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If you've got a microSD, transfer the files to that and set the phone as a mass storage device in the settings. It will treat it like a normal memory card.


Thank you, thank you! :) I don't have one of those, maybe I should get one. Is it possible to do it without one?*



*(I'm prepared for technophobe abuse :heh:)

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I don't think so. In mass storage mode I think the phone essentially acts like an adaptor between the computer and the card, so the internal memory isn't recognised.


I couldn't get the Samsung software I had to run on my PC when I upgraded to Vista (granted I didn't try too hard, there may well be an update / new version) so that was the simplest solution I could find. A microSD card wouldn't run you very much at all though, especially if you only want a small one to transfer files with.


In fact, there's this one on Amazon which is only £4 for a 2gb. Also, I'd recommend you get it from the "flash_memory" seller (right hand side of the screen) as when postage is accounted for sells it at an identical price. I've bought a few things from them before and never had any problems.

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I don't think so. In mass storage mode I think the phone essentially acts like an adaptor between the computer and the card, so the internal memory isn't recognised.


I couldn't get the Samsung software I had to run on my PC when I upgraded to Vista (granted I didn't try too hard, there may well be an update / new version) so that was the simplest solution I could find. A microSD card wouldn't run you very much at all though, especially if you only want a small one to transfer files with.


In fact, there's this one on Amazon which is only £4 for a 2gb. Also, I'd recommend you get it from the "flash_memory" seller (right hand side of the screen) as when postage is accounted for sells it at an identical price. I've bought a few things from them before and never had any problems.


amazing, so helpful! Thank you, I will order one now. I know who to ask next time I have computer issues! :)

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Been a good day today:


Woke up thinking "You know what? Fuck it. I'm gonna go down to ASDA and buy the new Guitar Hero game." So I did, but not before discovering that the mailman had delivered the anime DVDs I ordered last week.


Opened up one package, grinned like a Cheshire Cat at DVD, went and bought GH:WT, came back, opened up second package, beamed like a crazy man at DVD, watched one of aforementioned DVD, then played World Tour.


Surprised brother with purchase by simply putting the box in with the rest of the games and then randomly taking it out later on and saying "Wanna look?"


I'm more or less in a really cheery mood, simply because of the arrival of the DVDs. But I was more of a happy chappy with the purchase of aforementioned game. :grin:

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had mates over, we played mario kart on the wii, havent done it in ages, and watched hot rod. stupid film but very sweet and very funny, a bit of a napolian dynamite film, makes you laugh at geekyness and awkwrdness.


in outher news, my tummy hurts real bad :(. i think i need a hug.



oh, also downloaded trailers for mirror's edge and elefunk on the PS3 last night. elefunk rocks, mirrors edge was a bit of a let down unfortunatly.

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Today, my Web Design Teacher gave us our marks for the term and apparently I lost a few marks, not but because my assignment was bad, it was the best in the class apparently, but the teacher says that he marks my assignments to a higher standard because I'm more advanced than the rest of the class. Thankfully the mark is only based on our best assignment of the 2 we did, so I'll get 100% anyway, but still, I didn't think teachers could do that.

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Lecture. Didn't really pay attention, instead wrote a list of things to do this weekend.

Work. Dragged but okay. Least this time I learnt something rather than just tidied.

Night out. One of those weird and unexpected nights that has ended up with my drunken friend sleeping on our sofa. I offered her my bed (in a platonic sense of course) but she insisted so I grabbed her pillows (I have mountains of them) and sheets and one of the three duvets I own. And popped a glass of water at the end. All paternal like.

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Too early....... Not really but I'm just so tired, even after having roughly 9 hours sleep, and can't be bothered with today. I have an essay exam at 3pm and although I know what I'm writing about, I can guarantee I'll throw a blank during the thing and not be able to write anything comprehensibly.

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I can't handle the missus anymore. Shes crazy. We had an argument on the way to work...and its just because I don't want to put up with her bullshit anymore. If we ever go to the cinema we HAVE to go to the nearest showing after work finishes, she doesn't like the later showings (say....anything later than 8pm) now, does that sound crazy to anyone else?


So I have put up with that for years, and now I just want to do something that prevents me from early showing, so 9:15 showing is the one to do, but she just can't do it, and goes psycho. Ugghhhhh.


I actually literally don't know what the hell to do.

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I can't handle the missus anymore. Shes crazy. We had an argument on the way to work...and its just because I don't want to put up with her bullshit anymore. If we ever go to the cinema we HAVE to go to the nearest showing after work finishes, she doesn't like the later showings (say....anything later than 8pm) now, does that sound crazy to anyone else?


So I have put up with that for years, and now I just want to do something that prevents me from early showing, so 9:15 showing is the one to do, but she just can't do it, and goes psycho. Ugghhhhh.


I actually literally don't know what the hell to do.


She's never explained why she doesn't like going to the later films?

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Simply say that you've gone to the cinema at the times specified by her and on her terms and that the least she could do is go on your terms for once. It's simple and really if she still goes off the handle at that then I don't really know what to suggest. A partnership should be equal. Get her with that.

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Just because she doesn't like going out or getting back, late.




(To clarify, this is just one little thing on top of everything. Obv)


I feel for ya buddy, it's rather bizarre. Does she ever do anything else late?


The wife and I are at opposite ends of the spectrum at the mo too, must be a November thing!


Simply say that you've gone to the cinema at the times specified by her and on her terms and that the least she could do is go on your terms for once. It's simple and really if she still goes off the handle at that then I don't really know what to suggest. A partnership should be equal. Get her with that.


Good advice dude!

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I feel for ya buddy, it's rather bizarre. Does she ever do anything else late?


The wife and I are at opposite ends of the spectrum at the mo too, must be a November thing!


No not really, she doesn't like going out, she doesn't drink. Pretty much complete opposites in every way.


She took her ring off and handed it to me, (I refused to take it) and told me to leave when I get back from work, but I just can't do it...I don't want to break her heart, and it just puts...I dunno. I am just completely at a loss. Completely.

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^ took her ring off? damn. Seems that you're going to have to do something big to sort it out. Make a rather large romantic gesture when you get home from work and if that doesn't sort it, sit her down and talk about it. At least that way you might be able to get to the root of the problem

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Daymn ReZ, that sounds like quite the bitchfest of a situation. I'd offer you some helping words or advice, but all I can tell you is that I've recently determined approximately 98 in 100 girls are actually crazy, and crazy just cannot be argued with. I'm terribly stubborn, in your situation I'd just end up having a massive fight and standing my ground or telling her she's being totally ridiculous and to gtfo. I have a bit of a problem with being too blunt.

Also in regards to Molly and her phone situation, what phone do you have? You might already know whether your phone can or cannot, but with the technophobe comment I thought I might point out not all phones take microSD or have expandable memory thingies, but then yours might if you can connect to to a PC? If it makes you feel better, I do rather hate vista too though :D

As for my day, I came in from spoons(ale fest!) about 12ish after a tasty kebab, not had a kebab for ages and I promptly fell asleep. For some fucking ridiculous reason, I was awake at half 7! Like all of me, except my eyes which I couldn't open, so since then I've just been sitting here on tinternets. I feel hungover, one which I thought I'd escape as I didnt think I was that drunk. On top of which my entire body is knackered as and aches so much, namely my arse and shoulders, for some weird reason.

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Went to class yesterday, spent the three hours discussing with my friend what we were going to bake after the class.


Bought lotsa baking things and make 12 cakes, 6 big cookies and a tonne of flap jack. Went to the pub and gave everybody the flap jack because it was so caramalised me and becka didn't want to eat it haha.


Had a nice night, left jayseven in the capable hands of the other guys/girls because he was drunk and hyperactive from the cakes/flap jack bless him :P.

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Ahh fobbing him off, its a fun thing to do :p


I enjoy baking. Me and my housemate's big plan was to learn how to bake more stuff this year but she's now allergic to wheat and diary. Faff.


My little brother added me on facebook yesterday. I dunno how I feel about him (if he checks) knowing about antics in my life. Ah well, nice gesture.


Just crept into the living room and its a mess and my friend is still asleep. Going to do a bit of uni work. Actually people can help me decide what to do my 'project' about;


1) Applying the theory of gender as performance (ie you pick and chose aspects of genders and use those in your life to represent yourself) to Kristen Bell. So looking at how the roles she plays represent this (Veronica Mars and Heroes = more masculine characters, Reefer Madness and Gracie's Choice = feminine) and other areas (such as clothing and how she's somewhat of a geek icon) work into this.


2) How Tina Fey has denied conventions through her success as a tv female comedy writer and actor. And again looking at her career, how the gender has played a role into that etc. It was an idea I had a while ago and after staring at her face for about an hour yesterday while prepping all the copies of Baby Mama it came back to me.

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Becka is the same, cannot eat anything with wheat in it, but I've not noticed any difference in cooking, it's great! It just means when me and her and another girl called danielle live together it's already a habit for us to all cook together.


Plus becka's a great cook and danielle likes cleaness, win win!

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She took her ring off and handed it to me, (I refused to take it) and told me to leave when I get back from work, but I just can't do it...I don't want to break her heart, and it just puts...I dunno. I am just completely at a loss. Completely.

You don't want to break her heart? Fuck that shit, dude. She is willing to break yours. You aren't a match with her. She's not the only girl in the world who thinks (or thought!) you're awesome. Find a new place to live and move the fuck out, and get the fuck on with your life. Boo ya.


Had a nice night, left jayseven in the capable hands of the other guys/girls because he was drunk and hyperactive from the cakes/flap jack bless him :P.

The flapjack was AWESOME. I had a cookie which was brill and I've got a slice of cake that I'll have for dinner or something. I was indeed hyper. Went to a mate's flat and played drunken Taboo for about an hour. Had four cans of cider then hit the pub! A couple of pints then BLAMMO it was closing time, so a bunch of us went to the Casbah and.... my GOD the music got dire. I kid you not - the club ended up playing macarena and Las Ketchup Song! It's meant to be one of the most respected rock clubs! wetwtfwtwfwtwfwtwfwtfuh...


So today I think I'll head off to the library and get some books for my essay due monday (:o) and read then try and get a go at mirror's edge at some point, if I'm lucky ;)

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urgh, tummy still hurts, and i had a pretty horrible dream, in which i proved to be a cold hearted bastard (itwas the type of dream that felt real, all decisions felt normal.) i'll post it in the dream thread.





I can't handle the missus anymore. Shes crazy. We had an argument on the way to work...and its just because I don't want to put up with her bullshit anymore. If we ever go to the cinema we HAVE to go to the nearest showing after work finishes, she doesn't like the later showings (say....anything later than 8pm) now, does that sound crazy to anyone else?


So I have put up with that for years, and now I just want to do something that prevents me from early showing, so 9:15 showing is the one to do, but she just can't do it, and goes psycho. Ugghhhhh.


I actually literally don't know what the hell to do.




ReZ, id explain to her that you understand she dosent like getting home late, but because of work theres only so much time you can spend together, and by turning it early every night, its limiting that time further. let her know that you want to see her as much as posible and that maybe staying out later will be the best way to do that.


your showing that you care about her, and that your serious about the relationship.


be warned though, women are not usualy logical, hence arguments cannot be won against them, you can put down all the logic in the world and most of em still will throw a totaly stupid argument your ment to accept.

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