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It's my 17th birthday today, but overall it's been a pretty dreadful day. Had to go into College for an interview before starting Sixth Form on Monday. I don't know if I can get back into that school routine again after so many weeks off because of GCSEs. Plus its been raining all day today In terms of gifts I didn't get any from the family yet, that's probably why I'm feeling a lil low. :(

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It's my 17th birthday today, but overall it's been a pretty dreadful day. Had to go into College for an interview before starting Sixth Form on Monday. I don't know if I can get back into that school routine again after so many weeks off because of GCSEs. Plus its been raining all day today In terms of gifts I didn't get any from the family yet, that's probably why I'm feeling a lil low. :(


Happy birthday dude :) You have the same name as my sister and it was her birthday last Sunday. 17th, no less! :D

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Been feeling queasy all day, after effects of last nights drinking. Spent the afternoon making some watersports videos and now I finally feel like something to eat going to make a sausage, bacon, egg and cheese sandwich.


Please tell me I wasn't the only person who noticed that.

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Been feeling queasy all day, after effects of last nights drinking. Spent the afternoon making some watersports videos and now I finally feel like something to eat going to make a sausage, bacon, egg and cheese sandwich.


how can you talk about water sports and eating in the same sentance. eeeew

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Rokhed's boasts of his various exploits are sort of like billboard advertising, after a while you just don't notice it anymore.


Don't be silly, I don't do watersports, I just did the filming and editting.


how can you talk about water sports and eating in the same sentance. eeeew


Same as you just did you mean?

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Today has been shit. Two of us at work, and the other person is an idiot. Shes even worse than the new girl, even though she is supposed to be becoming a manager apparently. Gave away a reserved dress so someone is now coming in for nothing and I have to cover for her. STUPID.


Time for a lame party just because I will be the only sober one there.

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Had the first day of 6th form today, did loads of teambuilding activities. It was kind of fun. I've also only just been told that I might not be able to do media studies due to the fact that my school thought a nearby school had the course covered, and the other school thought my school had it sorted. I'll find out on Monday if they've sorted that out...

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Muchos rain which cancelled two trains (seriously, it rains what 200-odd days here?) so I had to reschedule all my plans. Eventually did them. Met an old colleague for a few drinks who I hadn't seen in ages. Then it turns out me and my little brother got the same train back but didn't realise until we got off. We walked home together and he carried me over two huge puddles (I thought he was joking but he suddenly lifted me up over his shoulder).


Tomorrow the packing begins! (maybe...or I might go to Birmingham...)

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Been in contact with a London based magazine today, trying to swipe some freelance. Not paid, but this is direct from the guy I met down there during the week:

'give me a list of all the games you want for the next four months and I'll try and get you as many as possible'


uuaaaaah! :D

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Been in contact with a London based magazine today, trying to swipe some freelance. Not paid, but this is direct from the guy I met down there during the week:

'give me a list of all the games you want for the next four months and I'll try and get you as many as possible'


uuaaaaah! :D


Hoi bell end, try get me a wii game, you owe me big time for helping you get rid of that body.

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