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Parts for the new server bought... Since its a completely new server, Letty has renamed it.


It was previously "Server", on Thursday it shall become "FileWhore".


Letty was just pounding the back of my chair with her crotch... Sums up my day really.

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You watch desperate housewives don't you?


I didn't say everything I watch is good. I watch lots of rubbish but theres a difference between rubbish and crap. Desperate Housewives and Gossip Girl are both rubbish. Eastenders and Skins are crap.


(but just to reitterate, I've never watched RD so I honetly have no opinion about it. But I've never felt compelled to watch it.)

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Parts for the new server bought... Since its a completely new server, Letty has renamed it.


It was previously "Server", on Thursday it shall become "FileWhore".


Letty was just pounding the back of my chair with her crotch... Sums up my day really.


Lol...how on Earth can that sum up your day? I have no idea what metaphor that could possibly be.


I've never watched RD



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I didn't say everything I watch is good. I watch lots of rubbish but theres a difference between rubbish and crap. Desperate Housewives and Gossip Girl are both rubbish. Eastenders and Skins are crap.


(but just to reitterate, I've never watched RD so I honetly have no opinion about it. But I've never felt compelled to watch it.)


Both Housewives and Gossip Girl are awesome fun to watch. Most people that say otherwise have seen maybe 2 minutes of it (or nothing) and just have that opinion soley because they want to appear as manly as possible.


But yes, agreed, they are rubbish. But like I think you were implying, they're good fun. Like you say, Eastenders is pure shit, and though Skins has it's moments it's also the same. We british seem to find it impossible to make a good TV Show that isn't some form of crime drama hour special.

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(but just to reitterate, I've never watched RD so I honetly have no opinion about it. But I've never felt compelled to watch it.)


I (the american) have all 8 seasons/series on DVD in a box set, while you (the brit) haven't even seen it:shakehead

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I (the american) have all 8 seasons/series on DVD in a box set, while you (the brit) haven't even seen it:shakehead


This is going to offend most people here but I don't particularly like British comedies. Sure they have some larks but as a story it often (for me) falls short.


But once again I've just never had any desire to watch it. Craig Charles, parodic comedy and sci-fi (the aliens type, even if its a minor element in RD) are three things I generally don't care for. So it may be one day I stumble upon it on TV (unlikely without a tv license...) and see it and like it, but I doubt I'll be seeking it out anytime soon.


Back to your lives people :p

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We british seem to find it impossible to make a good TV Show that isn't some form of crime drama hour special.


Only British TV worth watching is Top Gear and all the panel shows - HIGNFY, QI, MTW and NMTBC (yay for acronyms). So, Dave, basically.

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Only British TV worth watching is Top Gear and all the panel shows - HIGNFY, QI, MTW and NMTBC (yay for acronyms). So, Dave, basically.


But scripted contemporary shows?


(Scripted in the traditional sense, im aware those programmes have a basic script for them to help give an order to them)

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Only British TV worth watching is Top Gear and all the panel shows - HIGNFY, QI, MTW and NMTBC (yay for acronyms). So, Dave, basically.


Um nooooo. You're forgetting Peep Show, The Office, I'm alan partridge, Extras, Nighty Night, Spaced, Spooks, Green Wing, Human Remains, The Mighty Boosh, Harry Hills TV burp and more but I'm stopping.


My day: Still ill, just been playing on the wii, emailing, watching movies. So annoying, I wanted to go out last night and tonight, but haven't been able to.

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Um nooooo. You're forgetting Peep Show, The Office, I'm alan partridge, Extras, Nighty Night, Spaced, Spooks, Green Wing, Human Remains, The Mighty Boosh, Harry Hills TV burp and more but I'm stopping.


My day: Still ill, just been playing on the wii, emailing, watching movies. So annoying, I wanted to go out last night and tonight, but haven't been able to.


Some of those are truely awesome. Spaced, Spooks, The Boosh and Peep Show are all pretty great.


But, when you realise that The Office is what defines British Comedy at the moment, you have to hold your head and cry. British comedy is not a patch on what it used to be. Greats such as Only Fools and Horses, Goodness Gracious Me, Blackadders and Men Behaving Badley were truely funny. Most comedy nowadays is "I get it...but I don't hurt my sides laughing."

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Um nooooo. You're forgetting Peep Show, The Office, I'm alan partridge, Extras, Nighty Night, Spaced, Spooks, Green Wing, Human Remains, The Mighty Boosh, Harry Hills TV burp and more but I'm stopping.


My day: Still ill, just been playing on the wii, emailing, watching movies. So annoying, I wanted to go out last night and tonight, but haven't been able to.


Peep Show I will give you, I forgot about that one. Alan Partridge, are they still making new episodes of that? I thought it was resigned to UKTV Gold.


Harry Hills TV Burp is also pretty good, but not so much that I make a thing of watching it.


The rest you listed are all crap:heh:


There are no actual British drama shows worth watching. Something along the lines of 24, or Lost, or Prison Break, or Dexter, or Heroes (although thats pretty shit now too). None of the 9 oclock action series worth watching that are shown on Sky or Virgin or even ITV are British.

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Um nooooo. You're forgetting Peep Show, The Office, I'm alan partridge, Extras, Nighty Night, Spaced, Spooks, Green Wing, Human Remains, The Mighty Boosh, Harry Hills TV burp and more but I'm stopping.


My day: Still ill, just been playing on the wii, emailing, watching movies. So annoying, I wanted to go out last night and tonight, but haven't been able to.


Peep Show is alright from the bits I've seen. The Office and Extras...lets just say theres currently a loud car alarm going off outside my window and thats more pleasurable to listen to than Rickey Gervais. Not heard of NN or Human Remains. Harry Hills is hardly a show as it is so much a clip-. Spooks ain't my drama. GW I don't think will be my thing but I'd check it and Spaced out. Boosh I do like though :)


There are no actual British drama shows worth watching. Something along the lines of 24, or Lost, or Prison Break, or Dexter, or Heroes (although thats pretty shit now too). None of the 9 oclock action series worth watching that are shown on Sky or Virgin or even ITV are British.


Thats the thing. We only seem to be able to make middle of the road procedurals which really don't interest me. I've yet to see a British show produce something as gutwrenchingly intense as Big Love, heartwarmingly creative as Pushing Daisies (Boosh is creative, but not heartwarming, or at least not in the same way) or smooth as Mad Men.


(perhaps a bit unfair as two of those are cable shows and thus get more money pumped into each episode than anything, other than BBC fantasy, gets in a whole series.)

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There are no actual British drama shows worth watching. Something along the lines of 24, or Lost, or Prison Break, or Dexter, or Heroes (although thats pretty shit now too). None of the 9 oclock action series worth watching that are shown on Sky or Virgin or even ITV are British.


This is where television also fails at the moment.


It's just so reality tv, or game show orientated at the moment. Or documentary-focused. There hasn't been a gritty drama for quite some time. All we have are soaps.


To be honest, the BBC is in such a shit state right now. With regards to Sport, particularly football, they are losing so much. The fact that you can't even watch a lot of England's international games on the BBC (Setanta/Sky Sports) is a fucking outrage. There just isn't a great deal to watch, at all.

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Greats such as Only Fools and Horses, Goodness Gracious Me, Blackadders and Men Behaving Badley were truely funny. Most comedy nowadays is "I get it...but I don't hurt my sides laughing."

To be fair I watched and loved all of those! You've got mention to Harry Enfield as well. I do think Peep show and alan p, well quite a few of the modern ones are side splitting though, maybe just my sense of humour.

The rest you listed are all crap:heh:

What are you and who are you doing?! ;)

There are no actual British drama shows worth watching. Something along the lines of 24, or Lost, or Prison Break, or Dexter, or Heroes (although thats pretty shit now too). None of the 9 oclock action series worth watching that are shown on Sky or Virgin or even ITV are British.

I'd say spooks is the closest thing and that is absolutely awesome. But no, as far I know British TV doesn't generally do massive budget shows like those, we have the US to do it for us! :)

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BBC is a right shambles. License fee for a load of crap which they keep increasing and threateningly force you to buy and what do we get? A load of shit. And then they go spend it on a circle jerk.

Merlin is the worst tv show I've had the misfortune to come across, I swear they used the same shit sets as in Robin Hood, argh!

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