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Back from watching The Big Lebowski (a movie that has repeatedly occured in the last 2 days of my life) with some people I didn't know really well. They all act/are really grown up so it was an interesting experience, and some interesting conversations arose.


Recently I've really felt as if I'm a rubbish 21/22 year old. I've felt hugely uninteresting and boring and childish, and I'm not entirely sure why.


I'm going to ruin what has been a perfect sleeping pattern by staying up all night watching iplayer and the other channel's counterparts.


Also; I sneezed 9 times while typing this post.

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Learned my brother in law got a PS3, and went out and bought myself Valkyria Chronicles and MGS4. I played through 4/5 of MGS4 this past weekend already though at someone elses house, I've only played the demo of VC and think it's a better reason to own a PS3 than MGS4.

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This has made me think just now, i may be drunk(ish) right now but what the hey. (sorry just in case)


For the members who changed their names to such as Herod (Dan Dare), Baby Jesus (JaySeven), Shepard (Shorty) and Little Donkey (Jordan). It made me think. What would happen if say a new person signed onto N-Europe and used your old non-chrismassy names such as Jordan and Shorty. It makes me chuckle this time of night/morning.

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And until I had read the sentence to end, I was thinking "what a great idea". :p


Unbelievable. Really. Smash Bros. is a great game, but it isn't THAT great a game.


You...bastard. Falcon...PUNCH!


...last night was fun too. I went over to my mate's house to play some Settlers of Catan then it turned in to one of those very late nights as we ripped the piss out of the terrible Daredevil movie then watched some NFL....


I actually thought it was kinda good and much better than it could otherwise have been! However, it's a slightly fair point and does not deserve a falcon punching nor any form of billy clubbing.

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lol. Sorry Herod. Seems someone has already taken the idea of creating a new member with your name to heart. Someone has made a new Dan Dare. :shakehead Looks like you're going to have to move on this fast if you want your names back. And for the record.... it wasn't me. I'm just conveying what I saw at the bottom of the forum page.

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lol. Sorry Herod. Seems someone has already taken the idea of creating a new member with your name to heart. Someone has made a new Dan Dare. :shakehead Looks like you're going to have to move on this fast if you want your names back. And for the record.... it wasn't me. I'm just conveying what I saw at the bottom of the forum page.


You know, when you look at the new Dan Dare's profile, it actually does look pretty authentic! I'd laugh if it truly was just sheer coincidence! Well, except for the Xbox Gamertag of course, lol.

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*hi-fives danny* well done sir! ^_^!

I'm pretty much doing nothing today...which is pretty awesome, I plan to finish fable and continue to speak about my wonderful xbox until jayseven decides he truly hates me. Happy times! I may even go as far to be mean and text him consistantly, ah mobiles..!


I think mum put something in my breakfast, I'm actually very chirpy considering! I also need to get ahold of a friend and sheffield and see if we can get into a habit of going swimming again..I'm not sure if I can even go swimming...but I may as well try!

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... I stayed up 'til about 5am watching BSGs1 - saved the last ep for this morning, then I got about 4 eps of s2 and I've decided to start on Prison Break, rewatching the first four episodes to begin with.

*hi-fives danny* well done sir! ^_^!

I'm pretty much doing nothing today...which is pretty awesome, I plan to finish fable and continue to speak about my wonderful xbox until jayseven decides he truly hates me. Happy times! I may even go as far to be mean and text him consistantly, ah mobiles..!

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... I had a dream last night that was very xbox orientated. After my mate set fire to my hair (which left a shorn blue patch) I went off and found some people who had found a house for sale and were basically trying to steal the xbox and the xbox 360. THe 360 was locked to the TV but the original was alright, so I was trying to sneak it out of the house...


Is that fable 1 or 2? Either way the Rage grows as the row of xbox games here stare me in the face. I've actually had to relocate myself and sit facing the door/wall in order to reduce stress. Worst thing is that the xbox isn't even mine, so when it comes back Shorty will be muy eager to play on it himself. *sobs* DAN RESCUE ME

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I've decided to start on Prison Break, rewatching the first four episodes to begin with.

Yaaaaay. Prison Break is ridiculously awesome. Some people didn't like the 2nd and 3rd seasons but


A) I did, and they were awesome


B) Season 4 is amazing amazing amazing, so even if you dont like 2 et 3 its worth sticking to. Boooyah.

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