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arrghh :(


My psoriasis is getting resistance to my medication, its starting to come back ever so slowly. When psoriasis is stretched (like moving and bending) it has an odd burning sensation. So when it comes back i usually feel it straight away. Theres nothing that can describe the disappointment I feel right now =(

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*hugs for Raining*




My day was once again spent at home as the school was closed for some reason. I feel perhaps it was a bit over dramatic with SEVERE HEAVY SNOW CONDITIONS when it had been a light sprinkle but no school so who am I to complain! :p


I was meant to be going on an Ethics conference as well! I best not still have to pay for it. :heh: It was going to be good as someone promised lots of food! ^____^ yum! Ah well I had an EPIC tortilla at home today and just bunged everything from the fridge in it!


I got on with my Psychology Coursework after having a slight scare as I'd left all my results in the arms of another man. A few phone calls later and it was all sorted and I spent the rest of the day getting on with it while listening to them musics.


Afterwards I felt dirty so had a shower! Oh and the greatest part of my Day was a Chicken Pie for Dinner! :yay:

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I've just had an exceptionally good indian takeaway - does anyone here have a particular takeaway establishment that they swear by no matter what? I use "Curry Nights" and every single curry I've ever had from them has been bloody exceptional. Astounding. I feel like such a fatty now though.


It's a bit dull my end tonight as the girlfriend wasn't able to come visit due to the bad weather, t'is a grand shame as I've not seen her in a little while :(


Lonely Pooks :(

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We made THIS!




Rediculously good yet sickly.


Spent the rest of the night watching Lilo and Stitch, My Neighbour Totoro and playing World of Goo. Fun fun fun!


That looks sexually delicious. Seriously, I need a piece.


Also "I hit myself. It was hot". I laughed rather hard! :D

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I've just had an exceptionally good indian takeaway - does anyone here have a particular takeaway establishment that they swear by no matter what?




Brilliant place. Delivers 'til like 3.30am, It's actually saved my life at least twice.

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You know what its been 3 or so days since I broke up with this girl, and I'm fucking depressed. Everyone is like its fine but no I am depressed. I need something really good to cheer me up. Some people try to but then they make me feel worse.


Tonight was good until the controversy. Some people are such dicks. Namely a housemate I'm living with next year. C U





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Had a lecture, seemed like two hours, but was only one, seems like years ago, i go the gym at 6, ride the bike thing for 30 mins, got 10 miles =D came home, did some situp things, had a shower, went out and bought 2 big wkd bottles, got drunk after them plus cheeky vimto's so i'm moderately drunk and i head back home to change shirts as some one (me) spilt beer on it, and was about to head out, when one of my friends turns up absolutely off her face, feeling sick, can't stand up. So got her some water in my drunken state, and gave her my hoodie/jacket, and she's now passed out in her room, we locked it and left her to it, i wonder how its faring =[ anyways, then!! i spend god knows how long talking to about 10 people till ... well 3 and i've sobered up, but i feel abit queasy, so i'm having water...and biscuits =D

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my day yesterday was pretty good seeing as i was off. spent majority of the day playing halo wars demo doind skirmish matches. cant wait for it now, its easily the best strategy game on a console. oh yeah i finished too human, good ending but could of had more levels.

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Today i went clothes shopping and actually found some things i liked :o I was amazed. Also the snow has all turned to slush and ice which is dissapointing :(


I'm going paintballing tomorrow and it's forecast to be -2 and misty at 9am (when it starts) so that's going to be fun. Anyone have any tips for paintballing? All i've heard is wear baggy clothes.

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I'm going paintballing tomorrow and it's forecast to be -2 and misty at 9am (when it starts) so that's going to be fun. Anyone have any tips for paintballing? All i've heard is wear baggy clothes.

Baggy clothes? Baggy implies thin... I must confess I disagree, go for thick clothes to cushion the impact, and a balaclava if you have one.

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Is there a cure for psoriasis?

Maybe an operation, or is it just creams and pills to slow/ease it?


Wikipedia reference-linkPsoriatic_arthritis


No, there isn't a cure. :(


Creams can ease it (a lot of psoriasis suffers can depend on cream and a lot of effort to keep it in a reasonable state) more people than you realise have psoriasis. I know quite a few people that have it on their scalp alone - which just looks like bad dandruff.


Pills are only ever given to people in the severe category, when it seriously affects your lifestyle. These are all immunosuppressants, that (if they work) will only "cure" when they are being taken. And sometimes the psoriasis develops immunity to it. That's even if it works in the first place. I've taken three different suppressants and only one has worked.


Immunosuppressants are horrendously bad for your body, they are akin to cancer therapy. and because of that people with psoriasis/PsA (see wiki) aren't kept on it for very long. (actually one in particular - Methotrexate - IS cancer therapy)


Surgery isn't an option - it would involve messing around with DNA/immunity. Science hasn't come far enough - maybe one day but its unlikely in my lifetime.


People with PsA or severe psoriasis (both in my case) are generally in the minority.

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Today i went clothes shopping and actually found some things i liked :o I was amazed. Also the snow has all turned to slush and ice which is dissapointing :(


I'm going paintballing tomorrow and it's forecast to be -2 and misty at 9am (when it starts) so that's going to be fun. Anyone have any tips for paintballing? All i've heard is wear baggy clothes.


Baggy doesn't really work. You want to be covered but not at the expense of quick movement, so just wear some normal sport trousers and a jumper underneath. Remember to wear gloves, nothing stings more than paintball to fingers.

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