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Videogame logic


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How did the first gym leader get to be a gym leader with a lvl 12 geodude?


They slept their way there?


And not really what you're looking for but just a general thought; what the hell did those turtle things to cause Mario to hate them so much. They just walk around and he feels the need to boot them out of their shell.

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Is it? Didn't know that one. Isn't there a higher acceleration in the fall if the mass is bigger? :wtf: ( I'm not trying to be Mr. Smarty pants, I'm really just asking).


Nope. The falling speed depends mainly on the resistance to wind.


The reason why parachutes and feathers fall at a slower rate than bricks it's because of parachutes and feathers are highly affected by the wind currents.

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Nope. The falling speed depends mainly on the resistance to wind.


The reason why parachutes and feathers fall at a slower rate than bricks it's because of parachutes and feathers are highly affected by the wind currents.


That much is obvious since they are resisiting to the wind's flow.


About every other thing, it does make sense, gravitational pull is the same for everything, afterall.

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Weight doesn't have any affect on gravity but density does to wind resistance.


Wind is the reason you can double jump, change direction in midair etc. If you people actually went out and practiced you would be able to as well.


RPGs perfectly reflect real life. God knows that everyone I speak to constantly repeat the same thing. And time will not progress unless I speak to the correct person or use the correct object.


And for your information I encounter hundreds of crates and barrels everyday. Where do you think I got all of my clothes?


And I can go and defeat monsters and get stronger whilst everyone else remains the same. Why? Because they aren't hardworking enough.


Sometimes I wonder where you people live?

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Guest Stefkov

Courting a woman only takes giving her flowers found in the forest round the corner.

Asking the woman to marry you only requires you to befriend some mini sprite people to give you a blue feather to give to her.

Crops can take only 3 days to grow fully, enough to sell on.

The local mine has hundreds of gems and emeralds etc, ready to be found by a single farmer.

Cows can produce gold milk if given a lot of love, and sheep the same with their wool.

And many more farming ones.

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Guest Stefkov
Someone's been playing Harvest Moon.

I <3 Harvest Moon.



Collecting small floating orbs will grant you the ability to jump 30 metres into the air.

Also collecting said orbs will allow a car to stick to walls, a car to flip 3 times in the air, another car to travel at 100mph and go under and destroy any other car.

There's always an option to bring back all the gang members you killed, just to kill them some more.

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Sometimes by the time you reach the final boss, the hero has a revelation that if he never did anything nothing bad would have ever happened.


As for the double jump thing, well in the Metroid games it's perfectly plausable, Samus can do a 2nd jump in air thanks to some little booster thrusters in her boots

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