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Spent most of the day in the glorious sun on the South Bank. Walked up to the Tate Modern and back.


Earlier I had lunch with my friend and his dad. My friend is going away for a year so I'm not going to see him for ages. Not sure what I'm going to do, he has kept me sane this year. :(


Walked along the river with my sister.


I start work again on Monday so tomorrow is going to be a mega chill out day. I wonder what game I'm going to be working on...

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I had some good news earlier. My uncle is a lot better, and is now in a comfortable state. ^____________^


They are still a little worried as he had heart problems before and theres scarring and stuff. But out of the woods for now, and should be able to continue his cancer therapy!



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Yay raining that's ace :)


Just got back from my friends, went last night to her housemates party as he's leaving for wolvo soon, it was pretty cool and I was knackered, but we went to manchester this afternoon.


It's so nice to have decent friends again I swear.

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Alternatively you could have left it in the seal and got the songs/tunes via another means.


Today worked again. Joined in with the vodka drinking group which started at 11 o'clock. Joined in late though at about 2. Played some table tennis and came home.


Naww the contents are always good, even if it be a sheet of all the lyrics and the CD. Awkward consumer for the win.

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Guest Jordan
Haha and easy to unpack! ^^


My day has been rather epic. :smile: I got up and my mum and sister gave me my birthday present early (like a week early XD)


1TB Western Digital External hd! :awesome:


I'm in love! <3




I'll one up you with my pair of 500GB HDD's going in my server.


Its current HDD's make 1.2TB... soon it'll be 2.2TB.


Owned :D

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I'll one up you with my pair of 500GB HDD's going in my server.


Its current HDD's make 1.2TB... soon it'll be 2.2TB.


Owned :D


I've got a 1.7tb server, another 320gb on laptop and a 250gb on computer :heh:


*buys more hdd space to own Sanchez*


LOL I'm comparing disk size with people on the internet... I need to get out more XD

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Guest Jordan
I've got a 1.7tb server, another 320gb on laptop and a 250gb on computer :heh:


*buys more hdd space to own Sanchez*


LOL I'm comparing disk size with people on the internet... I need to get out more XD


Yeah... we should all just shut the hell up and realise Letty has a better graphics card than all us all peons. :(

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I went to work today to earn a nice bit of overtime. £220 infact for 7 hours work :)


Then I hit operation clear out wardrobes.


3 black sacks later and im done. The reason? The missus is moving in tomorrow and I needed to make space for her. Damn I had a lot of crap.

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Im actually kinda happy today...in the last week Ive had three messages from people interested in commissioning me to make some custom Heroclix.


Ive finally hit the big league! Practise truely does make...perfect.


Edit; OMG I am so fucking stupid its untrue. For all my life Ive thought that the Empire State Building is this other building. No wonder I said it looks completely different in RL! Ha Im such a fool. I thought the one on the left was the Empire State Building.


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Day was looooong. Got to the bride's parents house at 9, left the reception at 10.15. Wish I had charged more.


Was good though, quite a pleasant and nice day. The bride was suprisingly nice, considering the groom (who is granted a nice person but not a "catch"). Was nice to see certain friends again. Ended up taking 500 photos (some were for personal use)


But I decided to walk back (took me about 35 minutes) rather than faff around for someone to pay for a taxi (groom offered but knew it would be too much faff) but then my ipod needs restoring! Gutted. So I had to walk back sans music. Was torture.


And now im going to shower, grab some cake (although all I've eaten all day is sandwiches and cake) and relax.


And I think something has bit me on my neck...


Oh and my dad continued to be a fucktard and piss everyone off. When I found out I got off the phone (as thats what told me) and downed half a glass of champagne. It helped.

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Woke up at about 1pm today. I probably should shower today..haven't done it in at least 3 maybe 4 days eeee I love the summer!


Umm... Eww?


I've had 5 showers today, one when before I went to bed last night at about 12ish, one when I got up this morning because I was still shattered and needed to be at work an hour later, one after I had finished my first set of lessons and then another after my next set of lessons and then one tonight because my hair still felt horrible.


Morale of the story? I hate chlorine.

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Oi, my day.


Work was annoying, because I still felt like such crap. Kept blowing my nose (skin around it is really peeling off D: ) and coughing like crazy. They also changed the filing system for some papers, and so we had to redo all of them, which took agesssssss.


I napped for a couple of hours in the afternoon and didn't really get back into action until about 6-7 pm. Sat in the sun (filling in crossword puzzles!), watched some tv (some movie of which I don't know the title) and played Brawl until 1 am (no online though since no one was on). =)

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