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My mum discharged harself from hospital today. I rang up the hospital and spoke to several of the nurses who said it was totally against their advice that she discharged herself. Apparently for the 5 days while she was in there she didn;t co-operate with the nurses either, and refused to take any of the medication they were giving her and wouldn;t even tell them how often she got chest pains. This means they could do any of the tests they needed to do on her heart and the situation is exactly the same as it was when she went in, so she's just wasted everyones time.


I rang my sister who was in tears. It's such a crap situation. Basically, my mum has decided to die (she has actually said that on several ocasions) and can't be bothered to look after herself properly. She knows she is very over weight which is making her heart even worse, but she refuses to stop eating huge amounts. she also works as a cleaning lady, which obviously is quite a physical strain, so she spends all the time complaining how exhausting and degrading it is, yet when i suggested she just goes to work on the tills at a supermarket she claimed she wouldn't enjoy it, and it would be too much effort with the big bags of potatoes.


So i rang her up tonight when i got in from work to see how she was. She was trying to start having a rant about the hospital staff, she seemed quite annoyed that i had spoken to them (probably because she told me and my sister that she was doing what they told her and taking her pills etc and didn;t want to be caught out). So i'm saying to her 'oh i hope you'll be able to get some good rest over the next few days' and things like that and suddenly she gets really annoyed and tells me to leave her in peace. I was really annoyed with her, as she really upsets my sister and i dont like the way she is behaving, so i just said 'whatever. Bye' and hung up on her.


Argh! what a stupid thing to do. I just had my sister call me up saying that i'd stressed mum out and made her chest worse. Luckily my sister is on my side, and didn't know i'd only been saying i hope she got some rest.


Apparently my mum discharged herself because she had been in a side room, and they needed to move her into the main ward, which she said would be too claustrophic. Ridiculous. And, even more ridiculous, apparently she cant stay in hospitals because of her telepathy. After a bit more tactfull digging by my sister she claims that she feels everyone elses pain and it hurts too much...


ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont know what to do, my mum is being so irrational about this. She is so miserable and depressed with life, just sell the house and go be happy till you die, me and my sister dont care about inheritance. She refuses to see the logic in that. She's just determined to martyr herself for no good reason.


Sorry for the rant, I am just so so pissed off and frustrated.


Sorry to hear about your situation, dude. :(


I'm kinda agreeing with Chris on this point. If she thinks that she is telepathic, could she be seen as unstable?

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I'm afraid I'm going to have to say goodbye to you all.


At 10:30 tomorrow I will be on my way to Prague for the start of my european tour, which will also include stints in Dortmund, Cologne and Amsterdam.


You'll all be lame without me!


We were lame with you! Haw Haw.


Also, the post time on this forum says that message was at 00:52. My computer says that it is now 00:51, so I'm sending this from the past! GREAT SCOTTT! MAAARRRTY!

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I'm afraid I'm going to have to say goodbye to you all.


At 10:30 tomorrow I will be on my way to Prague for the start of my european tour, which will also include stints in Dortmund, Cologne and Amsterdam.


You'll all be lame without me!


When will you be back? Farewell and good luck on pastures new.

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Put on my Bose headphones this morning to find that they were broken. The left ear piece doesn't work now. Why does everything I have break... I feel like Jobe except for the whole believing in God crap.


Now I'm in depressed mode with no Stardust to sing me out of...

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Put on my Bose headphones this morning to find that they were broken. The left ear piece doesn't work now. Why does everything I have break... I feel like Jobe except for the whole believing in God crap.


Now I'm in depressed mode with no Stardust to sing me out of...


thats happened to me twice, check out my bose graveyard



the ones on the right work because I ripped the wires out and re-soldered some different cable onto it but the ear piece things have totally perished so i need to take the ones from the other broken ones to make it complete. they sound amazing but the manufacturing quality is awful.


don't lose hope brother, get a soldering iron.

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Yeah, those are the exact same one I have. I have no idea how to repair them, I'll probably end up soldering my face to them, so I'll get a shop to repair them providing it isn't too expensive.


Don't suppose you know of any like quality headphones that don't break when there is a gust of wind?


I got these from America last Xmas so they've lasted barely 9 months. I'm not sure if there is a guarantee or anything or if I can claim it because they are from America or even where to bloody send them. Such a pain.

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well you have a year's guarantee on them. send them back to bose but i think you should fish out your reciepts and packaging or whatever. thie soldering isn't that difficult, just a bit of a faff.


I've no idea about reliable headphones, it's a constant war with these guys. checkout iCans, they're really cool the sound is projected kinda parallel to your ears instead of straight at them, its way better for you.

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well you have a year's guarantee on them. send them back to bose but i think you should fish out your reciepts and packaging or whatever. thie soldering isn't that difficult, just a bit of a faff.


I've no idea about reliable headphones, it's a constant war with these guys. checkout iCans, they're really cool the sound is projected kinda parallel to your ears instead of straight at them, its way better for you.


Well I got them for Xmas so thats a bit of a problem, no reciept and the packaging got chucked out with the other rubbish. I'll call them up anyway.


I wear my headphones basically all the time. I had those cheap £20 Sony ones that everyone has and they have really thick rubbery leads which I swear I could use to support my body weight whioch was great. The fricking Bose ones have these waffer thing wires, it's a joke considering how much more they cost.


It looks like you beefed them up in that photo. I wonder if there is a place I can get them to do that since I don't have a solder and really don't trust myself.


I'm not even sure if it is the wire that has broken. It was working fine yesterday and I had it for about 3 seconds this morning and the left ear just went.

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Bit of a crap day. I had an orthodontist appointment this morning and so my mouth has been in pain most of the day. I can't even concentrate on gaming. Though, should be fine by tomorrow.



I can honestly say I'm not jealous. I had braces for years. Pills and ice cream helped me alot.

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Guest Jordan

Last night, i had a shit tonne of sleep. Meaning I'm awake! And happy! And i was sooooo comfy in bed after sleeping on the floor of a boat the other night.


So yeah, great stuff all round. Plus!! Letty bought me a surprise anniversary gift. Essentially its a life size sheep. Which is made of cardboard, but its 3D and you can use it to stack books, games, DVD's and so on, on it.


I was so happy :D

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I'm abit annoyed today as I took my car back to the dealership to get this damn brake light fixed, that was at 8am, it's still not sorted, not impressed.


I actually needed (not wanted) to go to town today and I can't unless I get my car, I couldn't even go on the bus because I have to sit around and wait to pick it up!


So I have another uncomfortable day ahead of me unless it's somehow fixed within the next hour or so. So I can get to the shops and whatnot. At the very lastest it needs to be fix by 3..hopefully -.- as that would have been 7 hours!

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I can honestly say I'm not jealous. I had braces for years. Pills and ice cream helped me alot.


I've had braces once, but my jaw has recessed so now I have to go through it all again. This time I might have to have an operation as well. I have my second appointment (the one after the consult) tomorrow. Joy.

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I have nothing to do. So I'm finishing the painting of my Space Marine squad which I've modelled the colour scheme on Marvel characters. I got bored using my normal paint scheme all the time.


I've done Spiderman, Carnage, Colossus, Wolverine, The Hulk, Iron Man, Vision, Captain America, The Vision. Finishing off Venom now.

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BAH HUMBUG! apprently my car has been ready for a while, so I could have picked it up earlier except they didn't bloody ring us, even though they asked for our number so they could call us asap.


Lazy barstewards. At least I can go to town now and pick up a few things, thank god, I may pick up some lunch while I'm at it. Just got to wait for my sister to come pick me up, hopefully before half 1 -.-, she's never heard the concept of arriving on time that one.

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BAH HUMBUG! apprently my car has been ready for a while, so I could have picked it up earlier except they didn't bloody ring us, even though they asked for our number so they could call us asap.


Lazy barstewards. At least I can go to town now and pick up a few things, thank god, I may pick up some lunch while I'm at it. Just got to wait for my sister to come pick me up, hopefully before half 1 -.-, she's never heard the concept of arriving on time that one.




all this talk of your car has got me inspired- gonna talk to my parents about learning to drive tonight.

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all this talk of your car has got me inspired- gonna talk to my parents about learning to drive tonight.


I used to hate cars, infact when I first started driving I had my bike still, it makes me want to go and take my next bike test. But I wouldn't have the time. It also makes me hate public transport even more, except trains, for some reason even though trains can be late I prefer them because at least everything is still informed to me.

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