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Well thats a first for me.

I was shouted at down the phone from a person from Kuala Lumpa (sp) about something that i wasn't even involved with.



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At 1pm, i just realised one of the days i took off (16th Nov) i'm reciving 4 games through the post.





Assassin's Creed

Super Mario Galaxy


What the hell do i play first?

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My illness is becoming more noticeable, people have made a few comments about the pained expression on my face. But with an iron-will it's manageable.


Despite this I had a great afternoon in the company of two rather gorgeous and adorably bonkers Chinese ladies at their University in Songjiang. Probably the best afternoon I've had in months, despite the pain.

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Unlucky buttons! I got a call a while back (not so early), it really pisses you off doesn't it >_<


My day started at 9 and ended at 10:30, now I'm at home planning on going for a cycle... last time i did, a cat ran under my bike... wonder what I'll hit today :(


gah, just thinking about the message annoys me, n the guy that i think sent the message goes to my university!!!!!!

plus just before i got the phonecall, our doorbell was ringing and ringing, im guessing that was him / them (there was a mumble of a girl on the phone)

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At 1pm, i just realised one of the days i took off (16th Nov) i'm reciving 4 games through the post.





Assassin's Creed

Super Mario Galaxy


What the hell do i play first?


Mario, of course.


Anyway, it's a lovely day outside and everybody is walking around in coats and/or jumpers, with me in just a T shirt. The summers been so bad this year you've got to make the most of any sunshine you get.

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Guest dynastygal

Sorry to hear that buttons.


Today I woke up feeling rough, and still do. Not a good nights sleep at all. Now I gotta tidy up before dad gets back from holiday, whenever that is...

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Up to yet my days going fine. Half day at school meens i come home early. I have my first driving lesson in 1 hour 15 mins and im scared still :P


Also my DVD's and CD's have finally arrived (After 2 weeks of ording them)


Also went to a fancy dress shop to get a monk robe thing, they want £30 deposit and £20 for some crappy looking, ripped, thin as paper robe. Sod that, i'll make my own.

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Fairly normal day, kicked ass in training today. Had to go to the police bereau again and luckily there was actually someone there this time, which was nice. Afternoon training revolved mainly around me continuing to note the theory for the first progression. Taking me bloody ages.


Found out I get to go to Beijing on Sunday with my Master to visit the Kungfu association there, apparently he as a meeting or something. I just want to see Beijing again...and I get to go to the zoo (YAY).


Had dinner with some of the Masters friends, none knew English. As usual the waitresses stood in the corner and stared at me until I turned to look which is when they break into giggling. Its actually starting to annoy me now. Even more so because one tried to translate for me, without knowing any English. When someone sad cheers she actually lent in and said "cheers". Yeah I got that honey. Anyway, gonna watch heroes now then bed.


And sorry to hear about your situation Haggis, wish I could help in some way. Hang in there.

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Gaggle - I had a similar situation last year. Went to the student finance office at uni several times and each time they said "wait another week", so I finally went to the admissions office and they were like "wait a week", and i said "I've waited six weeks already", then they totally went and got my form and were all "ah it says he you haven't ticked this box or signed it" then she lifted the post-it-note and saw my signature and a tick in the box and said "... ah. Yes. Well wait two more weeks and it should finally be there".


*breath*... Sorry, reliving angering memories drives me into hyper mode.


Today I went to bed at 2am, woke up at 1pm, did the washing up, got another reminder notice about council tax overdue even THOUGH we're students, we sent proof taht we're students, and we called them and tehy said "oh that's being processed just ignore the letter" the last time they sent us a reminder.


SO I called them up, and they didn't have any 'advisors' to take my call - I did wonder why the woman who took my details so they could call me later didn't just 'advise' me herself!


Also called up the school I painted over summer about having not been paid over 2 months later. They said to wait another week ¬_¬

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I was late to my uni lecture, but the lecturer didn't seem too bothered. And now I'm sitting at one of the uni's crappy pc's with their crappy monitors about to write some dribble to go into a proposal for my dissertation for the next 3 hours.

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So far kinda meh and boring. Still in class, but the teacher has to teach two girls what we saw last week cause they weren't there or someting. So I'm sitting here being bored and tired, waiting for them to finish so we can continue the rest of the class.


Also, seems my Tingle game got lost in the post. How great.

And a very big assignment has to be done in two weeks and I'm not even being close to starting on it (still need to research and sketch more).

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This sucks! I was walking to school and got threatend with a knife. I was tolds if I go near school again, I'll get stabbed. I've been with the police and I'm not allowed up to school. When I walk up tomorrow I have to have a police escort.


is their a reason you got threatened? or just some ***** lookin for a bit of "fun"?


edit - just read ur other posts, he sounds like a ****, just avoid him. Karma will get him soon enuf.

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is their a reason you got threatened? or just some ***** lookin for a bit of "fun"?


edit - just read ur other posts, he sounds like a ****, just avoid him. Karma will get him soon enuf.


I've been being harrased by this guys mates while he's in jail for the past 3 months or so. The police have just told me to ignore it etc, but now this has happened they finally seem to be getting their asses into gear. My college said there is still nothing they can do lol.


I'm really not looking forward to this guy getting out next week, I'm basically going to be confined to my house for god knows how long, it sucks.

Thanks for the concern anyway guys.:)


(On a happy note, I did miss geography today! :yay: )

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I've been being harrased by this guys mates while he's in jail for the past 3 months or so. The police have just told me to ignore it etc, but now this has happened they finally seem to be getting their asses into gear. My college said there is still nothing they can do lol.


I'm really not looking forward to this guy getting out next week, I'm basically going to be confined to my house for god knows how long, it sucks.

Thanks for the concern anyway guys.:)


(On a happy note, I did miss geography today! :yay: )

If it was me I'd have taken the law in to my own hands.

Justice has to be swift and strong.

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If it was me I'd have taken the law in to my own hands.

Justice has to be swift and strong.


If it was you, you'd be in court around now then.


Haggis don't do what Rokhed00 would do. I don't have a better solution, perhaps get people of your local community aware of whats happening which could spur the school or police to do more?

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If it was you, you'd be in court around now then.


Haggis don't do what Rokhed00 would do. I don't have a better solution, perhaps get people of your local community aware of whats happening which could spur the school or police to do more?


Yup, I'm not going to be "taking the law into my own hands" at any rate. I'd rather stay away from guys with knives rather than causing more trouble for myself.


Lots of people know about what's happening, but the school won't do a thing, at least the police are starting to do something which is a good sign.

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