EEVILMURRAY Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 I'm still waiting for Episode I and Commando. I am most displeased. I also want a Space Marine Land Raider... May consult Ebay but might go elsewhere.
nightwolf Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 I have to wait all day for UPS to deliver my Touch, which is a bit boring. In other news my trip to America next summer seems to be cancelled... Because now I'm doing a charity rally from London to Mongolia!! I got signed up last night. I'm really excited. We need to find a car first. I was thinking a London Black Cab as a joke. My sister more sensibly suggested an army Land Rover or something of that ilk. I was never one to be sensible though. Edit: I just need to find a friend (who can drive, this being the hardest bit to go with). The person I had counted on wants to work next summer. I hate sensible students... I've also been informed that the petrol tank in a black cab is miniscule so that's a no no. I may not like being sensible but I'm not stupid. Holy crap pick me!!! that looks awesome ^_^
ReZourceman Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 We had like...1100 ish calls yesterday when I left at about 4:30pm. Its 12:38 and we are at 1038 calls. o_0
The fish Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 Because now I'm doing a charity rally from London to Mongolia!! I got signed up last night. I'm really excited. We need to find a car first. I was thinking a London Black Cab as a joke. My sister more sensibly suggested an army Land Rover or something of that ilk. I was never one to be sensible though. Edit: I just need to find a friend (who can drive, this being the hardest bit to go with). The person I had counted on wants to work next summer. I hate sensible students... Pick meeeeee! I recommend a Toyota Land Cruiser, on account of them being the car equivalent of a brick shit house. The Taliban use them for a reason, eh? I'm just about to have my last-but two driving lesson before I have my test/go to Uni, woo! My day is that little bit better than it would be as I'm listening to Hot Chip, which always makes me very happy. :awesome:
EEVILMURRAY Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 I'm feeling betrayed today, after noticing a shitload of Facebook albums featuring about 10+ of my friends in Madrid, when enquiring I found out it happened last week. When asking as to why they didn't invite me I got this amazingly plausible excuse: "I dunno really, it was a spontaneous Ryanair purchase and by the time we were into double figures I guess we stopped inviting anyone. Sorry mate, please don't feel too slighted." By plausible I mean bullshit.
ReZourceman Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 But you're a legend....Why wouldn't they want you. They're fools from the sound of it.
Jimbob Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 Fools not to invite you EEVIL, just make sure if somewhere you wish to go to requires a few mates to tag along, don't invite that lot. Anywho, just about tuned up my new TV still got the 360 sound to fix, at the mo it sounds like a PC speaker where-as the Wii, DVD player and TV sounds like normal with no PC effect what-so-ever.
EEVILMURRAY Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 Anyone up for a reasonably [cheap] group holiday sometime? With a reputable airline.
nightwolf Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 Pick meeeeee! I recommend a Toyota Land Cruiser, on account of them being the car equivalent of a brick shit house. The Taliban use them for a reason, eh? I'm just about to have my last-but two driving lesson before I have my test/go to Uni, woo! My day is that little bit better than it would be as I'm listening to Hot Chip, which always makes me very happy. :awesome: sfvhedifyedgfiuewgf I'm the better driver considering I can already drive and all that... My day is lacking anything currently, I'm bored shitless...-.- although I do get my haircut tomorrow yay! I'm being forced to start sort of packing already...eurgh.
Mr_Odwin Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 I'm feeling betrayed today, after noticing a shitload of Facebook albums featuring about 10+ of my friends in Madrid, when enquiring I found out it happened last week. When asking as to why they didn't invite me I got this amazingly plausible excuse: "I dunno really, it was a spontaneous Ryanair purchase and by the time we were into double figures I guess we stopped inviting anyone. Sorry mate, please don't feel too slighted." By plausible I mean bullshit. [sings] EEVILs got no mates! EEVILs got no mates! EEVILs got no mates! [/sings] Ha ha!
Dan_Dare Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 gently recovering from a demonic hangover, presently. time to have a shower and some lunch I think.
Guest Stefkov Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 Advice Cheers for that, and others who replied. I'm just trying to get myself excited for Uni now, hopefully I can with 17 hours left. Today I set up my student account. Told my brother he can have my TV. Removed an ethernet cable from the attic so take with me. And changed the bank details on the student finance website. The attic pull down door is right infront of my rooms door. I walked into it on the way to the toilet and then again, nearly, on the way back. Damn head hurts.
Twozzok Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 I have to wait all day for UPS to deliver my Touch, which is a bit boring. In other news my trip to America next summer seems to be cancelled... Because now I'm doing a charity rally from London to Mongolia!! I got signed up last night. I'm really excited. We need to find a car first. I was thinking a London Black Cab as a joke. My sister more sensibly suggested an army Land Rover or something of that ilk. I was never one to be sensible though. Edit: I just need to find a friend (who can drive, this being the hardest bit to go with). The person I had counted on wants to work next summer. I hate sensible students... I've also been informed that the petrol tank in a black cab is miniscule so that's a no no. I may not like being sensible but I'm not stupid. Is that the actual Mongol Rally, or just a similiar one, 'cos in the Mongol rally you're car, repairs and spare parts for the trip can't cost above £1000 or some awesome number like that. It's fucking awesome.
Ganepark32 Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 Went to bed feeling ill. The curry my mother mad me just didn't sit well with me at all. Add to that having the jitters about staring Uni and you have one nice and restless night. Went to bed a 10pm as I had to get up at 7am this morning but I ended up waking up at the following times: 11:45, 00:47, 2:00, 3:00, 4:05, 5:02, 6:02 and after that I just said fuck it and sat in bed listening to music under my covers. My upset stomach wasn't helped by the fact that I didn't have anything to eat until after midday. Can't eat in the mornings because my medicine states I have to wait 2 hours after taking to eat. So I'm gonna stop taking it. Don't need it anymore anyways.
MoogleViper Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 Been to school, done some mock theory tests, off to play football soon. I read that as "magnolia charity rallies".
Chris the great Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 well, last night i played assassins creed, then went to my mates house, had some cider, had a laugh at judge dread. came home, loaded up assassins creed and the games fucked. a glich has made it imposible to progress, only option would be start again, and its far too dull for that, so im selling it instead. today i went to town with mates, got my mam a card that says "happy birthday you fantastic old bastard" i LOVE it. then went to game, picked up drakes fortune, just £15 and i can seell it after, effectivly making it like £% rental. was very upset when the woman asked my date of birth. the game is a 15, im 21. i knew i shouldent shave. got seven samurai dvd in hmv, looking forward to having enough free time to watch that again. stoped at mcdonalds on the way back for some lunch (4.15) and now im home so yeah, good day despite a woman thinking i was under 15.
rokhed00 Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 Had a lovely lunch date, finally got to meet some online friends, and they were lovely.
nightwolf Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 My mood has been instantly lifted, although it's a shame it had to involve money! Mum finally got round to ordering my pc ^_^ which is abit of a beast: printer too, just got to choose a monitor, nothing too difficult. Apprently my timetable is online, so that's handy but I can't seem to find it! Hoping to sort out a few drawers and make a list of what I'm taking to uni and whats staying! Gah can't believe it's only 3 more days..
Tellyn Posted September 16, 2008 Author Posted September 16, 2008 My school are incredibly incompetent. I now have to choose between doing media studies and ICT since they clash, or do another subject. It's a bit offside since I said that I wanted to do those subjects last December.
MoogleViper Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 My mood has been instantly lifted, although it's a shame it had to involve money! Mum finally got round to ordering my pc ^_^ which is abit of a beast: printer too, just got to choose a monitor, nothing too difficult. Apprently my timetable is online, so that's handy but I can't seem to find it! Hoping to sort out a few drawers and make a list of what I'm taking to uni and whats staying! Gah can't believe it's only 3 more days.. That's an excellent purchase.
nightwolf Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 That's an excellent purchase. haha ^_^ after all that stressing it's finally worth it.
Goron_3 Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 My school are incredibly incompetent. I now have to choose between doing media studies and ICT since they clash, or do another subject. It's a bit offside since I said that I wanted to do those subjects last December. You have to remember though the blocks subjects appear in are constantly rejuggled to fit the timetable for every year group. Takes a while and until they get it right for the teachers and students, they can't really promise anything. Really annoying but meh.
Gizmo Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 Was playing football with my mates. We booked the school hall for an hour, 2-3. We just finished just now at 5. My thighs are so cramped up right now I can't even bring myself to go in the shower as it would mean standing up for over 30seconds.
Tellyn Posted September 16, 2008 Author Posted September 16, 2008 You have to remember though the blocks subjects appear in are constantly rejuggled to fit the timetable for every year group. Takes a while and until they get it right for the teachers and students, they can't really promise anything. Really annoying but meh. How's this then: they didn't actually get anyone at my school or a nearby school to teach media this year, they forgot. I was going to have to get the bus to a different place to it, yet I don't even seem to be able to do that.
Paj! Posted September 16, 2008 Posted September 16, 2008 Same old, same old. Went to my Mentor class (we're given a class to be like big helpers/friend in, I'm with 12 year olds) for the second time...been a few times in between but no one's ever there! It was kinda awkward just trying to strike up convo with random children. Dunno, maybe I'll get into it. Did more work in D.T blah. Spent my double free period and half of lunch break finishing my Hamlet essay. Went to the common room, chatted, made people listen to my iPod on the speakers. (Yay for promoting Tori Amos to someone who was actually interested) English di more Hamlet, love it. I hate when we have Poems and not Drama in English (it's split equally throughout the week), so yeah. Did Badminton, half the group had mysteriously disappeared though. Tomorrow I'm going to the meeting for Carmichael (my house) Division Drama. I love how my school has the same number of houses, and house colours as Harry Potter. I'd be in Slytherin, if I went to Hogwarts.
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