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Hot shit, last night some pikeys tried to break into the next flat down from mine. One climbed through the bathroom window, and tried to open the door to his mates. Fortunately, climbing through said window made enough noise for someone to get up and stop him before he got to the door. Police were called, pikeys did a runner, the one caught inside got nicked.


Suddenly I've found another benefit to being on a 1st floor flat...


Had a nice time at the dedication. For a church thing it wasn't too bad. In fact it was...odd but mostly due to the mini pantomime show thing. Someone shoved a DSLR in my hands and it seems I was the photographer. It feels...natural. I want a new camera.


Then we went to Pizza Hut and had fun times.


And Flinky sorry to hear about your housemates. They can be a right pain. Mine has just come back with her boyfriend, dropped some stuff off in the front room and have dissapeared to the bedroom. Its like "I do exist you know?" Urgh.


Just woke up and had a shower, now doing my awesome Shakespeare assignment, where we have to transcribe a passage from a play into prose and then talk shit about it. After that gonna go for a sunday roast at spoons with friends. Good day :D


Oh and friend's mother asked me today when I was going to be having kids ("by the time I was 25 I had three children" (not that im 25 but the person she asked before me is)) so I said not until I'm 30, and even then it'll only be one. She said "we all say that but..." to which I replied "nah I'll have the one and have the operation."


Then she seemed to be trying to guilt me saying my mom would love grandchildren and my child would never be an uncle/aunt. Bloody monogomists.


I love lazy weekends. Read over my english essay and made some alterations. Then had a read of a book and watched Slither for the movie club thing. Also managed to show horn some watch backs of older How I Met Your Mother episodes (slapbet, slapsgiving and how I met everyone else). Been pretty unproductive. Might do some writing later on. Found myself writing out song lyrics on thursday to something that I made up in my head so may try and do more of that or get on with my next RetroSpective article.


fucking horrid day. woken at 11 to help around the house, shared my time between a dad whos so aanying its affected my chances of having kids, and me mam whos a cross between pauline fowler and hulk. cherry on top is that mates are at pub but i cant join as the bus at this time of year means a practical skate course to get there.


Today I played more Animal Crossing, and then went into town with MadDog so that he could have my student discount to buy himself the Animal Crossing and Wii Speak bundle.


We proceeded to head over to the German market for a hot chocolate (damn best hot chocolate I have ever had), and scheduled another trip tomorrow lunchtime where we shall have more hot chocolate, a huge frankfurter hot dog, and anything else I want to buy (they do pretzels, potato fritters, crepes, German chocolate, chocolate covered fruit kebabs, and doughnuts!).


Twas also my older sister's birthday, I bought her the new Take That album.




What's up my green homeboy?

What's up my green homeboy?


Ah, nothing now....all gravy. :)


I had a pretty cool afternoon/evening. Went to see my sis in a choir. The choir portion was good....there was a religion speak bit in the middle by some crazed woman who let God into her life. Jeeeeeez. Then went out with Pa and Sis for Chinese eats @ a restaurant. Was whinz. :)



I might as well plug this aswell...if you're a subscriber of my YouTube page may I recommend you subscribe to my new channel, for all the stuff that doesn't make the cut for the main channel.




Weekend has been good from what i can remember. Finally had a night out as such with a long-time friend, started out at The Cross where we met 2 lovely young ladies both of whom had some booze before hand thus were a little slurry with words as such.


Ended up at the Measure for the usual night out with both the females with us, but as they couldn't provide I.D they had to leave at 9pm. Spent the rest of the night basically getting drunk.


Saturday was spent watching 2 movies, Wall-E and Taken both of which are rated in the usual thread. Treated a mate to a chinese and Red Dwarf before heading out down the pub, but before that persuaded him to get Prince of Persia in the new year.


Got into an argument with the bar man and a few members because they wanted to watch the boxing at a loud volume while there was music on the juke-box of which i had paid to listen to it. Basically i put music on and then the barman decided to crank the TV up blocking the music out completely. Managed to get the volume of both equaled out to keep both parties happy. Until later on where he cranked it up again and shut off the juke-box in the middle of my music. Believe me i wasn't happy and made them know about it verbally.


Then to really make my day, my sister decided to lock the doors at home leaving the keys in the lock so i couldn't get in. Tried numerous times to wake her up to let me in, it was frigging freezing outside. She finally let me in and shouted at me for waking her up.


Sunday was the usual cash count, bit of pool practice and spending some time on the X-Box this afternoon. Watched Top Gear and now picking a movie out to watch later.

I need to shove a final uni choice on my ucas, and have NO idea where to put. Literally been searching for hours and still no clue.



Come Kent. Not a clue if it fits any of your criteria, but it's awesome++


Done NO work...damn. Saw Changeling today, which was bloddy good. I love Angelina Jolie as an actress, but I don't find her sexy in any way. But she was great in this.


Cleared a space for our Xmas tree (couldnt just move the dining table this year, as we have a desk in the livign room there now, so we're shifting the TV sideways and packing away the game consoles), and now trying to think of something good to do for tomorrows art lesson.(s)


Bought my first christmas present today! It's my secret santa gift, for my inter-family secret santa (I got my dad). I bought him Donnie Darko, as we trade DVD recommendations, and after watching Eraserhead together, I thought it would be another apt choice of film for him to watch/enjoy/think about.


Hmm need to do a script snippet and email it to my tutor tonight. Which gives me realistically three hours which should be fine.


Just cleaned the hamster cage and I thought I'd clean the hamster too. Put a drop of water in the bottom of the sink and put the plug in then put her in and she kept trying to run up the sides but sliding down. Cute and amusing. She's now all wet, back in her ball and she's trying to clean herself up.


And I have a glass of champagne somewhere. Housemate gave it me. Still doesn't make me any less antagonistic (which is my new way I've decided).

Thought you wasn't supposed to clean a hamster, we never have in entire time we've had them. Oh well :)


Read on the internet you can. Suggested this sand thing that needs to be purchased or a bit of water and a tiny bit of shampoo (human shampoo). Figured as mine is from Lush (ergo natural) it should be okay. Plus it gave her a cool spikey haircut.


While I was sorting out her cage in the front room my housemate and her boyfriend were being horrbily coupley. I wanted to vomit everywhere. Everything and everyone seems to be pissing me off lately.


I think I seriously understand modernism, postmodernism, commodity fetishism, marxism, new historicism and cultural materialism now. I think. Only got to write 2,000 more words! Woot!


Hmm, I just had a random thought, how did NaNoWriMo go?



And I have a glass of champagne somewhere. Housemate gave it me. Still doesn't make me any less antagonistic (which is my new way I've decided).

Can I be the protagonist in your life?


Ah, nothing now....all gravy. :)


I had a pretty cool afternoon/evening. Went to see my sis in a choir. The choir portion was good....there was a religion speak bit in the middle by some crazed woman who let God into her life. Jeeeeeez. Then went out with Pa and Sis for Chinese eats @ a restaurant. Was whinz. :)



I might as well plug this aswell...if you're a subscriber of my YouTube page may I recommend you subscribe to my new channel, for all the stuff that doesn't make the cut for the main channel.




Wait. You mean the stuff you put onto your other channel is the good stuff?<3Rez


Work wasn't too bad today. Not too busy, arsehole manager wasn't in. All good. There was also a rather hawt girl in for an interview today. Hope she gets the job >_>



Can I be the protagonist in your life?


Sounds like some kind of emo song title or something (but yes of course you can James).


I'm in one of those self destructive moods. I'm going out on Wednesday. I think its time for a lgfuad night.


Song of moment: Sia - Breathe Me (or the Four Tet remix, whichever you fancy)


Got 20k on Word Challenge!


Also fucking irritated with myself. Got an assignment AND presentation in for Wednesday that I havn't even started or touched yet. wtf.




Anyway. Anyone else running the Awards this year? Seems like only yesterday we had the results. Oh wait, lolololol. 'cuz seriously, if no-one does it, you'll be stuck with me again. Only this time maybe I'll think of a better way of doing things.

Sounds like some kind of emo song title or something (but yes of course you can James).


I'm in one of those self destructive moods. I'm going out on Wednesday. I think its time for a lgfuad night.


Song of moment: Sia - Breathe Me (or the Four Tet remix, whichever you fancy)

Got 20k on Word Challenge!


Also fucking irritated with myself. Got an assignment AND presentation in for Wednesday that I havn't even started or touched yet. wtf.

20k? Pft. Young pawadan...


As for the other shit? Do it. Now. Look at me. LOOK AT ME. You do not want to become this shivering wreck. My internal organs have been claimed by the great nations of Caffeine and Nicotine, who have teamed up to maximise word production by instigating a 48 hour day policy.


I just went and bought four litres of BOOST. Two sips and I'm SITTING ON THE CEILING AS I TYPE, now.


Friend from newcastle is drunk and all crying and upset down the phone. Can't understand a word she's saying, but I know she's over-reacting to whatever's happened now.


For my creative writing portfolio I might just rip off The Wire, only replace the cops with uni students, the cases with essays and the drug dealers with... shit I need to work on that. Maybe I don't need them? Maybe they can just stay as drug dealers, only the students don't go beat them up, they just score.


What dyson said about forum awards

I'd do them, but I can only count to jayseven.



I'd do them, but I can only count to jayseven.


If we both did them, god knows if the thread would even be made in time for the new year let alone the results :heh:





(k, when I next come to Sheffield we will definatly do that you sick ass mother fucker)

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