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It appears I can get XP Pro of Vista Business free, which nice, but I'd rather have Home Premium...


Vista Business is just about the same as Home Premium bar the Media Centre (I think). You get all the graphical bells and whistles of Aero.


Garrr! I had two essays to do for 4pm today, managed to muster up the energy to write one of them last night and planned to wake up early today to do the other. Sadly I woke up at 1:30pm and now have half an hour to do another 1000 words. Bollocks.


So, this one is going to be in late but then I am free! Free until I have to do the other two that are due in at the start of next term.

Vista Business is just about the same as Home Premium bar the Media Centre (I think). You get all the graphical bells and whistles of Aero.


Thanks, I'll get that then! The only issue I have now is that I can't register on MSDNAA, it doesn't recognise me as being part of the my Uni's school of engineering. Looks like I'll go and have to speak to the IT people here.


Had a good day. Woke up to searing pain behind my left eye. Put the deposit down on the house I'm living in next year. Shame nomi isn't living with us though.


Went back home, cooked food and then went christmas shopping. fun times. Still haven't got rid of my headache though.


Got back from getting my group project back, got 68% =D 2% off a firstsies! woooooo! but i tried telling the other two partners, one didn't answer and the other changed his phone number, geez >.>


Just been to the opticians for an eye test and contact lense trial. My eyes are now worse by 0.25 in each eye, bringing it to -1.50. The contact lense trial only lasted about 5 minutes before i was told i have "flat eyes", now it's not impossible to have lenses, they'd just cost £34 per month (dailies). Apparently i'm part of the 2% that the normal lenses don't fit, which is both good and bad. Got some new QuikSilver Glasses though. Woooo.


Other than that, a so-so sort of day.


Also found my phone which has been lost for 4 week!


Last night was awesome, drunken subway is the best. Also saw Dom and complained about my fingers feeling like they'd fall off, but he was hardly sympathetic :(

Last night was awesome, drunken subway is the best. Also saw Dom and complained about my fingers feeling like they'd fall off, but he was hardly sympathetic :(


I said it was cold and some girl (who knew you) said grow a pair


like hell i was gonna feel sorry your you after that :P

Looks like I'll go and have to speak to the IT people here.


Well, they did a fat lot of good. They told me to put in my URN number (which not only was I not to on the website, but I had already tried without success), and then directed me to my faculty's IT support office. The office door, it turns out, is sealed, and it's name/number has been removed, and several pieces of furniture block access.


I've decided to email the office (wherever it now is) to ask for assistance, and hopefully they'll get back to me before I go home for the holidays...

Just been to the opticians for an eye test and contact lense trial. My eyes are now worse by 0.25 in each eye, bringing it to -1.50.


I'm sure j7 will be in here soon with his tails of blindess, and my eyes probably aren't as bad as his, but theyr'e worse than yours. I'm at about -6 in each eye, with my left eye being the worse of the two. I have to get stupidly expensive extra-specially-thinned lenses for my glasses otherwise they're like jam jar bottoms. Soooo nerdy.

These i think, they look better in real life. £30, yay for being in full time education.




Oooh, nice. Similar to my "special" pair. Lolz.


Grumble @ £30 though.


I have no idea what my eyes are....They're pretty bad though. 45 cm in front of my face is completely blurred. I need to get my eyes checked pretty soon actually, as I have an incling its gotten slightly worse.


Absolutely knackered today. Had to walk to and from the train station (well I didn't have to as I probably could have gotten a bus but really just prefer to walk the couple of miles). Did a spot of xmas shopping prior to going into Uni. Absolute nightmare. Took ages to get served in Zavvi and HMV. And trying to get dvds for my nephew was a right pain. Wanted to get him some classic Disneu films and after being to both Zavvi and HMV the only one I could get him was Dumbo. Not too bad as it's a great Disney film. Wanted to get him Fantasia but couldn't find any of it. So Got Dumbo along with Madagascar so he can see the really good Disney and the new generic Disney movies. Also bought a nice Billy Connolly 3 DVD boxset for £15. It's for my father but I can guarantee that I'll end up watching it before I give it to him. He won't notice. :heh:


Had my biology exam today. Went ok, although after I was finished I remembered something after submitting the test (we do them on a PC) about a question on Amino acids and realised I had picked the wrong bloody answer. *facepalm* Oh well, at least that's me virtually finished for the next month or so. Just have to go in to pick up an essay next week and that's me.


So now I'm home and on my own. My parents came into my room last night and said they got a late entry to some cat show in coventry so they've buggered off for the weekend to that so I'm incharge. Means I can play with the new kitty which my mum brought back a few weeks ago that I haven't seen much of. So cute. I'll try and get a picture of him.


Got the letter saying I was added to the waiting list to have my tongue-tie fixed. I don't really care though, as I don't go under, it's just an anaesthetic spray they use.


Had a fairly lax day today. Work pile-up though, english wise. And art wise. And D.T wise. So all-round.


I do love how the chat is now worth having this year though.


Had the ultimate lazy day today. Didn't go to my only lecture, instead stayed in bed even though I wasn't hungover at all until about an hour ago watching various TV programmes, One Tree Hill, Scrubs etc. Just done a little bit of swimming work and then found out I've got an extra £400 in my bank account which I didn't know about. So needless to say, I'm in a rather good mood and will be heading out tonight.

I'm sure j7 will be in here soon with his tails of blindess, and my eyes probably aren't as bad as his, but theyr'e worse than yours. I'm at about -6 in each eye, with my left eye being the worse of the two. I have to get stupidly expensive extra-specially-thinned lenses for my glasses otherwise they're like jam jar bottoms. Soooo nerdy.


QFT - I'm left +3.5 and right +2. Jam jar fails!


Glasses are bloody expensive enough without adding lens thinning onto the price! :(

QFT - I'm left +3.5 and right +2. Jam jar fails!


Glasses are bloody expensive enough without adding lens thinning onto the price! :(


Plus? So you can't see things that are close to you?

For me it's -3.75 on the right and -0.75 on the left. Quite a difference. But yay for contacts. I have glasses but they suckkkkkk and are ugly.


I failed at finishing anything today. Everything I drew ended up looking ugly. =(

And my back hurts like crazy. I can't even sit on a chair without it hurting. Wonder what I did wrong there.

Plus? So you can't see things that are close to you?

For me it's -3.75 on the right and -0.75 on the left. Quite a difference. But yay for contacts. I have glasses but they suckkkkkk and are ugly.


I failed at finishing anything today. Everything I drew ended up looking ugly. =(

And my back hurts like crazy. I can't even sit on a chair without it hurting. Wonder what I did wrong there.


Yar - I'm long sighted, stuff far away is fine but everything about 2 foot or closer goes really blurry!


Just got an offer from UWE, and an interview for Coventry. I'm now a happy man. Even though both of those are probably my two last choices, I'm just happy I've got at least one offer.


Come on Anglia Ruskin!!


I'm still thinking about whether to change De Monteford to Sheffield. I'm not sure...

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