed. May start watching Invasion again if I can find any streams. Miss that show. Was really annoyed when they cut it after the first season seeing as it ended on a real cliffhanger and left a new storyline unexplored.
not_so_tiny Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 What shows are you watching on a weekly basis? Dollhouse, Lost, Heroes, The Wire, The Mentalist, Desperate Housewives, House, CSI, Scrubs, South Park What shows are are catching up on? Charmed, Smallville, 90210 What shows are on your list of Things To Watch? BSG, Dexter, Gossip Girl, Arrested Development
Paj! Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 General questions to everyone; What shows are you watching on a weekly basis? E.R , Brothers & Sisters, Apprentice What shows are are catching up on? Dollhouse, BSG (taking ages) What shows are on your list of Things To Watch? Terminator:Sarah Connor Chronicles S2
Tales Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 (edited) What shows are you watching on a weekly basis? Dollhouse, Lost, One Tree Hill, Smallville and Gossip Girl. What shows are are catching up on? I was watching 24 and TSCC on a weekly basis but with new games I had too much to do and I'm 4-5 episodes behind I think. Still has Planet of the Apes unwatched and I'm getting through the last part of CSI:NY S2 right now. I will probably watch all of them during Easter. What shows are on your list of Things To Watch? Planet of the Apes as mentioned above, and I have been wanting SG-1 S10 and Atlantis S3 and up for a very long time but the price is never right. Was going to follow Damages S2 on a weekly basis but I'm going to wait for the dvd release. Edited April 7, 2009 by Tales
jayseven Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 Not-so-Tiny; Can you give me a sales-pitch for The Mentalist? What's it similar to?
Coolness Bears Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 Arrested Development. Episodes 1-3 I only just finished but I've already started again, I loved it so much. I want to see things I did not notice the first time round. It is so brilliantly written and even more hilarious the second time. Tobias crying in the shower is too good. So many classic moments just in these first 3 episodes! I've also been saying "Me thinks the cupid I shall play" for the rest of the day! not even in context. 7 Bears out of 7. The Simpsons Season 20: Eeny Teeny Maya, Moe. Twas a great episode in my opinion and continues the good run it has been on lately. The story was solid and the two plots worked very well and they got into it straight away. The ending was sweet and I found it really funny! They never get a Moe episode wrong! 5 and a half bears out of 7.
somme Posted April 8, 2009 Posted April 8, 2009 What shows are you watching on a weekly basis? Lost, South Park, American Dad and Bones.
Haden Posted April 8, 2009 Posted April 8, 2009 Deadwood 10/10 Just when I thought nothing could top the Sopranos HBO pulled me back in!
Ashley Posted April 8, 2009 Posted April 8, 2009 [Kings episode 5 FYI, its been cancelled. Chuck s02e19 was a better episode than usual, primarily due to the cheer-worthy appearance of Chuck's dad (I literally ZOMG'd) and, of all people, chevy chase!! I have a lot of misgivings about the show that have built up over the seasons. The way people who've never seen a 'flash' know that chuck calls it that, the way the show has pretty much refused to delve any deeper into any other character's life (but then, I guess that's why they call it Chuck...), and the way Fulcrum has been the pale excuse for a villain for so dang long. Yet I still tune in every week to keep up with it, I still think it offers promise... It is still only in its second season and, in my experience, the third season is usually where a show begins to really shine. (what else would you call a 'flash', like...yeah (totally American yeah!?) It is a bit of a gaffe but there's not many words for it.) And its not the deepest show but its great fun. Some characters have been fleshed out a bit (Morgan is actually quietly becoming much more rounded) and we're seeing a far more bitter side of Ellie lately. And to add to my lists earlier: Watch: Nip/Tuck To Watch: House and Supernatural.
jayseven Posted April 8, 2009 Posted April 8, 2009 What shows are you watching on a weekly basis?Lost, South Park, American Dad and Bones. Is bones any good? I watched the first episode, loved the lead ladie's boobs but aside from that I couldn't see how it was different to any other murder mystery show. Deadwood 10/10 Just when I thought nothing could top the Sopranos HBO pulled me back in! Good to hear! I need to catch up with this, too. FYI, its been cancelled.CRYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Five eps in and cancelled?! Fucking ridiculous. (what else would you call a 'flash', like...yeah (totally American yeah!?) It is a bit of a gaffe but there's not many words for it.) And its not the deepest show but its great fun. Some characters have been fleshed out a bit (Morgan is actually quietly becoming much more rounded) and we're seeing a far more bitter side of Ellie lately. And to add to my lists earlier: Watch: Nip/Tuck To Watch: House and Supernatural. Well the episode where chuck learns about orion from the Star Trek holodoctor, the doc says "what is it? did you flash?" When.. well how does he know to call it the hip, groovy tag-name? It annoyed me, but just a little. I like Morgan, ellie and Awesome muchly, but I think most of the characters at the Buy More have been boxed in, and can never really expand. Even the episode where Jeff gets a bit of a backstory was just... meh. I can easily watch the show, but at 45 mins per episode I'm constantly just wishing for MOAR! p.s. when IMDBing to find Jeff's name, I came across this. Lolwtf.
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