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Hmmm, only woke up about an hour ago or something I think. Yay for sleeping late! Though in my defence I went to bed past 4 anyway.


I'm supposed to be sending of my commission drawing today, but I found out I don't have the person's address yet... Typical.

Thing is I'm leaving to Spain tomorrow so yeah, can't send it anymore, oops.

Was thinking about bringing in my MacBook for repair, but I'm not sure I can be bothered to cycle all the way over there; the weather isn't too great either. Merf.


Ah what to do, what to do.

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So far? You guessed it...complete shit..(not that anyone close to me cares).


I've been attacked by my bro and called mental..i feel the most depressed i have ever felt and now i'm starting to feel ill. Also, i'm eating but seem to be losing weight now....can't be bothered to go to the doctors though..i don't want help, i've decided...


One of those days where i really don't give a shit anymore.


Overall though, i've decided i'm gonna go back to what i did a couple of months ago..and that is change the way i am..i'm no-longer going to care about no-one and i won't be helping em in anyway either..i've gotta start thinking about myself completely and not worrying about others..cause i've come across so many people who are 'as long as there happy, thats all that matters' it's unreal and i'm fed-up with it.


I did laugh i something though...supposadely my friend who spends alot on alcohol a week..cannot justify spending £27 on a train fare to go to a Sony Singstar VIP party with me where complimentry drinks are free all night supposadely..quite frankly...'fuck you'.


EDIT: and why did i write all this on this forum? I have no-idea..perhaps i used it as a release..




well, isnt depression great?


af ter my horrible weekend, i expected a rather quiet day. instead, i found that natwest still hadnt sent any info on the job ive applied for, which sent my mam into her "i will dictate how you get a job" mode. seriosuly, i want to do it alone. she later went up to my room and came down to tell me what needed tidying, didnt accept "i know, its my room, i was just there" as an answer. wanted to go to the gym today but mate couldnt make it. my mam suddenly seems less annoyed with me when she needs me to find an adress for her, wants me to get it on google maps, despite her having a sat nav? still it got her out my hair for a bit.


still, i guess all isnt that bad.

gotta book train tickets to cornwall, which im looking forward to, my dad seems better so i should be able to leave my parents alone for a week. and im still friends with a girl i asked out, totaly on a whim (and, might i add on her advice) last week despite being turned down.


all in all lifes a peice of shit, but things should change once i find a job, i'll have the money to go out, which i look forward too.

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Well! The days just keep getting better you know? First i get into kent, see my friend after he had brain surgery, he's dandy, he gave me my birthday present! Watchmen! i was pretty overjoyed! And the Mp3 player i ordered arrived today! along with the next two invincible comics which are outstanding really. And the details for kent arrived! schweeeeeeeeeeeet!

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Well! The days just keep getting better you know? First i get into kent, see my friend after he had brain surgery, he's dandy, he gave me my birthday present! Watchmen! i was pretty overjoyed! And the Mp3 player i ordered arrived today! along with the next two invincible comics which are outstanding really. And the details for kent arrived! schweeeeeeeeeeeet!


Duuuuddde nice. Which volumes? I think you're approaching my favourite story arc bit.

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Last day of work thank god. Now to apply for a job at Dukeries.


Got my blood donor card through. I'm A+ (A rhesus positive). 35% of the population have my blood. The thieving bastards.


So you've donated blood moogle? Congrats! I really want to give blood but sadly my veins collapse under pressure, and its very difficult to even get a bottle sample let alone a pint... Maybe my body is trying to say something :blank:


Today was my uncle's funeral, and apparently everyone was in bits... So in a way I'm glad I didn't go to see it... Work was cack, and telling everyone he had died was hard..

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I've had a bit of a weird day, firstly completley out of the blue work have given me use of a company car until I leave in a month, which is going to save me a shit ton on insurance so huzzah. And my Reading tickets sold for £300 to make up for the pain of not being there on Friday seeing Rage :( Bought some new headphones as a treat (sennheiser CX300 £15 from Amazon)

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Woke up at a reasonable time. Mom appeared not long later and chatted ot her for a while. Waited for my phone which never showed. Went to meet a friend for lunch (she had wine, I had G&T and no food was consumed). Came back, ate, went to work. The other two girls were the definition of useless, I did 80% of everything. Thankfully a chef stayed behind to give me a lift home. If I wasn't there for two more weeks I'd say something.


Oh and got a phone call from a mystery shopper company. They want me to test exam invigilators. For £22 I need to take a maths test for teacher trainers. I have to cheat and if im caught and tossed out in the first fifteen minutes thats fine. If im not I have to continue but fail. Easy money. Particularly if im kicked out.

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Decent day. Someone I actually like talking to is back at work.


Last day of this DS project tomorrow, well last day I can submit bugs. Also found out I have next week off until my next project which is a PSP game. Never worked on a PSP so that might be fun.


Almost finished writing another piece for gamercorner.org . Not sure when to post it. Not sure what I'm going to write about next.


Got home and watch the first two episodes of Terminator: SCC on Blu-Ray with my sister. I've seen it before but I absolutely love it, my sister also loved it.


All in all, a good day.


And EVERYONE should read flameboy's article: http://www.n4g.com/gaming/News-185487.aspx


Very good!!

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I was working last night, my second night on the job behind a bar raping for monies. And I met this absolute wanker of a chap.


He kept coming to the bar asking me to change his notes for coins so he could go on the fruit machine, I changed 20's/10's about 5 times. At one point he said he was going "on a mission" and would be about 3 minutes, let no one go on the machine. He'd even ripped a beer mat in half and jammed it in the coin slot to show everyone he meant business.


Being the jolly barman I set out to be, I thought I'd introduce a bit of a friendly banter:

"You doing well on the machine?"

"I'm going on a mission..." proceeded to repeat himself and disappeared.


Shortly returned and asked I changed a tenner into more coins. As I was doing so he lowered his voice and said:

"There's some personal things you don't ask about that someone might want to keep to themselves..." I just stared at him.


Clearly what had happened was that something was lost in the translation. What I thought I inquired about was a general question how well he was doing on the fruit machine. What I must've inquired about was the vital statistics of his cock.


What pissed me off was that I think he left with £65 from the machine. The majority of which was probably his money back. But I would've preferred it if he left with nothing, sat down for a last drink, some random bloke comes in, pops in a quid and wins the lot.

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I was working last night, my second night on the job behind a bar raping for monies. And I met this absolute wanker of a chap.


He kept coming to the bar asking me to change his notes for coins so he could go on the fruit machine, I changed 20's/10's about 5 times. At one point he said he was going "on a mission" and would be about 3 minutes, let no one go on the machine. He'd even ripped a beer mat in half and jammed it in the coin slot to show everyone he meant business.


Being the jolly barman I set out to be, I thought I'd introduce a bit of a friendly banter:

"You doing well on the machine?"

"I'm going on a mission..." proceeded to repeat himself and disappeared.


Shortly returned and asked I changed a tenner into more coins. As I was doing so he lowered his voice and said:

"There's some personal things you don't ask about that someone might want to keep to themselves..." I just stared at him.


Clearly what had happened was that something was lost in the translation. What I thought I inquired about was a general question how well he was doing on the fruit machine. What I must've inquired about was the vital statistics of his cock.


What pissed me off was that I think he left with £65 from the machine. The majority of which was probably his money back. But I would've preferred it if he left with nothing, sat down for a last drink, some random bloke comes in, pops in a quid and wins the lot.


Whoa, that's insane o_o Some people are mental..

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Parents. Who'd have them?


I mean seriously. You're adults. You should know better. Bloody father has put me in a bad mood before bed.


did he fall off the conservetory roof by standing on the plastic which is covered in soapy water, thus breaking his pelvic recy and needing to spend the next few weeks on cruches, forcing you to take over houshold tasks and genraly fuss over him? if he did then theres an amazine coincidenc, my dad did the same.

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