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Had great night last night, full of shitty infighting and bollocks from so called friends but I've finally resolved my friendship issues. If they thought what I did to their littl shit stirring pet was bad, what I've done to them is going to ruin them.

Have you not thought that if that many people have turned on you, it must be you doing something wrong?

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that is alot


i will cry if i buy that many shoes

then again im attempting now to buy anymore shoes till the end of the year )harhar)


haha I wouldn't worry, at least you can get away with it being a girl ^_^! I buy hoodies like you have shoes I'm running out of wardrobe space..

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Have you not thought that if that many people have turned on you, it must be you doing something wrong?



What, three people turned on me when dozens are being fine, even supportive of my issues with them, yep I'm 100% sure I've done nothing wrong, even had confirmation today that the people i've fallen out with are petty and vindictive.

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Had great night last night, full of shitty infighting and bollocks from so called friends but I've finally resolved my friendship issues. If they thought what I did to their littl shit stirring pet was bad, what I've done to them is going to ruin them.

So you've resolved the issues, but you've still done something to ruin them?

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Yo there! Hi! So my 'double date' day yesterday slightly went wrong. The second girl might have seen me ambling around town with the first... She didn't reply to any texts or anything, which is a shame. But hey! That's one thing I don't have to add to the Bastard List of Bastard Things I've Bastard Done.


Today I'm jus' chillin' for now. Gonna grab a doobie and then maybe watch another movie, I just don't know what one. Then off to town for a mate's send-off, then say g'bye to me dad tomorrow, then tuesday I suppose I'll be staying out 'til 3am then getting the 10am train, meeting my mate at sheff station then going to see Meshuggah, then sleep/play xbox thursday, then off to huddersfield friday, then manchester saturday, then return sunday... then unpack and relax in sheff! Phew. It's been a seriously manic month so far.


Just watched Cannibal Holocaust fuuuuuuck.


Excellent music in that film just on a side note.


Woot! Doooo... Da-da-dooo! The music is excellent. nami I think the three of us should turn off the lights, get the booze in and watch it once more.

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Hmmmm my day yesterday consisted of beer, football and curry.


After the curry we headed back to my mates house and quite drunkenly took part in conservatory olympics.


Our games involved:

chilli challenge (eating as many chillis as you can)

Round the clock darts

who can drink a pint of wine fastest

who can get the most points on mrs pacman within your lives.

knock out races on mario kart

play your cards right

Ghettopoly (which took ages)


Was a good drunken laugh. Got in at around 5:30. However, Beer + Curry + Chilli Challenge = not good. Burns burns burns, the ring of fire, the ring of fire! :)

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To Nami and J7. Thank god someone else had seen it im mentally scarred by the film haha. I was reading about it on wiki jesus the director sounds like a psycho.


The music imo is just immense it makes the film for me theres something great about the music and whenever it kicks in theres some horror on screen like the abortion scene...


I like how there is a lot of duality in the film like what happens to the tortoise and the guy later. The tortise death though jesus christ even though ironically it was probably one of the most painless deaths compared to what they did to the fucking rat or whatver it was its just so horrific. And to be honest even though I said its painless then tortise is fucking gasping for air or something when they show its head on the floor. God that film is sick.


Have you guys seen Men Behind The Sun that film is pretty much disgusting in ways you cant imagine. And the fact that its based on what the Japanese got up to in WW2 makes it even more horrifying.


God I really need to read a nice disney book or something watching movies like this is bad news.

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Its the same method used to protect your food from bears.


If I was a bear a plastic bag wouldn't stop me! :awesome:


I've not done much today, just got a list of jobs to do as my parents are back tomorrow, yay! :yay: Got about half of it done, mostly it was just for me to take videos and dvds back to people etc and clean the bins, nothing sinister luckily. Sat watching tv and will do for a few hours and then go get the washing I did before and try to dry it.


Had noodles before and made myself strawberry jelly for today :heart:

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i did something amazing today.

i've been living in japan for 6 months now and today was the FIRST TIME i'd tried sushi. O___o it was awesome!!

my favourite was the avacado sushi. and the tuna was great too! really melt in your mouth tasty!! and the whole meal cost me about £2.50



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Good dancing there, better than I could ever pull off. =P



My day has been pretty okay so far, nothing happened at all!

Well I woke up at noon, had lunch. Just surfed the internet for a bit and then epilated (is that even the right word?) my legs. Fun fun. =P

Went to work for a couple of hours, but there wasn't much to do (or we did it all very quickly), so I got home early and had some cherry pie, yay!


And now I don't know what to do. I have to sketches that have been laying around here for a month but I don't have the motivation to grab my art stuff and turn them into decent drawings. Poop!

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nice day today, although its a pity Hamilton had his win taken away. seemed a harsh decision as he let Kimi back ahead.


I went to town to try and buy some record mailers to send out my vinyl I have for sale on ebay. I reckon I should manage to get around £200, which would be ace.


still got that girl from friday stuck in my head. I'm going to have to try and see her again and hope she dumps her bf! although tbh i'm not sure that's likely. Not sure if she liked me anyway...

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Well I woke up at noon, had lunch. Just surfed the internet for a bit and then epilated


Is it really painful to epilate? I'm sick of shaving my legs and being near bleeding. :blank:


Feeling happy again financially, counted some more coins in my room (good god I've been a right little horder of pennies!) to get 5/6 bags to £45, so that's mostly going into the bank tomorrow, also got my new card for my student account which has £100 in it (apprently you need £100 to just set it up, seems abit much for a student account for never mind) so that's nice, although I'm trying to leave it so I can buy that pretty top I want when I get my student card. :awesome:


I love thinking about money, although I hate to be an accountant.

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nice day today, although its a pity Hamilton had his win taken away. seemed a harsh decision as he let Kimi back ahead.


As I understand it the rule is that if a driver gains an advcantage from cutting a chicane, he must yield the place back and maintain that yield until the next corner. Hamilton only gave the place back on the straight, using the extra speed from the corner to slipstream straight back past. The rule to yield until the next corner is in place to prevent people doing like that. As far as I can tell the decision is entirely fair.

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Yo there! Hi! So my 'double date' day yesterday slightly went wrong. The second girl might have seen me ambling around town with the first... She didn't reply to any texts or anything, which is a shame. But hey! That's one thing I don't have to add to the Bastard List of Bastard Things I've Bastard Done.


Today I'm jus' chillin' for now. Gonna grab a doobie and then maybe watch another movie, I just don't know what one. Then off to town for a mate's send-off, then say g'bye to me dad tomorrow, then tuesday I suppose I'll be staying out 'til 3am then getting the 10am train, meeting my mate at sheff station then going to see Meshuggah, then sleep/play xbox thursday, then off to huddersfield friday, then manchester saturday, then return sunday... then unpack and relax in sheff! Phew. It's been a seriously manic month so far.


God hates me.

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Is it really painful to epilate? I'm sick of shaving my legs and being near bleeding. :blank:


Heh, the first times are super painful really. But after a while of doing it, the pain gets less or something. Like today, it barely hurt at all. I do however use two different epilator heads. The first has less thingies that pull out hair and has a massage roller on top, so this one hurts less. I only use this to let my legs get used to the feeling, then I switch to the other epilator head, which works a lot better (but doesn't have the massage roller thingie).

I get a pretty nice result (takes a while though), which lasts for about two weeks. Don't believe the things they say about it being 3 or 4 weeks, that's bullshit. But still a lot better than the 1 or 2 days with shaving I think. =P


/end girl talk

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