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Drama on the Tube today!!


I was sitting there on the Bakerloo line, minding my own business, when it stops at Picadilli Station and doesn't move for ages. Then a voice over says: Due to a radio Failure, trains are no longer able to continue their normal things, or something. So we were like, shit. and got off the train. Then as we were on the escalator, a voice over says:


'Please do not panic, but everyone must leave the station via the nearest exit. as quickly as possible'




I was excited., but I wonder what happened.

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I woke up at 1.30 today, ate 2 pain au chocolat, then have done nothing since.


Well, I played Ultimate Spider-man and Batman: Dark Tomorrow on GC. I can't believe how bad DT actually is. It's so fucking hard to control.

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Guest Jordan
Drama on the Tube today!!


I was sitting there on the Bakerloo line, minding my own business, when it stops at Picadilli Station and doesn't move for ages. Then a voice over says: Due to a radio Failure, trains are no longer able to continue their normal things, or something. So we were like, shit. and got off the train. Then as we were on the escalator, a voice over says:


'Please do not panic, but everyone must leave the station via the nearest exit. as quickly as possible'




I was excited., but I wonder what happened.


Jeeze... Kerazy! Have fun shopping? :p


In other news, PC World are shit. They aren't dispatching my order till MONDAY. How the christ does it take 3 days to process a fucking order?

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Went to the gym today. Off to a party later.


Man I love fit women on treadmills. There was a lass in there who used to be in my year at school. She is really hot and she was running on the treadmill. Her tits were bouncing in a very sexy motion. Like two bags of love hypnotising you with their feminine charm. No matter what machine I was on there was always one muscle being used.


I think there should be a law that fit women have to run on treadmills.

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I love chiili.

Chilli sausages for breakfast

Chilli crisps for daytime snacks.

Chilli for dinner.


im making chilli too, with a liberal amount of tobasco.


my day went well. had an interview for some company in newcastle, which i was a little nervious about. they MD starts saying how my qualifacation (psychology) wasnt really appropriate. i was bricking it, then he said "but your communication skills are excellent, so id like you to come back tommorow. im there from 12 till bloody 9. hoping i can still make the pub with mates for one or two after, as was my origional plan.

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I also love Chilli.



Mmmmm chilli.


My day has turned into epic yaynay. LEGO Agents is finally up on the UK website...WITH the two super duper mega cool not yet released in the US sets! The bad news is I have to update my account before I can buy, and an error message keeps popping up!

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Today has been really relaxing even football was mildly entertaining! :)


Watched some Alan Partridge for the first time ever, thought it was funny!


Last day tomorrow, WOOOOOOOOOOOO! :grin: then the Summer Holiday's begin. I'm off up to Wales straight away and just found out today my Mum has booked for a weeks holiday in Italy. :yay:

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*Warning. Haggis is fucked off*


I've just been told my sisters been missing for the past few days. I was about to celebrate until I was then told she has nicked a credit card from the person she was staying with (her best mates mum). She's spent over 1500 pounds on it in the past 3 weeks and was telling everyone including her best mate it was just "money my parents have given to me..inheritence".


Now she's been found out, she's just vanished. Soon she'll turn up on the front door and demand money and get violent. The police haven't arrested her even though she's broken her "order" 7 times, and they can't arrest her for the credit card fraud until they "investigate further".


I loathe this countries police force, but most of all I loathe her. I just wish we'd get the news she's been found in a ditch somewhere. I don't care how harsh that sounds, it would solve this families problems, and end hers.

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*Warning. Haggis is fucked off*


I've just been told my sisters been missing for the past few days. I was about to celebrate until I was then told she has nicked a credit card from the person she was staying with (her best mates mum). She's spent over 1500 pounds on it in the past 3 weeks and was telling everyone including her best mate it was just "money my parents have given to me..inheritence".


Now she's been found out, she's just vanished. Soon she'll turn up on the front door and demand money and get violent. The police haven't arrested her even though she's broken her "order" 7 times, and they can't arrest her for the credit card fraud until they "investigate further".


I loathe this countries police force, but most of all I loathe her. I just wish we'd get the news she's been found in a ditch somewhere. I don't care how harsh that sounds, it would solve this families problems, and end hers.


Ouch, harsh words there. I'd hate to be in her shoes right about now, and i don;t think yours would be too good either.


My day has been ok. Ran out of programming work so i was moved into the modelling and detailing department for a few days while the work load balances out. Quite fun work i must say, currently constructed a 3 story building made of girders which seem to be locked one inside the other. At least its only practice and not the real thing.

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*Warning. Haggis is fucked off*


I've just been told my sisters been missing for the past few days. I was about to celebrate until I was then told she has nicked a credit card from the person she was staying with (her best mates mum). She's spent over 1500 pounds on it in the past 3 weeks and was telling everyone including her best mate it was just "money my parents have given to me..inheritence".


Now she's been found out, she's just vanished. Soon she'll turn up on the front door and demand money and get violent. The police haven't arrested her even though she's broken her "order" 7 times, and they can't arrest her for the credit card fraud until they "investigate further".


I loathe this countries police force, but most of all I loathe her. I just wish we'd get the news she's been found in a ditch somewhere. I don't care how harsh that sounds, it would solve this families problems, and end hers.


Ah dude that sucks. Hope its sorted out soon.

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What the fuck is wrong with my university?! They should've sent me my exam results yesterday, and I still don't have them (I'm not the only one by the way). For fuck's sake, this is just unacceptable.


That sucks. =/

Makes me kinda glad we have to go in to get a paper with our results (even though they also get posted online).


Anyway, today has been boring. Cleaned out my closet and took out quite some clothes I don't wear anymore. Was going to do more cleaning (my desk for example), but I've gotten tired of it at the moment. Just turned on Majora's Mask but couldn't really get into it. I feel tired but I don't know why (because I think I slept enough), I want to sleep but it's too early for bed.



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Guest Stefkov
Drama on the Tube today!!


I was sitting there on the Bakerloo line, minding my own business, when it stops at Picadilli Station and doesn't move for ages. Then a voice over says: Due to a radio Failure, trains are no longer able to continue their normal things, or something. So we were like, shit. and got off the train. Then as we were on the escalator, a voice over says:


'Please do not panic, but everyone must leave the station via the nearest exit. as quickly as possible'




I was excited., but I wonder what happened.

Maybe your hair made you look like a terrorist.

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Sorry to hear about that, Haggis...If you don't mind me asking, what's her deal?


Basically she's mental. Well, not really, but she's "messed up" according to a doctor that managed to talk to her when she was in prison. For the past 5 years she's been breaking the law and doing things like stealing, assulting people etc. She used to be one of the brightest students in school but then she got in with the wrong crowd and is basically now a drug-addict who blames everything on everyone but herself. She's also a compulsive liar and even when she has no need to, she does it.


Sisters, aye.

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So like my girlfriend has moved in with me. It's going well so far but my God she has an amazing amount of clothes >_<


Apart from that I have fixed my computers media drive and my girlfriends camera this evening! ah It's a nice feeling after fixing things successfully :)

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