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2 years ago, I did some little drawings for a book - I originally got asked, because my mum was helping the author because he is terribley dyslexic, and I never thought anything would come of it, but it turns out that its now getting published - and Ive got a sort of preview copy here!! :D




(sorry for all the images today)



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2 years ago, I did some little drawings for a book - I originally got asked, because my mum was helping the author because he is terribley dyslexic, and I never thought anything would come of it, but it turns out that its now getting published - and Ive got a sort of preview copy here!! :D




(sorry for all the images today)




Congrats =)

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2 years ago, I did some little drawings for a book - I originally got asked, because my mum was helping the author because he is terribley dyslexic, and I never thought anything would come of it, but it turns out that its now getting published - and Ive got a sort of preview copy here!! :D

Nice work, Letty. Well, presumably.


Author is a bit of a strange profession choice for someone seriously dyslexic; you'd think it would be their worst nightmare. Then again, I want to be a writer and it's come to my attention that I'm quite possibly dyslexic, albeit mildly. My mum knows someone willing to run me through a test to determine whether I really am or not, but I'm a bit hesitant.


Anyway, I played with Bobby the three-legged dog at work today. He seriously loves playing catch, and is also surprisingly good at it.

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Congrats Letty :D


I had work 11.30-6. And two parties of 15 teachers from different schools in at 12.15 and 12.30, along with the normal barrage of old people we get. Busy busy busy! But we survived.


Me and the girl I was on with stopped for a drink in the backroom for a while chatting about one thing and another and then people started thinking we we're on a date. I was like "give me some credit. If I were to take her on a date it wouldn't be here. I have class you know?"


Other than that, nothingness day.

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Only three kisses?!


I get no kisses from anyone =[


My day:

2 hour pass plussing! motorway times!! it was kinda dull/interesting/boring/weird

12 o clock i worked for 4 hours!

The david came round! we played brawl till 10!



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Only three kisses?!


I get more in person... :wink:


Nah, I'm kidding. Actually whilst talking about her, she's a mystery: some people say she really likes me, some say she really doesn't, some say she doesn't know how she feels, and I'm entirely oblivious to the whole thing...

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Thats really cool, Lettymonster. Well done to you. ;)


Ashley, did you nail her with your pogo stick? HWOAR!!!


Only three kisses?!


Dude, three kisses is a good, good sign.


I have my own description about what it means when people put a certain number of kisses on the end of txts or messages:


"x" One Kiss


I am txting a man

I am txting a relative that I don't really feel that fond of.

I'm your girlfriend/boyfriend, and am a bit pissed off with you.

I am angry.

Don't call me again. This kiss is for politeness.



"x x" Two Kisses


I think you're a good friend

I'm quite fond of you and enjoy txting you, hence why I can be bothered to put the extra kiss.

We have a good working relationship.

Well done on doing that task for me, babes.

I like you.


"x x x" Three Kisses


I think you're hot

I enjoy txting you, and/or being flirty with you.

Newly started relationship, or well established friendship bordering on incestuous love.

You mean a lot to me.



"x x x x" Four Kisses


The same as the above, but with a bit more zoomph!

I really really like you, and not just flirting with you.

I will forever be your sex slave.


"x x x x xx x x x x x x xx x x xxxx x x x x x" Multiple kisses/Large number of kisses


Please don't leave me for somebody else.

I am having sex with your best friend.

Please don't leave me for somebody better.

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Okay, Fierce Link, I am in dire need of your help.


Mein friend keeps texting me

'xox' at the end.


Please tell me, does this 'o' reduce me to two kisses? or does the 'o' count as a bonus point?


Means hug...so i'm gonna say a kissing hug and a kiss goodbye? sounds like the end of a good date to me

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Means hug...so i'm gonna say a kissing hug and a kiss goodbye? sounds like the end of a good date to me


But she continues to text, either way, its a pain in the ass knowing I have to return the favour.


Thats it, I have decided to make a new character to associate signs of love with. If x is kiss, and o is hug, I now declare 'c' for pleasuring of the oral kind.


Is that too cyber-ish? All in favour say aye.



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Okay, Fierce Link, I am in dire need of your help.


Mein friend keeps texting me

'xox' at the end.


Please tell me, does this 'o' reduce me to two kisses? or does the 'o' count as a bonus point?


As others have stated, that "o" is a hug. My friend does it to me a lot, too.


It means you have a good friendship with that person.


Edit: Does she do it after the end of every txt, or specific ones? If its specific, what is the content of that txt?


Edit, the sequel: Aimless, you are a tart. Of the strawberry variety.

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Edit: Does she do it after the end of every txt, or specific ones? If its specific, what is the content of that txt?


Well every text, but she some times drops the 'o' and puts an x in its place.


As for content (oh boy im lolling, help me decide if she's interested or just a slag)


(Removes the text starter)

Urm, I can move it fast, fold it in half, stretch it out far!

Wht else can u do?or wana do?xxx

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Well every text, but she some times drops the 'o' and puts an x in its place.


As for content (oh boy im lolling, help me decide if she's interested or just a slag)




What the fuck, dude? Is it MEANT to be folded in half?!


Edit: I'm not even sure if I know what IT is?!

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What the fuck, dude? Is it MEANT to be folded in half?!


Edit: I'm not even sure if I know what IT is?!


Haha, oh man, think about body parts you could possibly flirt with in text form, infact, look at your recent escapades in the Image Gallery for a further clue!


Blalently Mr stretch armstrong




I fucking lol'd.

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