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Big Love - Outer Darkness

This episode can be described with:

LDS theology LDS theology LDS theology...huh?

Emotional backbone. Oooh!...:( :(


Basically intense, confusing and awesome. Just what you want from a penultimate episode in a season.


Actually just checked, apparently the whole LDS ritual thing is meant to be secret and HBO just showed it outright on television. This shit's going to get messy!


How I Met Your Mother - The Front Porch


I love that there's enough attention to detail that the future Lily envisionied is a lot peachier than the one we've been shown. Bleak but fun.

Also, nightshirts are a bit stupid but I do love Lily's dark side.


Gossip Girl - Age of Dissonance


Predictable, in the Gossip Girl way (ie blackmail and sabotage), but entertaining and thankfully they've gotten rid of Elle.

Edited by Ashley
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Big Love - Outer Darkness

This episode can be described with:

LDS theology LDS theology LDS theology...huh?

Emotional backbone. Oooh!...:( :(


Basically intense, confusing and awesome. Just what you want from a penultimate episode in a season.


Actually just checked, apparently the whole LDS ritual thing is meant to be secret and HBO just showed it outright on television. This shit's going to get messy!



Oh, I read about that. It's one of the more whinier press things I've read from the church. It certainly touched a nerve.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 1 - 22 (with the exception of No. 8)


The film released last summer is a bit average but this series that follows it is pretty exceptional. At times, it's quite dark and really does act as a representative of sorts of the horrors of war. You do see the odd dismemberment or someone getting eaten by a creature.


A few episodes are duds but on the whole it's showing to be quite a promising show. I love how the clones are given a bit more personality, such as when they have different haircuts just to show their unique side or when you learn more about them, (e.g. one troop who has a creepy obsession with collecting droid hands from the ones he's destroyed). The effects are also bloody amazing! Season finale is this Friday and I can't wait!


Worth checking out if you're a Star Wars fan or you like animation. Don't go on your judgement of the film!

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Dollhouse Ep5


Forgot i watched this. Probably sums it up actually. It wasn't great, not after the brilliant Ep4 anyway. It was all a bit weird. Interesting making Echo blind, but i just didn't feel the story. Also interesting about that other fella having 'man reactions' as well, haha. It was average overall though.

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Oh, I read about that. It's one of the more whinier press things I've read from the church. It certainly touched a nerve.


Touched a nerve with you? Them? Larry the cable guy?


I've heard someone say its because Tom Hanks (one of the show's EPs) is pissed off with the mormons involvement with Prop 8 (which is an over simplification, I can't imagine they all had a hand in it, as for example you (different country but I can't imagine you would have voted yes on Prop 8)) and called in un-American so this is a response to that.


Still, Barb has been de-sealed from her family by the Church because she and her husband have found a letter claiming that polygamy was never intended to be removed from the church. I know its fiction but damn thats cruel.


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How I Met Your Mother - The Front Porch


I love that there's enough attention to detail that the future Lily envisionied is a lot peachier than the one we've been shown. Bleak but fun.

Also, nightshirts are a bit stupid but I do love Lily's dark side.



Take that back! Nightshirts look awesome, i may have to invest, but they are nothing compared to the pajama suit!

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Touched a nerve with you? Them? Larry the cable guy?


I've heard someone say its because Tom Hanks (one of the show's EPs) is pissed off with the mormons involvement with Prop 8 (which is an over simplification, I can't imagine they all had a hand in it, as for example you (different country but I can't imagine you would have voted yes on Prop 8)) and called in un-American so this is a response to that.


Still, Barb has been de-sealed from her family by the Church because she and her husband have found a letter claiming that polygamy was never intended to be removed from the church. I know its fiction but damn thats cruel.


Touched a nerve with the church/someone representing the church in the press room.


Off topic, but the church's position on Prop 8 was difficult.


Allegations of bigotry or persecution made against the Church were and are simply wrong. The Church’s opposition to same-sex marriage neither constitutes nor condones any kind of hostility toward gays and lesbians. Even more, the Church does not object to rights for same-sex couples regarding hospitalization and medical care, fair housing and employment rights, or probate rights, so long as these do not infringe on the integrity of the traditional family or the constitutional rights of churches.


It seems odd to people who aren't a part of the church, but it's pretty much just the fact that it is/was a religious ceremony. To clarify, the church did not (to my knowledge) oppose civil unions in this country.

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Touched a nerve with the church/someone representing the church in the press room.


Off topic, but the church's position on Prop 8 was difficult.




It seems odd to people who aren't a part of the church, but it's pretty much just the fact that it is/was a religious ceremony. To clarify, the church did not (to my knowledge) oppose civil unions in this country.


Oh okay.


RE: Prop 8. I understand the point that they want to keep marriage as a sacred tradition (ignoring the fact that its arguable that a gay marriage can do just the same) and I don't know how the whole Mormon blame started but as I say, I think its a case of oversimplifying things and passing blame on a whole religion which is pretty damn stupid.


I found the ceremony itself odd (not being a member and never having heard/seen anything like it before), but I understand why it may have ruffled feathers.

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Next few epis of BSG including Unfinished Business and The Passage


Though Unifinished could be considered filler, it was done brilliantly. Just the climax of the matches, Apollo vs. Starbuck, combined with the reveals from New Caprica = brilliant.

The Passage was pretty sad too.


I also love how the Cylons have personalities. They aren't terminators. They strive to be human, and as such, I'm enjoying D'Anna's struggles.


Aye, I remember thinking Unfinished was stunning for what you might class as filler... man if say Lost filler was that good, Id be happy.

Finished rewatched the BSG Miniseries with a friend today (I am one by one converting them :)) Great TV. My friend begrudgingly admitted ot thinking it was pretty darned good.


9 / 10

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Aye, I remember thinking Unfinished was stunning for what you might class as filler... man if say Lost filler was that good, Id be happy.


I prefer the extended version of Unfinished Business (which, unfortunately, is only available on the US boxset).

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Gossip Girl - Age of Dissonance *some spoilers...though, nothing utterly major* (I don't see the need for a spoiler tag, because it's not like a series ruining spoiler or anything)


Finally! The four week wait, while they film the show has been incredibly frustrating. Anyway, it was awesome. I loved how they all broke down and became the characters they were playing in the play, and how the episode seemed to once again focus on Blair.


I'm so glad Chucks seperate storyline is over, it was beginning to become a little boring. After (annoyingly so) seeing some pics from set which have spoilt their storyline, I'm just wondering how on earth it comes to it's conclusion. I really hope blair's realisation that she's a total bitch doesn't last long. Bitchy Blair is what makes the series so damn fun.


I loved the "Shakespeare said all's well that ends well. Well, some things just end".



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What is this ceremony that we're all talking about?



That's a news story about it (which should be watched for the stupid byline things for each person). Will try and rip and upload the actual scene later.


Gossip Girl - Age of Dissonance *some spoilers...though, nothing utterly major* (I don't see the need for a spoiler tag, because it's not like a series ruining spoiler or anything)


Finally! The four week wait, while they film the show has been incredibly frustrating. Anyway, it was awesome. I loved how they all broke down and became the characters they were playing in the play, and how the episode seemed to once again focus on Blair.


I'm so glad Chucks seperate storyline is over, it was beginning to become a little boring. After (annoyingly so) seeing some pics from set which have spoilt their storyline, I'm just wondering how on earth it comes to it's conclusion. I really hope blair's realisation that she's a total bitch doesn't last long. Bitchy Blair is what makes the series so damn fun.


I loved the "Shakespeare said all's well that ends well. Well, some things just end".




Woo for Mentwhores! I'm sure there was something I was going to say to you but completely forgot now...ah well. Next facebook chat!

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Battlestar Galactica Entire of Season 3


I actually was squeezing my crotch so hard during the finale. Not only was a brilliant "court" finale, it then actually screamed at me two more times after that.

I literally grabbed my tits and squeezed when they were all in the room.


Come on Torey! You're good!


it's such an amazing show. Politics and Ethics in space, after an apocalypse.


When Gaius shouted "But you missed, didn't you!? Butterfingers!" at Gaeta, I lol'd.


I won't lie, I knew Starbuck wasn't dead, and knew about Chief by flipping through an old SFX magazine or something, purely by mistake.



Frak Me /10

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it's such an amazing show. Politics and Ethics in space, after an apocalypse.


So good that the UN wants to listen to the creators (as well as Adama and Roslin) talk about the show (in particular the politics and ethics).

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So good that the UN wants to listen to the creators (as well as Adama and Roslin) talk about the show (in particular the politics and ethics).


It just...astounds.


The fact that it was literally a trial I was interested in, as there was no clear winning side. And the fact that viewers conceivebly could be on either side. (I thought he was Not Guilty, but I can definitely see people saying the opposite).


(for example)


But yeah. Classes, race etc is dealt with to. My god it's good.

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How I Met Your Mother - The Front Porch


It was alright. Glad to see the bad of whats-her face as she was just really a pain in the backside. The marriage pact between Ted and Robin I think was a given going by their history and obviously it doesn't come to anything seeing as she's referred to as aunt robin in the future. Also nice to see the darker side of Lily, if you can call it that, and Barney is still one of the best characters in a tv show ever. The whole suit pyjamas was such an awesome idea that I'm seriously considering getting some (I really am. Seriously, who wouldn't want a set of those bad boys?). I'm hoping that we get to have the story of what happened with the goat this year as it was supposed to happen on Ted's 31st and it shouldn't be too long before we find out so hopefully they won't pass the buck on with it again.


Terminator: TSCC S2E18 - Today is the Day


Well, if the seeds of mistrust haven't been sown already, they've virtually been cemented. Even though John said to Sarah that Cameron didn't kill Riley, I think John is still unsure about it and Sarah definitely thinks she did it. So to does Derek which is ironic because he's hanging around with the exact person who did it. I doubt we'll see the demise of Cameron, at least not yet, because if she goes, then they really are almost unprotected should another terminator come back for them. The whole Ellison storyline is getting really interesting as well. The game of hide and seek shows how fast it's progressed in it's learning and it seems to be understanding basic human thoughts and emotions, especially after Ellison confronted John Henry at the end. I think this side story needs to be shown more because it's going to tie in eventually with the main story arch so I think they should get moving with it.


Family Guy and American Dad


Watched the two latest episodes and have to say both were pretty awful. American Dad at least still has a spark left in it to provide some decent episodes, with this most likely coming from Roger, but this episode wasn't great, focusing on Stan's daddy issues again and thus retreading what has already been done before. Although the Hailey and Roger cosplaying bit was nicely done and I feel more of this should be shown. As for Family Guy, well last week's episode wasn't anything special but this was even worse. It just seems that they've lost the spark to make the program any good now and it does seem like they are pandering to the whole ideal that south park came up with the manatees in the swimming pool. I think, although this may be an extreme idea and may well signal the end of the show if it were to happen, that they should put the show on hiatus for a couple of months and allow the Family Guy team to get back to what made the show great to watch. It's still good to watch, just not as good as it used to be.

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Castle: Episode 2


Wow...this was actually better than the pilot. A load of twists and turns, an interesting outcome and more details on the main characters. If they can make each case this interesting then this'll be a great show.

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Castle: Episode 2


Wow...this was actually better than the pilot. A load of twists and turns, an interesting outcome and more details on the main characters. If they can make each case this interesting then this'll be a great show.


I watched... most of it. Got bored. It was so twisty that it was obviously twisty. The bit where he 'enthralled' the cops with his story of the guy in 8b was almost good, but to be honest the police 'force' are just not acting very far outside their stereotypes yet, so there's really only the two main characters and Castles mum/daughter (who are very interesting).


I'll give it another go next week, but if it sucks then I'm going to wait for the rest of the season to see if anyone actually likes it as a whole.


I've finished s01 of Friday Night Lights, and I've already managed to get someone else intersted in it.


The show had some wavering moments - the early promise of a lack of a 'cool' soundtrack was occasionally challenged, but overall it pulled it off. The initial 'mockumentary' feel quickly dissapated and was replaced by an often inappropriate handheld camera style that made me feel uncomfortable with teh subject matter... but storywise the show was very good. Simply having five main characters and several interacting secondary cast members meant there was a fairly cohesive meld of ongoing interest...


But I won't go into anything too much (tim was my fave character, no surprise)... Pretty much every episode has the audience gripping their armchairs in anticipation of the end result, and the finalé was no exception. I seriously didn't know which way it was going until the last moment... and still, as I sit here with season 2 ready to go, I don't know where it's going to go.


I would genuinely say that behind The Wire, Lost and BSG, Friday Night Lights has provided a mostly excellent show that has kept me hooked 'week in and week out' like very few shows can provide. JonSt, I thank you muchly for the suggestion :)


I've finished s01 of Friday Night Lights, and I've already managed to get someone else intersted in it.


The show had some wavering moments - the early promise of a lack of a 'cool' soundtrack was occasionally challenged, but overall it pulled it off. The initial 'mockumentary' feel quickly dissapated and was replaced by an often inappropriate handheld camera style that made me feel uncomfortable with teh subject matter... but storywise the show was very good. Simply having five main characters and several interacting secondary cast members meant there was a fairly cohesive meld of ongoing interest...


But I won't go into anything too much (tim was my fave character, no surprise)... Pretty much every episode has the audience gripping their armchairs in anticipation of the end result, and the finalé was no exception. I seriously didn't know which way it was going until the last moment... and still, as I sit here with season 2 ready to go, I don't know where it's going to go.


I would genuinely say that behind The Wire, Lost and BSG, Friday Night Lights has provided a mostly excellent show that has kept me hooked 'week in and week out' like very few shows can provide. JonSt, I thank you muchly for the suggestion :)

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