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well, im pretty sure id not want to sex him, just have him be like a grandfather to me.


i cant stand living with my dad any more. i left my issue of edge in the kitchen at lunch, went to find it but was nowhere to be found. asked my parents had they seen it, my mam informs me its in their room, which is odd. she found it on the landing and absent mindedly moved it. why the landing? my dear father put it there as it was "left lying around" and i was lucky it wasnt binned.


id not mind, but his and my mams stuff was all over the kitchen. hes making me feel uncomfortable in my own house.


i can't stand it here. as of monday im redoubling the job hunt, so i can afford to move out asap. hes making my life hell.

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Watched BSG. Win. Near the end my housemate came in to make tea and told me she'd had an argument with her boyfriend and she ended up sitting in here and chatting for a while. Its selfish but it was nice. I feel I rarely see her alone nowadays.


Also; god bless searchlight. Coming in handy for the faffy parts of assignments "females are often presumed to be easily scared (Source), passive (Source) and nurturing (Source)". Such a pain. Easy way to search through three years of notes.

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Hmm, it's been a funny old day. Been playing a bit of guitar, but only because nobody was in. I think I miss my freedom a little bit, as I rarely get to play guitar because I get a telling off for playing when the tv is on or something.


On the whole, I just find people a bit strange. Or, even more strange than I thought of them before. Feeling a bit bored, as everyone has gone to bed, and I can't do anything for fear of waking someone up. Would be good to have a nice chat with someone or just some fun.


Think I'm gonna go and watch Rocky in bed.

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School Ball (aka shitdisco) was pretty dire, but then...at least me and the group I was with actually try and have fun, and DANCE.


I hate how all the others decided it would be m,uch better at a fucking dance to sit in the BOILING hot cloakroom (normally a classroom) and chat about the same shit they always do.


I mean, seriously."Do Somethin'" by Britney Spears literally defines the night for me.


I had a bit to drink beforehand, o it was probably more enjoyable that way. Went to some bitches houseparty after the dance, where she was getting her boyfriend (head boy at my school, big whoop) to tell her if people were "good enough" to come in. I should have taken a hint it would stink, even though I was obviously allowed in (I am a legend at life).


Basically stayed for 15 mins, had some red wine, talked to like 2 people, then left with another guy I'm friends with who actually isn't an effing poseur, and likes living life.


Oh yeah, we kept saying like "To take Rihanna's sage advice; "Live Your Life". Please". Felt funny at the time.


Just general stupidness.

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School Ball (aka shitdisco) was pretty dire, but then...at least me and the group I was with actually try and have fun, and DANCE.


I hate how all the others decided it would be m,uch better at a fucking dance to sit in the BOILING hot cloakroom (normally a classroom) and chat about the same shit they always do.


I mean, seriously."Do Somethin'" by Britney Spears literally defines the night for me.


I had a bit to drink beforehand, o it was probably more enjoyable that way. Went to some bitches houseparty after the dance, where she was getting her boyfriend (head boy at my school, big whoop) to tell her if people were "good enough" to come in. I should have taken a hint it would stink, even though I was obviously allowed in (I am a legend at life).


Basically stayed for 15 mins, had some red wine, talked to like 2 people, then left with another guy I'm friends with who actually isn't an effing poseur, and likes living life.


Oh yeah, we kept saying like "To take Rihanna's sage advice; "Live Your Life". Please". Felt funny at the time.


Just general stupidness.


Hmm, that does sound pretty rubbish.


What annoys me is when we go out clubbing or something some time, and we spend ages just standing by the bar or sitting down talking about nothing. Or (this one pissed me off the one time) where we all went clubbing, and my mates went home about two hours before I did, because they were tired. So, I came home, and they're sat there chatting in the living room. So, not too tired, after all then?


To be honest, I think I'm losing faith in people at the moment. Nobody seems to take that leap of faith anymore, or go out on a limb to do something spontaneous.

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After hearing how this girl I'm seeing had to go back to a guys room at her uni to collect her earrings I got a little erm.. upset/annoyed/distant (can't quite describe emotion). She didn't understand. The guy fancies her and she tried to deny it by saying, I don't think he does anymore. But, I'm a guy I know you don't just stop.

I feel I should trust her (which I do) but its just running through my head =/ I think I'm a little insecure due to other factors. Made me feel a bit glum and I don't think she even knows.


Other than that day has been a pretty mandatory Saturday lately, get up eat, play around and procrastinate, has been good.

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School Ball (aka shitdisco) was pretty dire, but then...at least me and the group I was with actually try and have fun, and DANCE.


I hate how all the others decided it would be m,uch better at a fucking dance to sit in the BOILING hot cloakroom (normally a classroom) and chat about the same shit they always do.


I mean, seriously."Do Somethin'" by Britney Spears literally defines the night for me.


I had a bit to drink beforehand, o it was probably more enjoyable that way. Went to some bitches houseparty after the dance, where she was getting her boyfriend (head boy at my school, big whoop) to tell her if people were "good enough" to come in. I should have taken a hint it would stink, even though I was obviously allowed in (I am a legend at life).


Basically stayed for 15 mins, had some red wine, talked to like 2 people, then left with another guy I'm friends with who actually isn't an effing poseur, and likes living life.


Oh yeah, we kept saying like "To take Rihanna's sage advice; "Live Your Life". Please". Felt funny at the time.


Just general stupidness.


Lol! That guys girlfriend sounds like a complete tosspot. People like that don't deserve to be alive in all honesty, I loathe them. (Still, Yay for you getting in. :p)


Plus, school disco's are usually always shite. By law, they almost have to be.


Hmm, that does sound pretty rubbish.


What annoys me is when we go out clubbing or something some time, and we spend ages just standing by the bar or sitting down talking about nothing. Or (this one pissed me off the one time) where we all went clubbing, and my mates went home about two hours before I did, because they were tired. So, I came home, and they're sat there chatting in the living room. So, not too tired, after all then?


To be honest, I think I'm losing faith in people at the moment. Nobody seems to take that leap of faith anymore, or go out on a limb to do something spontaneous.


That does sound rather pointless, and I know exactly how you feel. Clubbing is not for sitting down/standing up mindlessly chatting for hours on end. It's for dancing, and having the time of your life. Boring people fail.

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After hearing how this girl I'm seeing had to go back to a guys room at her uni to collect her earrings I got a little erm.. upset/annoyed/distant (can't quite describe emotion). She didn't understand. The guy fancies her and she tried to deny it by saying, I don't think he does anymore. But, I'm a guy I know you don't just stop.

I feel I should trust her (which I do) but its just running through my head =/ I think I'm a little insecure due to other factors. Made me feel a bit glum and I don't think she even knows.


Other than that day has been a pretty mandatory Saturday lately, get up eat, play around and procrastinate, has been good.


I think that would piss me off, too.


But, just trust her. Let her be, and she'll be grateful for that. If you make a big thing of it, it'll cause you more trouble, and she'll be a million times more likely to rebel against you.


Saying that, if she breaks your trust, then you've got a reason to say "I told you so" and own her with a C-C-C-Combo breaker.


You win either way.

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Okay so, a little background story. I drive my sister to her university on a daily basis. She goes into class, and I loiter around the campus, literally hanging out with my friends until my sister is done with her class and I drive her home. It's been like this for a couple of weeks since I start university in February and have nothing better to do with my time. It's also quite fun as I get to spend more time with my friends.


One day, I bump into a girl who used to go to my school and I end up spending most of the day with her. Her name is Rana, and that's all you need to know about her for now.


A few hours ago my sister comes up to me and says that two girls in her university were stabbed to death in their apartment. One of them was quite popular because her mother is a retired singer. The whole thing went like this: the two girls (named Heba and Nadine) were celebrating "something" in their apartment when a third girl dropped by. They stayed inside for a few hours until the father of the third girl called her and INSISTED that she go home immediately (probably because it was getting late). She hung up and thought she'd hang around for a little longer because her home was only a few minutes away from where she was. Her father called again, then threatened to ground her unless she didn't leave at once. She did.


The next day the other two girls are found dead, one stabbed 14 times in the chest, the other 11 times. The apartment was trashed, and according to what the police has reported some jewelry was stolen. They are currently "questioning" the third girl and her father, but have not come up with anything useful so far.


I just found out that the "third girl" they were talking about was my friend Rana. :( I can't imagine what she's going through right now, and I can't reach her. Only thing I could do was show some support on her Facebook wall, which, as I had already guessed before I did so, was bombarded with posts from others.

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Despite having a partially pretty good day I feel horrible.

For the past couple of days I´ve been sleeping terribly and suddenly today I started remembering glimpses of past nightmares that I had forgotten and I get this gut wrenching feeling and the feeling of complete hopelessness.


Now I´m sat in my room trying to find anything to distract me but my mind keeps tracing back to these dreams and I want to go asleep but I don´t want to because I have a bad feeling about what I´m going to dream :(


So that´s my whine for the night.

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Okay so, a little background story. I drive my sister to her university on a daily basis. She goes into class, and I loiter around the campus, literally hanging out with my friends until my sister is done with her class and I drive her home. It's been like this for a couple of weeks since I start university in February and have nothing better to do with my time. It's also quite fun as I get to spend more time with my friends.


One day, I bump into a girl who used to go to my school and I end up spending most of the day with her. Her name is Rana, and that's all you need to know about her for now.


A few hours ago my sister comes up to me and says that two girls in her university were stabbed to death in their apartment. One of them was quite popular because her mother is a retired singer. The whole thing went like this: the two girls (named Heba and Nadine) were celebrating "something" in their apartment when a third girl dropped by. They stayed inside for a few hours until the father of the third girl called her and INSISTED that she go home immediately (probably because it was getting late). She hung up and thought she'd hang around for a little longer because her home was only a few minutes away from where she was. Her father called again, then threatened to ground her unless she didn't leave at once. She did.


The next day the other two girls are found dead, one stabbed 14 times in the chest, the other 11 times. The apartment was trashed, and according to what the police has reported some jewelry was stolen. They are currently "questioning" the third girl and her father, but have not come up with anything useful so far.


I just found out that the "third girl" they were talking about was my friend Rana. :( I can't imagine what she's going through right now, and I can't reach her. Only thing I could do was show some support on her Facebook wall, which, as I had already guessed before I did so, was bombarded with posts from others.


Jesus, dude. That's pretty awful. Sorry to here about that.


Did you know the other two girls?

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Okay so, a little background story. I drive my sister to her university on a daily basis. She goes into class, and I loiter around the campus, literally hanging out with my friends until my sister is done with her class and I drive her home. It's been like this for a couple of weeks since I start university in February and have nothing better to do with my time. It's also quite fun as I get to spend more time with my friends.


One day, I bump into a girl who used to go to my school and I end up spending most of the day with her. Her name is Rana, and that's all you need to know about her for now.


A few hours ago my sister comes up to me and says that two girls in her university were stabbed to death in their apartment. One of them was quite popular because her mother is a retired singer. The whole thing went like this: the two girls (named Heba and Nadine) were celebrating "something" in their apartment when a third girl dropped by. They stayed inside for a few hours until the father of the third girl called her and INSISTED that she go home immediately (probably because it was getting late). She hung up and thought she'd hang around for a little longer because her home was only a few minutes away from where she was. Her father called again, then threatened to ground her unless she didn't leave at once. She did.


The next day the other two girls are found dead, one stabbed 14 times in the chest, the other 11 times. The apartment was trashed, and according to what the police has reported some jewelry was stolen. They are currently "questioning" the third girl and her father, but have not come up with anything useful so far.


I just found out that the "third girl" they were talking about was my friend Rana. :( I can't imagine what she's going through right now, and I can't reach her. Only thing I could do was show some support on her Facebook wall, which, as I had already guessed before I did so, was bombarded with posts from others.


Fucking hell that is awful! That girl Rana must be feeling awful, just awful. Hopefully you'll get in contact with her, poor girl...Did you know the other two girls by any chance?


Can't believe they got stabbed so many times...I really hope the asshole(s) that did it get caught and punished. What wastes of life they are.

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First thing I hear about this morning from the girl is that the guy texted her last night! Yay! Makes me feel so much happier :)


Going into town to get some fancy dress stuff for skiing holiday with uni, to primark!




I don't get it, dude. He txted her? So, why are you happy? I don't get it. :(


Aw well. I'm having an alright weekend. Went to the pub to watch the football, doing work now, and played lots of guitar as well. Stressing myself out planning these lessons, and there's a fair bit I need to do. Housemates are being a bit funny too, but that's women for you.


Typical conversation:


Me: "Hey <insert name>, how are ya?"

Whoever: "Fiiine Fine Fine. *walks off*"


Won't bluddy ask next time, I won't. :heh:


Anybody else finding that people are so rude?

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I don't get it, dude. He txted her? So, why are you happy? I don't get it. :(


Aw well. I'm having an alright weekend. Went to the pub to watch the football, doing work now, and played lots of guitar as well. Stressing myself out planning these lessons, and there's a fair bit I need to do. Housemates are being a bit funny too, but that's women for you.


Typical conversation:


Me: "Hey <insert name>, how are ya?"

Whoever: "Fiiine Fine Fine. *walks off*"


Won't bluddy ask next time, I won't. :heh:


Anybody else finding that people are so rude?


It was suppose to be sarcasm but I guess it wasn't a very good attempt at it :) I told her I'm becoming quite stress because of everything and then told her I felt I'm pushing her away, she said I wasn't it, it made me feel slightly better. Playing COD4 with some people to cheer myself up :)


Thanks for the concern Flink :)

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It was suppose to be sarcasm but I guess it wasn't a very good attempt at it :) I told her I'm becoming quite stress because of everything and then told her I felt I'm pushing her away, she said I wasn't it, it made me feel slightly better. Playing COD4 with some people to cheer myself up :)


Thanks for the concern Flink :)


It was the smiley face which threw me off.


Ah well, I wouldn't think about it too much. She's only a woman after all.

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^^ Lol Moogle, that's uh...graphic.


She's only a woman after all.

You've got a point, we are a subspecies! ;)



Today's been great, just dont sweet fa. Chilling mixed with relaxing, woo. Wish I didn't have to go to work tomorrow, so much.

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