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Hello, and welcome to Yesterday's news! :)


Haha, couldn't resist.


Hehe! :D


I've been on Holiday! (poor excuse!) and it usually takes a while for me to notice these things anyway... :p


My day thus far has been a blur maybe it was the Sprite I had at lunch?


Woke up about 9:30 spaced out for about 45 minutes and suddenly found myself downstairs wandering through an empty house wondering where everyone had got to!


Turns out mum was on the phone in the garden? Highly suspicious. :heh:


Then I had some breakfast and started my EPIC SIMPSONS MARATHON!


I'm going to try and watch every episode again this summer! It didn't last long and it took me all day to watch two episodes. I kept getting distracted by anime.


I've also done a lot of thinking today and I'm in a bit of a philosophical MOOd.


Maybe this picture of THE LAST COW ON EARTH!


The philosophical Cow from my holiday got me thinking:



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180 a month, 45 a week, hmm not bad. Basically my parents will help out but I'd rather try to help myself, although it's abit silly to get the most of the money 8 weeks before I finish, because I won't need it during the holidays..


£45 a week for food alone is going to be... not hard, but tight considering the whole going out stuff. Plus text books will take a massive bite out of that. if I were you I'd talk to my parents about giving me some sort of weekly allowance to ease the pain.


Welshgamer; She types like a twat. no loss.

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I've also done a lot of thinking today and I'm in a bit of a philosophical MOOd.


Maybe this picture of THE LAST COW ON EARTH!




I regularly see two dozen on my way to and from work.


Work was quieter than expected. Not that im complaining. Spent the first two hours really having to fake it, and then after constantly mocking and abusing one girl who works there I started to feel less crap and distant.


So I came home and watched Ratatouille to cheer me up.

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I regularly see two dozen on my way to and from work.


Work was quieter than expected. Not that im complaining. Spent the first two hours really having to fake it, and then after constantly mocking and abusing one girl who works there I started to feel less crap and distant.

So I came home and watched Ratatouille to cheer me up.


As always: A Gentleman and scholar

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£45 a week for food alone is going to be... not hard, but tight considering the whole going out stuff. Plus text books will take a massive bite out of that. if I were you I'd talk to my parents about giving me some sort of weekly allowance to ease the pain.


Welshgamer; She types like a twat. no loss.


Without sounding up my own arse, I'll be getting a weekly allowance anyway, I'm just going to keep it hush hush whilst at uni because it's not fair on those who struggle with money.


My day although it's only half 10 has actually been pretty productive, since I got my haircut wednesday I dyed the fringe back again as it was going grey, went to the shop and bought lunch as well as a solero to eat on the way back ^_^


Currently going through all my files, specially my picture ones and getting rid of everything that isn't up to date ^_^! I like cleanness

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As always: A Gentleman and scholar


I always have a staff member I abuse. As they say; treat 'em mean keep 'em keen.


She gives as good as she takes...well tries.


I need to find some motivation to get off this bed today.

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Yesterday: Went to the car auctions but didn't buy a car as they were all crap/out of the price range. It feels like ages ago since i passed my test and i'm so bored at the minute i would like a car to get me to places where i won't be bored (swimming, national trust park for a BBQ or something).


Today: My new guitar tuner arrived as i lost my old one, so i've re-strung and tuned both my electric and acoustic, and now they sound great again :D

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Without sounding up my own arse, I'll be getting a weekly allowance anyway, I'm just going to keep it hush hush whilst at uni because it's not fair on those who struggle with money.



I get £40 a week. Even out of term time :P But I think that's fine, as I don't get any other help with anything at all.


Went to bed... late. Woke up just now - going to go to THREE libraries in order to pick up a bunch of books for my retake. Three! No single library has all of them in. Looking at the online catalogue it's really quite crazy to see how many books are overdue/broken. For some reason nobody seems to like Moonstone as there's one surviving copy and about 20 "being repaired" ones in brighton libraries.


So yeah, FUN FUN FUN!!!

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Holy hell my dad's great ^_^, he just got an unexpected bonus and just walked through the door and handed me 60quid WOOHOO!


Niiiiiiice. =)



We are making a marshmallow cake. It's now in the oven, the marshmallows are waiting to be melted on top of it. Smells delicious so far, mmmm. ^______^


Other than that, it's hotttt here and I haven't done anything yet today. Might swim a bit soon, once my sister and her boyfriend are bored of being in there. =P

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Herbal teas are such a let down. They sound great, they smell really nice when you first pour the hot water on, and then... they don't taste of anything. Or rather they don't taste nearly as good as you were hoping; I just tried a peppermint tea and I'm pretty sure you could emulate the taste by brushing your teeth and then sipping some hot water.


Ah well, I'm going to make some Bombay potatoes for dinner. Hopefully they'll be a bit more flavoursome.

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Herbal teas are such a let down. They sound great, they smell really nice when you first pour the hot water on, and then... they don't taste of anything. Or rather they don't taste nearly as good as you were hoping; I just tried a peppermint tea and I'm pretty sure you could emulate the taste by brushing your teeth and then sipping some hot water.


Ah well, I'm going to make some Bombay potatoes for dinner. Hopefully they'll be a bit more flavoursome.


I agree, but I like peppermint tea, it makes my stomach feel good :)


oh and fruit tea is ROTTEN.

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Holy hell my dad's great ^_^, he just got an unexpected bonus and just walked through the door and handed me 60quid WOOHOO!


If I didn't love you I'd hate you :p


Went to town. Later realised I didn't buy what I went for. Went to dad's...forgot to take the stuff necessary to sort out his bills. Doi.


Other than that did a bit of visual scrapbook stuff. Quiet (and warm) day.

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Just took a look at my bank balance, still looking good until next pay day in 3 weeks. Thought i'd have less than that already compared to last month, already £70 up.


Other than that, my days been good. Work was good, tiring as per usual i believe. Now sorting myself out for a night out in town as such.

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Like I promised, pics of the marshmallow cake! The white stuff, hiding under the chocolate covering, is the marshmallow stuff. Sadly, one of my sisters was complaining she doesn't like marshmallows much, so we were only allowed to put a very thin layer on there... which in the end we could barely taste. Booooh. Ended up throwing away more than half of our marshmallow glacing stuff. =(






Still was nice though, the inside is sort of like a chocolate cake, so yay for lots of chocolate! =D


Oh and I swam a bit today, first time this year I think, which was nice. Maybe I'll go in again right now; swimming at night whoo! ^____^

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Eenuh that marshmallow Cake looks really tasy! :grin: and Lae Night swimming FTW! :D


I just had an EPIC barbacue and you've made me hungry all over again! :heh:


My day has been awesome. My friend came over and we went off to see the Dark Knight which was brilliant in everyway and the Joker was simply amazing! :heart:


Came back and Mum had prepared a BBQ which was so much fun and my friends brother got a bit tipsy and came out with "I'm drunk and I'm not afraid to use it!" It was so funny! :grin:


The whole evening was just a lot of laughing. ^____^

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I really need to see the Dark Knight, rave reviews everywhere I turn (here, the web, friends etc.) Its my goal to see it next week.

Eenuh, the cake looks wonderful! (and there goes the sound of my stomach)

But as for todays activities... FINALLY GOT AN INTERVIEW!!! Never been so happy, just to have an interview but I'm going to make this count! London Zoo would be an absoloutely epic place to work at :D It'd look great for my course too!


new bish game is up... [/shamelessselfpromotion]

I'm not family with Bishing but I'll definitely check it out!

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Another dismal taste of reality. I need a break but I have nowhere to go.


Finally finished my epic collage. It has kylie minogue, say anything, brand new, tellison, dartz, young knives and YDM lyrics. If this isn't appreciated, someone will be having their face cheese grated.

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