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I'm having what can be best described as "cheeky-fun" at the moment.

Sometimes I'm so sharp I cut myself but my cheeky sense of humour seems to be working wonders with people at the moment.


I'm still flummoxed by women (or girls?) and how they seem to have a phone book of men and select which one they wish to see more of. (Well, that's how it goes where I am?!) The term "meeting" a lad and "trying different things" seems to get thrown about a lot.


I may start doing this. Hedging my bets and asking more people out for meals/dates/cinema visits/hot chocolate on the seaside clifftops...The usual things kids do when dating lol.


Fun though. Lady fun. (If a little confusing) :o

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I don't think he was saying he enjoys paying for brands and believes them to be better (although he may but its not currently explicitly stated) but rather he can understand why some people chose to pay a lot for brands (because they believe it to be better, or at least maybe the label is worth something. even if it is false status) but why must plain clothes cost so much?


(so apparently not, but I still like my point)

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I don't think he was saying he enjoys paying for brands and believes them to be better (although he may but its not currently explicitly stated) but rather he can understand why some people chose to pay a lot for brands (because they believe it to be better, or at least maybe the label is worth something. even if it is false status) but why must plain clothes cost so much?


(so apparently not, but I still like my point)

If that's what he meant. People, what is your limit on clothes which have no name, known as plain clothes?

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If that's what he meant. People, what is your limit on clothes which have no name, known as plain clothes?


I am against all this crpa like Abercrombie & Fitch and Jack Wills. Well, more against the attitude that the fact it has their name emblazoned on it makes it good. I hate that.


Most of my t-shirts/tops will have something on them, but it's an interesting design or picture or whatever. My leather jacket is Firetrap, not sure how "ooooh" that is, I found it in Jenners. (I know they at least have their own stores and stuff)


That was £200, my most expensive thing ever. And it's literally my only jacket. I got it for my 16th birthday, symbolic whatever.


I would never spend over £50 on a shirt, sorry. I love what Urban Outfitters stock, but it's SO expensive. Revoltingly so.

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Shit it, I've just found out that my sister and her long-term boyfriend just broke up. After, like, 3 years. Bugger.






anyways, found out there was a party at my place (the halls whereever) so i promptly left, discovered my friend was going to the other side of campus for a study date thing, so i went with him, productive times, got 1000 words done, only 500 to write tomorrow and i'm sorted =O


Came back and it was still going on, so i went to my room, am so not in the mood for party talking atm want to sleep.

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If that's what he meant. People, what is your limit on clothes which have no name, known as plain clothes?


Depends what you define as 'brand'. Personally I was thinking more stuff like anything between Diesel and Vivienne Westwood. That kind of stuff that screams the name. Rather than Topshop/man, H&M and all that. Its all semantics I think, and the semantical field of clothing has never been my favourite...

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I am against all this crpa like Abercrombie & Fitch and Jack Wills. Well, more against the attitude that the fact it has their name emblazoned on it makes it good. I hate that.

I feel that also. My step dad arsebangs that brand shit. He'll brag about spending £200 on a new pair of glasses because it's got Ted Baker written on it. The frames for mine were pr0 cheap, simple shit to hold the productive lens.

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I feel that also. My step dad arsebangs that brand shit. He'll brag about spending £200 on a new pair of glasses because it's got Ted Baker written on it. The frames for mine were pr0 cheap, simple shit to hold the productive lens.


Ya. I care more about what the clothes themselves look like, in terms of interestingness. Not always, but with t-shirts, yeah.

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Not sure, to be honest. They'd had a fight about a month back, and haven't really spoken to each other as they're at opposite ends of the country, and now this. Meh.


I wouldn't put a reunion next year when he moves to London for his job out of the question, mind you...

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I think he means details...?


So its 8 o clock last night, i'm walking over to a place on campus and think oh i'll renew this 24 hour book that i renewed yesterday at this time, nope library was shut =[ i think i may have a fine but they didn't email about anything...humph.

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This new cat is driving me insane. He nearly killed himself earlier. I was putting some food out for him and he runs and leaps at my brother's bike, topples the thing and it lands on top of him. If he was any bigger the thing would have squashed him. Bloody idiot. I've stuck him in his bed to calm down. Can't believe my parents left me with him over the weekend. :shakehead


Anyways, I'll be off out again this afternoon in the hope of spotting something for my mother's xmas. Have a vague idea of what to get her but it's just finding something that fits.

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Weeeeee! Not been here since wednesday, I went to kingston/surbiton to visit my mate and see THE FUTUREHEADS! They were goodtings, I drank alot on thursday night though, more than I normally need to, though I wasn't as drunk as I expected to be. Lost my fucking usb stick which I had in my pocket, but I don't think it was anything major(except the fact it was 8GB, mainly full of musix). Could have done with having one less drink than I had, I think. I feel so tired now though, I came home friday night, and didn't get up til 2pm yesterday, and I woke up 2 hours ago but I'm still in bed atm, proper wastegash. I have to tidy my house, and apply for that job I STILL haven't applied for, and I need to decide whether to go to birmingham for a christmas party on tuesday...I'm gonna be poor this christmas.


As for clothes, paying money for quality is one thing, but paying money for just a name is ridiculous. They do not always go hand in hand. Personally? I'd buy cheap stuff and wear it, cos it's like...more cost effective? I rarely buy clothes, though :p

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ah, right.


yeah: just office admin but it'll be with Hallam uni which is boss pants and in their aim higher office which gets people who wouldn't normally consider uni to apply- namely poorer kids or people with disabilities and stuff. It should be pretty good.


Top stuff buddy, I know you're going to kick ass.

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