dan-likes-trees Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 This is extremely pedantic and will probably sound snobbish, but it's actually a remix of Lux Aeterna by Chris Mansell which was used as Requiem for a Dreams theme. Even more snobby and pedantic but it's Clint not Chris :P Amazing soundtrack though. And amazing film. Hence my av.
Twozzok Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 Even more snobby and pedantic but it's Clint not Chris :P Amazing soundtrack though. And amazing film. Hence my av. Haha oops, well that's what I meant... I was testing you
Daft Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 Cycled to university listening to my favourite new song, Little Boot's 'Meddle' remixed by Treasure Fingers. I'd rather listen to it while not doing anything so I can concentrate on it but it's never easy to find time. Had three tutorials in a row. Didn't do the readings for any of them. Managed to be the only person to actually talk in the second one, I basically gave the tutorial I talked so much. I hate first years. They are off the scale thick. Cycled to work but on my way stopped at a wicked little cycling shop called Bobbin Cycles. There was just the owner and the assistant in there and we bantered for a good 20 minutes about my bike and how we could make it look more ludicrous. I said I wanted to put tassels on the handle bars and a cool little flag on the back. The assistant lady rumaged in the back and found an awesome flag pole but I'm thinking at the moment it's a bit too much. Definitely for the summer though. Need to make a flag for it as the one you get with it is just a plain triangular neon green one. Bought my helmet and headed off to work, picking up lunch on the way. Pasta with chicken and bacon, very nice. Played Valkyrie Profile for a bit and then took the PR screenshots for Chrono Trigger. Went to the pub for a quick one and then cycled home. Now I'm watching The Transporter 2 (Yeah, I know) and eating Jaffa Cakes... Okay, I've finished the Jaffa Cakes...
ReZourceman Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 Cycled to university listening to my favourite new song, Little Boot's 'Meddle' remixed by Treasure Fingers. I'd rather listen to it while not doing anything so I can concentrate on it but it's never easy to find time. Had three tutorials in a row. Didn't do the readings for any of them. Managed to be the only person to actually talk in the second one, I basically gave the tutorial I talked so much. I hate first years. They are off the scale thick. Cycled to work but on my way stopped at a wicked little cycling shop called Bobbin Cycles. There was just the owner and the assistant in there and we bantered for a good 20 minutes about my bike and how we could make it look more ludicrous. I said I wanted to put tassels on the handle bars and a cool little flag on the back. The assistant lady rumaged in the back and found an awesome flag pole but I'm thinking at the moment it's a bit too much. Definitely for the summer though. Need to make a flag for it as the one you get with it is just a plain triangular neon green one. Bought my helmet and headed off to work, picking up lunch on the way. Pasta with chicken and bacon, very nice. Played Valkyrie Profile for a bit and then took the PR screenshots for Chrono Trigger. Went to the pub for a quick one and then cycled home. Now I'm watching The Transporter 2 (Yeah, I know) and eating Jaffa Cakes... Okay, I've finished the Jaffa Cakes... Awesome. I also love how the Jaffa Cakes were finished in the space of two returns.
Daft Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 Awesome. I also love how the Jaffa Cakes were finished in the space of two returns. Jaffa Cakes don't really survive long around me. Now I have a strange urge to watch Godzilla....
Ashley Posted December 6, 2008 Posted December 6, 2008 jodie is getting me a metre of jaffas for christmas and I need to watch Godzilla for an assignment. My laptop died, had to take it to brim and leave it with apple for a week. I know they're going to end up charging me loads. Then the noodle bar forgot about us. All in all i've sworn a lot today.
EEVILMURRAY Posted December 6, 2008 Posted December 6, 2008 Got back from work. I'm fairly sure the bosses hate me. Especially the landlady, any excuse to shout at me she does. The same happens to someone else and it's a firm word or some shit. I'd quit in a second if I had something else to fall back on. But word is they're leaving in March, which is good... depending on who takes over. It has become slightly temptedings to move back to Leicester, some of my former gringo's have informed me there may be a room opening at their flat, which, like I said, temptedings. But I don't have a job up there which presents more problems. Another problemings is that me and this lass Nina said we'd randomly get a place in Wales next year, or just go on a random travelling spree.
Rummy Posted December 6, 2008 Posted December 6, 2008 I've just(well, a few hours ago) obtained my orange belt in Aikido, after a day of not very much except purchasing GTA4 and Armoured Core preowned for 360 for £18, only to see GTA quite mashed and with a radial scratch and lo and behold? It had a DRE. Then I watched my friend play Armoured Core a bit, then we watched Slither(Go Knee Film Club Go!), then we got driven to Dartford by my mother to be picked up by a strange man who would spend an hour to drive us to Margate to grade, then to eat snacks and beer, then to return in said strange man's car. He's not at all strange really, and quite cool, and had a good selection of music upon his iPod! Like a true kid in the back of a car, I'd taken my Micro and SMW advance, and played it for part of the journey, also asking at points how much longer it was to our destination! Had a nice day all in all, like actually nice, nothing too much more, nothing too much less. Not bad, not good, but nice. It is acceptable, will do, fit to purpose, did suffice.
dan-likes-trees Posted December 6, 2008 Posted December 6, 2008 Yesterday I ordered tickets to Bloc Party supported by Foals in April Very excite, i missed them both at Reading. Frickin ages away though. Then I went out to someones 18th, which was awkward, then good, the great, then shit. Ah well. I plan to go shopping later. Get clothes, and points so i can finally play portal
Raining_again Posted December 6, 2008 Posted December 6, 2008 I was making some cheesecake today....I got right to the end without any disasters, was quite surprised. Normally i'm a disaster and end up cutting myself XD lifted out some blender parts i was cleaning, and the blade was in the sink. Sliceeeee all teh way down my finger, now im bleeding everywhere. Cheesecake better be bloody worth it!
Kirkatronics Posted December 6, 2008 Posted December 6, 2008 I was making some cheesecake today....I got right to the end without any disasters, was quite surprised. Normally i'm a disaster and end up cutting myself XD lifted out some blender parts i was cleaning, and the blade was in the sink. Sliceeeee all teh way down my finger, now im bleeding everywhere. Cheesecake better be bloody worth it! Thats why im not allowed to touch things in the kitchen, but its normally other people who i acidentally damage =[
EEVILMURRAY Posted December 6, 2008 Posted December 6, 2008 I was making some cheesecake today....I got right to the end without any disasters, was quite surprised. Normally i'm a disaster and end up cutting myself XD lifted out some blender parts i was cleaning, and the blade was in the sink. Sliceeeee all teh way down my finger, now im bleeding everywhere. Cheesecake better be bloody worth it! Well chefs do mention adding their own personal touch... ¬_¬ Seriously though, it all adds flavour.
Raining_again Posted December 6, 2008 Posted December 6, 2008 Well chefs do mention adding their own personal touch... ¬_¬ Seriously though, it all adds flavour. Well I was cleaning my instruments, the cheesecake was in the fridge at the time
Eenuh Posted December 6, 2008 Posted December 6, 2008 Hooray, Sinterklaas brought me some candy today. Probably the highlight of the last few days.
Ganepark32 Posted December 6, 2008 Posted December 6, 2008 A lazy weekend lies ahead for me. Finished an english essay earlier so I will have a look over it again later and make some adjustments to improve on little sections. Been playing a bit of Fable 2, trying to get into it and while it's good there's something that's putting me off of it. Also played a bit of AC:WW on DS. I'm tredding the water before deciding on getting the Wii game. Need to get round to doing my xmas shopping. I've got the presents for my nephew and father thought out, just need to buy them but haven't got a clue what to get my mother. Something to do with cats but not sure what. Perhaps another little figurine/statue-esque thing. Will be going out to have a look.
rokhed00 Posted December 6, 2008 Posted December 6, 2008 Got a free lipstick in the post, thanks Rimmel.
ReZourceman Posted December 6, 2008 Posted December 6, 2008 Crazyness at work yesterday, my last call was....nuts. Basically...I saw a coroners report that involved shotgunnage. I was like on the call "O.......M.........G" and just spent like the last five minutes after the call reading it (cos' I'm nosey and its interesting). Gonna have a proper read on Monday as I only saw breif details. Today I picked up my comicszzz num num num and am now fiddling about..... In a non sexual way. May turn sexual if I get bored. But y'all don't need to know that. You want to. But I shalln't.
EEVILMURRAY Posted December 6, 2008 Posted December 6, 2008 Another problemings is that me and this lass Nina said we'd randomly get a place in Wales next year, or just go on a random travelling spree. Doesn't seem to be happenings now. Most displeasing. However there's a technical journalist job for HM Revenues and Customs. I've emailed to see what you actually have to do in the job.
Slaggis Posted December 6, 2008 Posted December 6, 2008 I fucking hate Christmas. The sheer amount of happy people make me want to shoot myself, becaue unlike them, most people don't have a "OMG I'M HAPPY ALL THE TIME" life. Feeling bitter is where it's at, anyone care to join me? /Scrooge.
Daft Posted December 6, 2008 Posted December 6, 2008 I fucking hate Christmas. The sheer amount of happy people make me want to shoot myself, becaue unlike them, most people don't have a "OMG I'M HAPPY ALL THE TIME" life. Feeling bitter is where it's at, anyone care to join me? /Scrooge. Being bitter is outdated. Being indifferent, now that's the way to go.
ReZourceman Posted December 6, 2008 Posted December 6, 2008 HAPPY HAPPY HOUSE HAPPY HOUSE HAPPY HOUSE....
MoogleViper Posted December 6, 2008 Posted December 6, 2008 Last night I worked 4-10pm at Goldsmiths. I didn't have a key or anything so all I could do was gift wrap. And it was really quiet so I must have only wrapped about 5 things in total. I was bored out of my mind. But then today my sister and the manager were on. So my sister spoke to the manager and got me a key and taught me how to use the till (I didn't have a code so I used hers, meaning she gets the commission, but I'm only temp so I don't get any anyway). If my sister hadn't have been there I reckon I would have spent all month without a key just standing there doing nothing.
Rummy Posted December 6, 2008 Posted December 6, 2008 Being bitter is outdated. Being indifferent, now that's the way to go. Indifference leads to bitterness, or the other way round, or something...
The fish Posted December 6, 2008 Posted December 6, 2008 Last night was great fun, viva la 90's! :awesome: I still, however, have my ever infuriating skill of getting hit on by about half a dozen girls a night in a club without my knowledge. Due to my lack of response, they loose interest and wander off. About 6 seconds later, I suddenly think "wait a second, wasn't she just... bugger..." It gets really, really infuriating. Still, it was a fun night!
Daft Posted December 6, 2008 Posted December 6, 2008 Indifference leads to bitterness, or the other way round, or something... If you think indifference leads to bitterness you're not being indifferent enough. I can see it going the other way though. I used to be bitter constantly. Now I'm indifferent constantly.
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