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Tbh ReZ you come off just as bad in that argument as he does.


Fair enough. It is a YouTube comments argument, so there are no winners.


What I say is true though. Doesn't matter how I say it. Apart from the obvious big headedness. I ain't gonna lie though. One or two of my vids are comical genius.




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Came home to see lee evans, as always he was on top form and the night was a complete success! Took my flat mate with me was awesome.


Took her to the farm, using my poor neglected car, nice meal and now just hanging around waiting for tea and dad to get home so I can go home.


Had some really good news recently <3 which helps. Along with seeing lee evans, this week has been a success.

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Nobody wants to make me a sig because i'm being stupid and I don't know what i want. Tiem to breakz out da photoshoppz!!!!elevenandahalf!!21


... Been whoring Mad Men to death. Nearly finished season 1. Also wrote up about 5 pages of minutes from my meeting thingy. BLEH. Slightly productive day. Big day in uni tomorrow. Kinda need to, like, start doing the background reading? Shit yeah.

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Fair enough. It is a YouTube comments argument, so there are no winners.


What I say is true though. Doesn't matter how I say it. Apart from the obvious big headedness. I ain't gonna lie though. One or two of my vids are comical genius.





As much as I love you, I either didn't get those, or they just weren't that funny. They seem more like ones that would be funny if it happened in the room at the time.


"You had to be there" kind thing.








:heart:Don't leave me.

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As much as I love you, I either didn't get those, or they just weren't that funny. They seem more like ones that would be funny if it happened in the room at the time.


"You had to be there" kind thing.








:heart:Don't leave me.


You were there...



Just too drugged up to know it.

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I completed my UCAS form today apart from one tiny bit I don't quite get. :) It wasn't as epically challenging as people made it out to be! It's good to get it out the way though.


I've had a great day!


I had the most LEGENDARY bagel for lunch twas insanely delicious. :grin: Went up to London yesterday it as ok justa bit wrong. :p Other than that Completed Castles Crashers in Co-op it's such an awesom game. :awesome:

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Today I went to work to do a 'systems healthcheck', was there for 6 hours getting paid double lovely sunday pay, and did 20 mins of actual work. Wasnt even skyving, its just that the computer systems check their own health, and i sat there 'supervising', reading heat and harry potter. And they gave us free dominoes pizza.



Although...this is fun. Having an argument with someone on YouTube. I love it.


I dont understand arguing with people on youtube buddy, you dont know them, never gonna meet them...why let their opinion get to you?. Saying that ive never posted anything on yt so...who knows.

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Absolutely wank my day has been. Basically did nothing until 5-aside. Lasted 5 mins in that after a 50/50 tackle went horribly wrong. Just back from getting a x-ray, broken 2 bones in the top of my foot, might need to be put in cast, doctor said to leave it a few days until the swelling goes down.

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I dont understand arguing with people on youtube buddy, you dont know them, never gonna meet them...why let their opinion get to you?. Saying that ive never posted anything on yt so...who knows.


Its just people who think their superior and the typical "Get a girlfriend, get a life, you nerd."


Yes....this video took my entire life to make. Crazyness. I like verbally pwning bitchez too....I really don't know why.



Secret sense of empowerment, when my life has so little? Fuck knows, I didn't do psychology in my educative life.

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My day consisted of WTF HAVE YOU DONE TO MY MSN




I actually quite like it though tbh.


PS. Here's a convo window.




mega lulz to be had making your own mood emoticons. I've managed to pull a classic Jordan face that shows as my display picture whenever I do the (H) emote. It's awesome.

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i have the day off today for sport's day (yeah ~ a national holiday in japan!?) went out yesterday for a friend's birthday to the ¥180 bar in shimokitazawa (beers = ¥180/just over a quid) then to karaoke :grin:

i had an awesome night!! i had a big (and lovely!) meal before going out, so even though i went well over my '3 drink limit' (people just kept ordering!!) i didnt get wasted at all. fairly tipsy... but now i have only a mild headache :smile: and as the icing on the cake ~ i found ¥5000!! so i went out with ¥6000 and came home with ¥6500...!!


so... got home at 7am and slept till 3pm... going out for ramen with a friend in a bit then gunna hang out at home and relaaaaaax for the rest of the public holiday!! :grin:

i'm starting to like japan again...


EDIT: and then i'ma watch episode 2 of pushing daisies series 2 !!!! *joy!*

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Ugh, life. Day before yesterday I pulled one of my mates and the awkward thing is that I really can't for the life of me stop thinking about her. What's most depressing is that shes just way way too pretty for me anyway. If there is a god, he really fucking hates me.

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Ugh, life. Day before yesterday I pulled one of my mates and the awkward thing is that I really can't for the life of me stop thinking about her. What's most depressing is that shes just way way too pretty for me anyway. If there is a god, he really fucking hates me.


Pffft. If anything this gangst aint' hot enough for you, son.

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Haha, dude you haven't seen this chick. I think it's probably just a one time thing, because we were both so pissed out of out faces. "Why do I fall in love with every woman I see that shows me the least bit of attention?" You know it's bad when I start quoting Eternal Sunshine lol.

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Haha, dude you haven't seen this chick. I think it's probably just a one time thing, because we were both so pissed out of out faces. "Why do I fall in love with every woman I see that shows me the least bit of attention?" You know it's bad when I start quoting Eternal Sunshine lol.


Hahahh! Peep Show also lol. Loving it.

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