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Yesterday was one of the best days I've had in a long time.


I woke up to the news that Villa had beaten Blues in the Second City Derby, local lad Gabriel Agbonlahor (the guy in my sig) scoring the winner.

Surfed the net, then had a lovely Sunday Roast. More websurfing, followed by Top Gear.

Then a bit of Sky Sports News, to find out the results of the day's other games, followed by an episode of .hack//Sign on Anime Central.

Afterwards, watched Match of the Day 2. Then played Guitar Hero 2, followed by the same episode of .hack as the one earlier (don't ask me why), which was followed by Football First on Sky Sports 1.

Then watched an hour of Scrubs, then the same episode of .hack as the one before (this time in Japanese). Went to bed at 4am. :grin:

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No offence Eenuh, but if you've not actually done it... how can you say that? Unless you have! Dum dum duuhhh...


What makes you think I haven't?



It's freezing in my room. And I'm supposed to be drawing/painting about a dozen of portraits. I think my hands will fall off. >.<;


Saw a huuuuuge flock of birds on my way home; were literally hundreds of birds in there. It was so pretty it almost made me cry (too bad I was on a bus, or I seriously might've done that).

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Today was alright. Still really achey from the party i went to on saturday night. Legs are soo heavy.

Had a terrible driving lesson too. Everything was going bad, the traffic was hideous.

Ah well.

Tonight I have stupid homework. Leaflet on X-Rays, how fun!

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Guest Stefkov

I promised myself I'd buckle down and get some homework done when I got home. That plan failed, so I'm gonna attempt to start some after dinner.

Hope to get the critical link done of my work then maybe search through my toys for an idea.

The rest of today consisted of a mediocre Computing lesson. A meditation RE lesson (more sleep ftw), Tutorial consisting of some laughs.


Oh and watching the new Might Boosh episode in my free.

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What makes you think I haven't?



The conspiracy continues :o

That and the way you go on about it makes it sound like:


A) You had it and you didn't enjoy it.

B) You just don't like sex and "icky" things

C) You've not done it before.

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Another boring Monday!


It's been an alright day although i completely messed up my religious classes timed essay...


I had an excellent english class today, and i found it really interesting! :D


Although i have to do a presentation next week on power/ authority/control with in the Tempest!


I hate presenting and i get extemely nervous and start shaking... :)

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My day has been rather splendid actually, the highlight being my joining of this fine forum, where I hope to discuss the one aspect of capitalism I enjoy. That is, of course, Nintendo. But don't tell my friends, they'll think I'm a gayer.




Joseph xx

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My day has been rather splendid actually, the highlight being my joining of this fine forum, where I hope to discuss the one aspect of capitalism I enjoy. That is, of course, Nintendo. But don't tell my friends, they'll think I'm a gayer.




Joseph xx


hahaha. Quality.

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